Show TO HAVE A FINE testimonial MAYOR GLASMANN HAS BEEN DELEGATED BY THE association TO RECEIVE AND FORWARD subscriptions the testimonial willbern Willbe ln the form of a handsome silver service 4 some tima ago a national committee with general joseph Uh celer as chairman and alio western rational bank of cw york aa treasurer formed for the purpose of raising by popular sub a fund chichis to be used for the purpose of presenting sir thomas lipton with a silver covieo as testimonial of tho esteem of the american people the idea ia to ha veach city in tie united states participate in this testimonial annl clifford aayne harbridge the wro tetto mayor glas buann and asked that tho latter act I 1 on the committee in this city the mayor accepted in return ho has re d letter of chanka for lia prompt net in tho letter delegates him the authority and forward subscriptions |