Show CRANK TRIES TO SEE ROOSEVELT oyster bay N Y sept BUS licious character giving hi name as samuel was held up by the secret bervice officers at sagamore hill late yesterday afternoon while making an effort to see the president II 11 was turned back to the village shadowed stopped in oyster bay searched and later placed on a train for new york he was unarmed and appeared to be a harmless harm leas crank possibly a religious fanatic who is a slightly built man of about 33 years with a reddish brown beard and mustache bauo eyes and a strongly foreign cast of countenance walked up to t nc roadway leading to sagamore hill about this afternoon lie waa shabbily attired his clothes being badly torn in several placa he was sloped by a secret service he told the officer that he was a swede and had come from new york to see the president and sagamore hill having read about the President rt summer home in the newspapers A short time before the president accod by mrs loosevelt Boo sevelt had gone from the house to the woods nearby to chop wood that being a favorite exercise of his the man was turned back by the officer who told him the president was not at home Swe nyon who said he was a gardnar gard ncr looked curiously about the grounds and then started on his return to the village lie was followed by another officer in ono of the presidents road wagons asked a passing driver for a ride and rod into the village with him iio had scarcely arrived in oyster bay when ho wa taken from the wagon oy two secret service officers and examined had nothing in his pockets except about four dollar in money and a swedish religious newspaper on a sheet of paper lie wrote his name and address in a perfectly legible hand his only object in coming to oyster bay he said wag to see a gamora hill and the president about whom tie had heard and read a great deal lie arrived here on the 3 19 train yesterday afternoon but did not have A return ticket to new york after examining him thoroughly the officers were convinced that he waa entirely harmless and that he was neither an anarchist nor a socialist he readily acceded to the suggestion of the officers that he leave the village they accompanied him to the station and he bought his own ticket to new york he left on the arnin shaking handi with the before he entered the car at no time did he appear to be excited except when one of the olcen at sagamore hill told him that if he returned he waa liable to dixs shot he left th hill in a hurry he answered all questions in a frank and manner and bore every evidence gf beier an unsophisticated foreigner tou cheil sightly perhaps with reli irions fanaticism who had been induced to come here merely by h curiosity |