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Show Hlffaat Haiirh la Teiaa. ' The "X. 1. T." In the Pan Handla V ! Is the greatest ranch In Texas, tmbrac Ing half dozon counties and contain- Ing nearly 3,000,000 acres. The ranch Is divided Into seven sections, Bach managed by a foreman, and each eon- nected with the heailquartor by mean of telephones. Th whole 1 V run with the ayatem and dispatch which characterize all great Indsa- f tries. On this ranch now run contddsr- ably more than 100.000 head of cattle, ' ' and an Idea of the size may be gained S from the fact that the pasture fence ' extends 210 miles In one direction and ; twenty-five In another, making a total of 5.000 square miles. From time to tlm small parrel of the land have ' been sold, and meanwhile valuntlona have appreciated from fifty cents an ' acre to four time that umouut. Detroit Free Press. . |