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Show Rev. Irl II Hlehe le e Notwllhatandmg a widely current ramor that the Ree. Irl R. Hle waa dMd, ha never waa la bitter health, and never did a harder and aiore eocceaaful year'i work than that Juet cloaing. He haa jut completed hia large and eplen-did eplen-did Almanac for lvOI and, with bia ataff of able helpen, haa brought bia journal, WORD AND WORKS, jnitly fnrword into in-to International reputation. For a quarter ofaeentury Mr. Hickibw grown In repuatlon and uefainra aa the peo-ple'a peo-ple'a aalionomer.and (orecaater of ttorm and the character of ei)min aeaaona. Sever were hia weathr lorecaita ao ought altar aa now, kit timely warning ol a aarioua drouth thia year having aaved tha people from lou and !u tiering. Millionaof buahalaof ebeat were har-veeted har-veeted tbiougb hia advice to plant crnpe thel would mature early. The American Ameri-can people will certainly tted by Prof, liijka wheiiltcoaielhrm lUtla and Ihe b-nent. are ao great. Hia One Alui.-nac Alui.-nac of iWO pagne la only . "J hi aplandld family Journal ! dollr year Including tne Alaianac. Send to WORD AND WORKS Pub. Co , uxuai Hi., St. I.jaia,iHo. |