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Show oo- AMUNDSEN TO CARRY LETTERS OVER POLE SEATTLE. Wash., Oct 2 One of tho most spectacular chapters In tho annals of world wide postal delivery may be written when Captain Ronald Ron-ald Amundsen, famous Norwegian explorer, ex-plorer, wings his way across the top of the wolr din his proposed attempt to fly an airplane from the tip of Alaska to northernmost Europe via the North Pole. With him In his monoplane will ride a mall sack containing con-taining letters written by Nome residents resi-dents for delivery' to friends in En-J rope If weather conditions had not forced a postponement of the flight until next year, tin so letters might have reached their destination a week ahead of the time required to make delivery by the established routes. As ' it is, arriving perhaps more than a year later, they will have a priceless historical alue to their recipients who will doubtless follow tho affairs! of their explorer-postman with in-j tensifled Interest. According to a report by Postmaster Postmas-ter Walsh of Nome to local postal officials, the letters were written when j Captain Amundsen was about to de- j part from the mining camp on his way to Walnwrlght. 100 miles south-I west of Point Barrow, where ho will j winter awaiting favorable conditions for his proposed flight. oo |