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Show Thurhday, December 13, 1956 THE WE HAVE Christmas corsages, centerpieces, cemetery and door pot plants wreaths, Poinsettias, and cut flowers. Nephi FloraL llfSSv SHOP AT THE TOGGERY To I CLEAN TINT, the amazing color shampoo that you simply spinge onto yourr ugs or sofa. Creates h, full suds of color that clean and tint your fabric in one oper- Two restore a chair set ition. 9x12 ru. Won't rub off, streak Chapman Furn-jr stiffen fabric 300. iv.ri Co., Phone please your man on illy Palomino Quar colt gentle and well a good Christmas developed See Ronpresent for some boy ald Worwood. 2tip FOR SALE 1 ter-hor- se MEPHI, TIMES-NEW- Non-Thinke- UTAH Pag Add Statistics To rs National Safety Council Records By Paul Jones, and crashed through the wall of the third floor bedroom. No one was injured, but Cowart made the car get out. Mrs. Loretta Lewis of Chorlot-t- e, N. C, considered herself to be alive and conscious lucky when ncar landed at the bottom of a embankment alongside a railroad track after plunging off the highway. She felt even luckier a few seconds later after a train roared by, side swiped the wreckage of the car. Mrs. Lewis found she had escaped from the double danger with only a broken arm and a few bruises. ' These were adventurous folks who were just plain lucky. Think, too, of the hundreds who have paid with their lives for moments oi careless adventure. Drive careit pays big dividends. fully National Safety Council Are you, perchance, the advenDo you yearn for turous type? the unusual, the new and differThen you may find just ent? what you are dreaming of in the odd happenings rounded up by the National Safety Council in its search for freak accidents. Would you like, for example, to toss a time bomb back and forth with a gopher. Or to be shot by moody dog ? Would you care to smoke a firecracker instead of lay-awa- " TOY J 5fl - lV" ST ' i CH O CO L ATE - L,i I ' .i ' . ' '2 hol!dofJ How it tho tlm. to do you i Aopptao. Tout ICA Food Smms hoM raosiwd ihu loigo Christmas otdm now. ond rouii hod rwiything lot hobdsr mools al IGAi Everyday Low Pncssl You out mm lb tins! to loodi and nKMMT toolI Com to today and hop tho ICA way. s 3Zv Vf ' ' . SjM" J Ufw I sGi"""-' " i IJ "Kitchva Tasted y Marlene MARGARINE 3 lb 1.00 . GOLD MEDAL : 10 lbs FLOUR 1.07 BETTY CROCKER INSTANT Mix v t- - 2 rosting BETTY CROCKER -C- AKE MIX 2 -F- i- jf WWi I I POWDERED SUGAR 2 lbs 27c n il pi r.ix ma o anonen anoeem ids doc isLl lfl J fgi firffTu if J3 illI i(7 J rrT Z I SS&S? ''W'V' tan rW " v 63c fiw I ottle 49c 9Y2oi packages LIBBYS FRUIT COCKTAIL lL No. 303 size cans DENNS0NS CHILI CON 4 CARNE (with beans) CORNED BEEF IGA or SWIFTS IGA XTAAR1CHY TOMATO JUICE IGA FANCY CHUNK TUNA - cans 12 oz can 46ozE-- c 93( 41 cans yiQC 4j iL fine & Cremes or Macaroon Sandwich 3 pkgs .00 1 2 NEW COMET CANS TTrvVy REDUCTIONS Mixelusive Ladies Shop i A 4 sieve CUT GREEN BEANS ( ! ..the e"! :??,E fTTda iajtz-) THEY MUST HAVE HAD THEIR BRAKES Bank for Everybody Santa Clauses ' It's more fun playing Santa Claus when you give gifts that are guaranteed to please. For example: 17 .-wy, Give a BOOK BANK. It looks like a book but is a bank. Holds both coins and currency. Tuck in some yourself. U MC 18 oz 303s cans 03 - - -A ' S3 jar ' J.00 ' f'y s e i 'Vf' I "Si' I 4 fV rj ' '- P - cESj B 11' W '' ' i t cans 23c 1 il ' 'Ll 11 cans ' t Give PERSONALIZED wmeon an tlhLW numDere- - fjl Give ANOTHER KIND OF savings account pass book. Start it with any amount you choose. BOOK- -a j 502 I CHECK'N mmmm'miijSmmm I ' ' ACCUNT choose as an initial deposit. All mmmL Do some gift shopping at First Security 1 AND OPERATED- LOCALLY OWNED COMPLETE SMOKING AND CURING SERVICE PHONE 57 NEPHI, UTAH 56 EAST CENTER -- I cooed $mv Imnk W gaaMgm Uotx, NX rim Unrtty tank t Utoh, U.K. fir Ucmity Mfen Fadtral DtMll lmrnct CoiporaUM d 1 MVTUH CVJ IMPORTANT NOTICE 0. 00 7 303s cans IGA DEVILED MEAT HUNTS HEW POTATOES I FIRST SECURITY. Si -y- D DOESN'T COST A LOT AT GARBETT'S TO BE WELL DRESSED!! IT -- IGA CREAMY PEANUT BUTTER YEAR-EN- ng "V & WINTER COAT yKi V v.3f OPEN 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. DAILY U Uvw-V-'i- 29c CLEANSER IGA CORN COOKIES - Oreos, Swiss YOUR CHOICE 43' reserve your selection PURCHASE YOUR COAT NOW AT J Lfe V . VHOLESUN 6 oz ORANGE JUICE 7 cans 1.00 Cream or Wh. Ker IGA XTRA WHIPT Quart SALAD DRESSING NABISCO cans wiSI ok 63c PICTSWEET .CUT CORN 2 pkgs 29c - - Each 27c - Pay a Small unm uirmmas fF3Jrtfi. FROZEN FOODS KELL0GGS RICE KRISPIES SELECT NOW Deposit and we VAITINO TO CROS5 THIS THOROUGHFAR- E- 2 pkgs 19c 2 oz s ON THE PURCHASE OF YOUR NEW i. PLAIN OR IODIZED IGASALT- -z VANILLA Schillings in U YOU CAN NftW SAVF rKEr Roger Cole of Alpena, Michig an wishes people who drive houses on public highways would stay on their own side of the road. Cole's car was parked on the shoulder of U. S. 23 when a crew approached. The side of the house clipped the side of Cole's car. In Dallas, Mrs. Edward Lee Cowart investigated a noise in the 'bedroom, reported back to her husband, "honey, there's a car in There was too. The your bed." auto had missed a turn in a skyscraper parking garage next to the hotel where the Cowart's lived, leaped six feet through space house-movi- 3 2xredded WHILE STOCK IS AT ITS PEAK smoking. 0 a Notice is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners oi juao county, at a snecial meM, ing to be held at the Court House in wephi, Utah, on the 29th of December. 1956. at 10:00 A day m will consider the adoption of the Juab County Budget for the year 1957, and that public hearing will be allowed on said budget prior iu us auopuon. WITNESS my hand and seal this 11th day of December, 1956. James P. Christensen (Seal) Juab Countv Clerk and Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners Date of publication: December 13 Mdt,v.:' 1956, in The Times-Nw- s Utah. two-inc- for Lhriitmad NEW SHIPMENT OF PUBLIC HEARING MATTER OF THE ADOPTION OF THE JUAB COUNTY BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 1957 e, J S3i I) in lime OF "out ON THE 26-in- ch SAVE IN NEPHI receive 50-fo- ot a cigarette? Those and many other dizzy do GIFTS FOR EVERYONE now ings were turned up by the Coun at Nephi Jewelry. Select now and cil. To wit: y our plan will hold it The gopher that kept pestering for you. Nephi Jewelry. farmer Paul Thomas of Las Ve gas, Nevada was no fool. When YOUR OLD WATCH is still Thomas shoved a lighted concusworth something on a new Bul- - sion bomb down the gopher hole, the gopher shoved it right back. ova or Elgin at Nephi Jewelry. Thomas frantically hurled the bomb away. It landed near his Rebuilt FOR SALE exploded and burned up 12 See at K. J. barn, boy's bicycle tons of hay. The gopher loved ev Sperry office in Nephi or call ery minute of it. ItiP You can hardly lame the dog 0485R3 that shot John Beyreis in Pawnee Used con City, Nebraska. After all, Beyreis, WANTED TO BUY J. B. the city dog catcher, was taking ventional tvroe washer the pooch to the pound to shoot 215W. Jenkins, phone him. Riding morosely in the back of the panel truck, the dog looked at Beyris shotgun, WANTED TO BUY. Training meditatively reached out a paw, discharged the wheels for a 20" wheel bike gun and shot the dog catcher in the foot. Call 325W. Neither can you be too harsh on WE HAVE an assortment of the deer that shot Ed. Stanley, of Heights, Nev., for hunter priced Need Thayer Rocking horses Stanley-hathe first blood from 7.50 up. We also have Doll by shooting drawn the deer. As Stanley See soft and toys. cuddly Buggies bent over his prey, the deer gave tfiem at Chaoman Furniture in a lusty kick, hit the rifle and Down went Stanley with bang! phone 300. Nephi a bullet in his knee. Patrolman Fred Golden of Florida is glad his pants aren't as good a shot as a dog or a deer. He was holding the trousers with one hand and brushing them off when a loose pistol in one of his pockets went off. The shot missed him. And in Knoxville, Tennessee, a man reached for a cigarette, stuck h a firecracker in his mouth and lit it. From his hospital bed he announced he had given up his EVERYTHING FOR MEN TO WEAR 8 Rve tank ft k tprinft I |