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Show Pag THE Six Brucellosis Control Seen For County if Livetock Owners Cooperate THE COUNTY AGENT'S CORNER I By G. RAY BURT ENS! AW Juab County Agricultural Agent for the Duroose of filling the Nebo, Pahvant Advisory threo vcar terms of board mem bers whose terms have expired. General assembly for nomina Boards Elections Set tions will convene at 1:00 p. m., at A joint advisory board election the polls will open for voting m. at d:UO p. will be held December 19, at the 2 p. m.( and Closelivestock operaMillard County Court House in Stockmen having tions in Utah Grazing Districts 3 Fillmore,, for the purpose of electNebo and 10 are urged to attend this ing two members to the Pratt Allred, Range District Advisory Board and three election by J. the Fillmore office. members to the Pahvant District Manager for is advisory board. This election i j The familiar saying "Opportun ity knocks but once may or may not always hold true. We do know, however, that when opportunity does knock those who take advantage of it are well paid for their eiforts. The opportunity of Brucellosis eradication is now knocking at our door. We have "Mr. Brucella" on the run and can completely eradicate him from our livestock if everyone will cooperate in the plan best suited to his herd. con The plan or operation tinue our well known milk-rin- g test of all commercial dairy herds with blood testing of all herds suspicious to the milk ring test and family cows. All female dairy calves are to be vaccinated be tween age of four to eight months preferably around five to six months of age. A large number of our range herd owners have been carrying on a salfhood vaccination program for the past several years, and are now in a position where most of their female animals have been ls.-t- o vaccinated. Vaccination is in most animals, good for the life of the animal. The vaccination program is to continue and all range heif er calves of the beef herds four to 12 months of age should be vaccinated. The next move is to test these range cattle, to determine the exact status of the infection. Where all herd owners test their herds in a given area, it is permissible to test only 20 per cent of each herd. However, if there is evid ence of infection in the 20 per the entire herd, as well as contact herds. If the reactor animals are sdaughtered within 15 days, idenmity will be paid up to $25 for grade and $50 for purebred animals slaughtered on account of reacting to the test. tatecuve January l, itfD7, a federal regulation will result in restrictions on the marketing of cattle if cattle do not come from a certified Brucellosis free area. All herds in a county must be tested within a year to certify the county. If any reactors are in the herd, then the herd must be tested again in 60 days. To be certified Brucellosis fere means that the disease has been reduced not to exceed 1 per cent of the cattle and 5 per cent of the herds. To accomplish this in a year means that we must move along, but it can be done and muts be done before cattle again go to the ranges TIMES-NEW- next spring, where contaminated animals could infest herds already Stake Primary Board declared disease free. The opportunity is here. Funds Guests of Mrs. Jenkins are available, and the know-hois here to eradicate the disease. The Stake Primary Board held Let's all oc operate and stamp their annual Christmas party on out brucellosis. Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Norma Jenkins. The home Durin gthe past month, 1566 was beautifully decorated in colors cows have been blood tested and 331 calves vaccinated in 24 herds. and motif of the Christmas season. hot dinner was Theer have 'been nine reactors and served A delicious which games and eight suspects found In those test- singing after were enjoyed by the foled up to date. board members: President cattle in Juab County including lowing Donna Sperks, Norma Bailey, the dairy herds. a Weather permitting, another 800 Mary Overman, Amy Warner, head will be blood tested on red Golden, Gayle Jackman, MildLunt, Millie Smith, Orpha Thursday, Friday and Saturday of Taylor, Rheta Sperry, Lillian this week along with vaccination Worwood, Joyce Nielsen, Georgia of the heifer calves. n Austin, Aileen Olpin, Vera and the hostess, Norma w Zel-m- Pax-ma- yOU dU. csi gp on ttHt "RHYTHMIC- i I FOR SALE two double beds, FOR SALE Boy's one dresser, one round table, one bicycle. Also want to buy, small couch Write Box 14 or see at tricycle. Call 589J. 755 South Third East FOR SALE Modern home in good location Coal furnace with TREES sawed into ft lengths full basement stoker See Frank Parkin, phone suitable for stoves or fireplaces can have for hauling away call 184W. 2tip 302W. FOR SALE First Crop alfalfa hay Also banana squash Perry C Hall, phone 443J Make it a happy Christmas in SAVE ON YOUR RENT your home. We offer you a and two bedroom aparemtns finance plan. Pay only One for rent at Nephi apartments minimum down payment now and Partly furnished. Will redecorhave until March 15 for the first ate for tenant As low as $20 deCome in today for See Rulon Brough per month payment. tails. Available for purchase of or James P. McCune. furniture, appliances, carpeting, LADIES and Men's Wallets TV sets ets. Chapman Furniture Also at giant size key cases Co., phone 300. Nephi Jewelry. 26-in- ch 8-- as peI Emme Pire-CEirosf- - Ironrile mos PDcsbh -- BUY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS After minimum down payment, no payment will become due until March 15th. This plan applicable to Zenith Televison and Radio, Refrigerators, Ranges, Dining room Sets, Living room fI GtnraiitMd by GoW HwMk.pln tjh J irrwrnritrffa' iiiiiinini ij Lady, your ironing problems are over with Ironrite! This new beauty ends ironing fatigue, that way of ironing, with aches in your shoulders, arms and back! New, rhythmic, restful, automatic Ironrite irons everything in the basket beautifully! Drop in and see us about this amazing, new Iron- sets. Washers Dryers, Casting, Relaxing Contour Chairs, Rockers, Sampon Tables and chairs, Mirrors, Serta Mattresses, Lane Cedar Chests, Hoover Yacuums, etc. PLUS YOUR CHRISTMAS DINNER HAM FREE WITH PURCHASE AMOUNTING TO 75.00 OR MORE rite TODAY1 JOSEPH J. OVERMAN Phone 304W ..and a sled... and a bicycle ...and please Santa, 1 Thursday, December 13, 1956 NEPHI. UTAH S. Nephi SGEEHEtt mm) 1 i ca ZENITH ro'o alone Model R521 DELUXE AM CU towa CLOCK-RADI- O. Dialite, appliance outlet, radif alarm and timer. Grey, Ivory, Ebony, Maroon plastic colors. AC i ASON 7 I 3" I Imart boy! Knows what he wants . . . knows what's good! There's nothing he could have asked for that could bring more pleasure than a trip on one of the fabulous Union Pacific Domeliners. xs, folks of all ages love trains and little wonder, when they ride the smart, new Domeliners. Such comfort, luxury and relaxation! Such delicious food . . . such thrilling views from the large Dome windows. Many other advantages, too, when you go Union Pacific family fares, to save you money . . . choice of accommodations . . . room to roam (especially appreciated when you take the children along) . . . downtown arrival . . . and a generous baggage allowance. . -- J . 0nd more of a Model X514 A,n,co 5- - AM CLOCK RADIO. Powerful speaker, dependable Telechron ? It's SMART f ff's fUM t-- - . . . it't f rrfe tCQMQMICAt rr , .. e , oing East? Make this the best Christmas ever. Present the family with a Union Pacific travel certificate good for a trip anytime. ' .,,7" TTCT7iiM ''Mi Model T522 AM CALENDAR CLOCK-RADIShows at a glance time nf day, day of week, date of montf vory, Maroon, Grey, Green or Red plastic O. r for details, rivalien hmlp whh your travel plan, your naamt Union Pacific Railroad ticket agont. AND DON T FORGET or give him a call Y FAMniic electric clock. Walnut, Green, Ivory or Red plastic colors. See your Union Pacific ticket agent, he's at your service! He'll gladly help you with your travel plans . . . arrange for a Hertz rental car if needed. Ask him about the family fares, too, and the convenience of having a Rail Travel Credit Card. ' . . . We have a beautiful array of floor lamps some to brighten up your living room-a- nd 7s nice attractive table lamps, too Q0oor3oo (imp -- EAST 4 TERMS |