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Show KvSTsal y Nephi Business Houses To Remain Open Evenings 'til crofilmn Corp. OOext Week laflflWIHiH National Award Winner 56 19 laboal Cttiatiat Sail tunciatian AmmtlM fVii 't-z- rii Anmtl npt OUlU Single Copy, 10c Nephi, Juab County. SCENE P12EVIEW MAfc&EK Alumni Day Set Utah, Thurhday, December 13, 1956 Post Office Sets Saturday Afternoon For December 21 Extra Mailing Hours For the convenience of the local patrons, the Post Office will be The annual Juab high school open the two remaining SaturAlumni assembly program will days 'before Christmas (Decembbe held at the Juab high school er 15 and 22) until 5:30 p.m., auditorium on December 21, at 1 Postmaster Fred I Gadd anp. m. it was announced this week nounced today. The Postmaster stated that all by school officials. parcels should be on It is being planned to have en tertainment presented by former their way now to assure delivery students who are now attending for Christmas and that parcels should be mailed not the several colleges of the state as well as numbers from alumni later than this week end. He also residing locally and in nearby cit suggested that local business firms step up their regular mail les. The assembly will be followed ing to not later than 4 p.m. each toy a basketball game with the day to provide time for it to be JHS Wasps facing an Alumni team worked and assure dispatch on the in the JHS gymnasium. All alumni Highway Post office. He urged the cooperation of all members and the general public are invited to attend these act- patrons in mailing their Christmas ivities, to renew old acquainten-ance- s cards soon and asked the public to use the free bundle labels and spend an enjoyable at the school, official stat- which read "All for out of town ed. delivery" and "all for local (Nephi) delivery" which are being dis tributed by the mail carriers this te 111 (?h r I' n)as i !jj f week. Sacrament Meeting THE UNITED STATED' jUM'Oe CHtfoSiZ O MAKlKlND EVERYWHERE TO "PUT CHRIST BACK Attendance Report Attendance at Sacrament All By For the gift that keeps on giv- ing, give U. S. Savings bonds. reg Here's one of interest to families of uniformed servicemen living in our area. Beginning last Friday, wives and children of uniformed servicemen may use civilian hospitals and physicians at government expense. The program is being made possible in Utah through the cooperation of the Utah State Medical Association and the Utah State Hospital AsIn other words, wife sociation. of a serviceman no longer needs fa go to the government hospital and strange doctors for medical attention at government expense under Public Law 569. Use of the family doctor and the hosis now pital of their choice That makes sense, doesn't it! reg They tell me that we would better much a community if have we would each and every one see to it that our brain is busier than our tongue. reg Here's an idea that was featured on a recent December mailing piece from the Western News-is think paper Union, which we well worth passing on . . . Let Us Remember: That Christian Ideals created freedom That a Nation can be no strong er than its Faith That our Future can be no exeater than our Vision That the Quality of our daily work is a measure of our Character. reg It aooears that one Phil Gold faden is in a reminiscing mood, in these recent days, or he's just making preparations for another trip West. He has sent cards to at least one other police depart' trumt. and to the Neohi City pol ice denartment expressing thanks for kindnesses received back in 1933. His card states: "Dear bir: Back in 1933 I'll never forget as a hobo the kindness I received in your community, and so wish to express my late tnanns . Back In 1933. thinirs were pret tv touch for many folks, and plenty of fellows were on the road at that time, in repni, V v the Editor n. Tolley was chief of police, with R E. Winn and Ernest Brough as night marshals. Which of the no one men befriended-Goldfaden- , knows, but they apparently assisted him In some way. Police officers do many such kindnesses, and it's nice that someone was so thoughtful after all these years, ree If Santa Claus could give advice he'd suggest you worry about more than whether Junior's eyes are bigger than his parents' pocket-boo- k. you should ask whether Christmas joy may turn to sorrow because those eyes or someone else's are injured due to careless choice, or use, of toys for cnuaAlso, UTimi mil think of tovs. think also of safety, and fit the toy or came you buy to the age group. Children under five aren't capable of understanding safety rules. They're at the 'let's see If it can meet- ing in the wards of Juab Stake last Sunday was as follows: Ward Percentage 35 Nephi Second Ward . 30 Nephi Fourth Ward 27 Nephi Third Ward 25 Mona Ward 25 Levan Ward 22 Nephi First Ward first Ward Members Invited to Christmas Party Monday Evening Dental Clinic Conducted in District Schools Dal-gleis- h, P.CASE- GtVArA US. SAVNGS B0NP FOR CHFU5TMAS A "wild goose chase" Seniors of Juab high school have spent the past week putting the final touches on their promenade which will make up the floor show of the Senior ball to be held on Friday, December 21. They will promenade to their theme "White Christmas" The decoration committee have spent a great deal of time planning their decorations which will be started the latter part of next week. We hope everyone will remem ber the date and plan to come out and attend the Senior ball, class ameers stated. Yolume 47, Number 50 Red Cross Asks Help for Needy FREE MATINEE Hungarian People; Mayor AGAIN SLATED Winn Heads Local Appeal FOR SATURDAY The terrible plight of the Hungarian people is known to us all. The help of the people of Utah is desperately needed. Our local Red Cross chapter, affiliated with the International Red Cross, is going all-oto obtain its share of the $5,000,000 the American Red Cross is seeking so that the mercy organization may Business houses of Nephi will remain open daily until 8 p. m. during the week of December 17 through 22, it was announced today by R. V. Leger, chairman of better help the Hungarian the Retail Trades Committee of the Nephi Chamber of Commerce. This includes all business houses Mayor R. E. Winn Monday with the of the grocery accepted the responsibility of stores, Mr.exceptionstated. ieger raising the Nephi quota of the relief fund. East Kids of the area will have Hungarian Juab County residents always another treat this Saturday afhave rallied in time of emergenwhen the second of ternoon, three free matinees will be cy, and the goal set for this Red Cross chapter-iheld at the Venice Theatre, beexpected to be raised hurridly. ginning at 2:30 p. m. promptCash Rampton of Salt Lake ly. Last Saturday's matinee was seen by a "full house" Mr. Juab high school music depart- City, who is heading the Hungar ment and the Juab stake seminary ian nonet campaign in Utah for Leger stated, with the Chamber of Commerce and Bob Anderson are presenting "The True Spirit of the Red Cross, today urged all cit Christmas", a Christmas carol and izens oi tnis area to contribute of the Venice cooperating to scripture service on Friday even- generously to our local chapter bring special entertainment for ing at :30 p. m. in the J H S aud- so tnat Utah will do its fair share the kiddies of the communities in this world-wid- e of this area. itorium. mission of mer Activities for next week Dec Participating groups include the cy. 'The International Red Cross 17 through 22 senior chorus, the a capella choir, also call for the the teachers' chorus, a junior high is providing food daily to 223,000 awarding of about 20 Christmas chorus and the senior high band. of Hungary's turkeys by cooperating members Members of the seminary class- children" Rampton reported to- of the Chamber of. Commerce, on es will present readings and day. "Approximately 500 tons of Friday, December 21, at 3 p. m. supplies, food, clothing The awarding will take place in scripture relating to the Nativity. medical now are being distributed front of the Anderson Conoco serThe Hallelujah chorus from and fuel "The Messiah" by George Fred- in Hungary each week and this re- vice at the corner of Main and erick Handel will be presented as lief program is due to last for at Center streets. Coupons for the the finale by the combined chor- least five months" he said. turkeys appeared in last week's uses and band accompaniment. Milford, Utah had reached its issue of The Times-New- s which 5 December of direction and was one was circulated house to house Music is under the goal by of 12 the first Red Cross chapters in several communities. Hal Hancock of the JHS music de partment. James Glenn and Mel in the eight western states to No additional of the papachieve success. Other Red Cross er are available. copies vin Done are directing the read in Utah which since have chapters ins and tabloid parts. A special shopAn admission of 25c will be been successful in reaching the issue of this newspaper will charged and all proceeds will go goal are Beaver, Eureka and San ping be issued next Thursday, and on to help finance activities of the Juan County. "The LDS Church has contrib- the following week, the annual music department reach your Parents wishing the traditional uted $1,000 to the American Nat- greetings issue willDecember 24, Monday, Junior Chamber of Commerce ional Red Cross and the example home on to preesnt plans. sponsored Christmas eve visit of provided by the Church is serving according Santa Claus are encouraged to as a yardstick for all other humanitarian minded groups" Mr. make arrangements immediately. Warden to Speak . r At least ten children should Hampton pointed out. E.TLaMar Buckner of Oeden. a be assembled for the event in Marcel Graham, warden of the the respective .homes in order that member of the Red Cross Nation the geniel gentleman will be able al Board of Governors, today ad- - Utah State Prison, will be speaked his personal appeal to all er at the Lions Club meeting to to complete the many stops. to members of the be held lhursday evening. The Parents mal call either 296 or Utahns Junior Chamber of Commerce in program will be under direction of 605 for time appointment particular to back the Red Cross the Safety Committee of the club. He urged all of our campaign. people to give to their local chap ter or the Red Cross so that Utah Payson Man fined for may stand proud among the states Juab Representative to of the Union in this international of Illegal Cutting emergency disaster appeal. Be Among Speakers ut Christmas Music Program Slated Friday Evening s under-nourish- nded shortly before noon Tuesday when the "missing" man telephoned his horn in Provo from Phoenix, Ariz- ona. broken" stage. Thus soft, plastic toys are safest for this group All members of the Nephi First are invited and urged to at Playthings that come apart or Ward have sharp points are on the less tend the First Ward Christmas desirtole, from a safety standpoint, party to be held Monday at 7:30 hall. list The activities for the evening For children over five, buy a program, dancing, a vis toys specified for the various age include A dressmaking set for it from Santa Claus, and distribu groups. Susie is dangerous tion of gift sacks of, candy to the due to needles and pins. For 12- - kiddies. of the ward year old Mary, the set probably areAll organizations cooperating in the event is suitable. Eye accidents among boys out number those among girls, three to one. While the girl of the family may be content with a new doll. Junior is more inclined to ward games of cops and robbers, space adventure, air pistols, bows and arrows, and all that kind of bang-ban- g stuff which is on the market today. If you do weaken and buy a "dangerous" toy, take plenty of time to explain the positive side of safety, and be sure Juab School District conducted Junior knows how to handle the its first dental clinic for some weapon" before you let him on time past, on December 5 under his own. the Direction of the State Depart ment of Health. Dr. K. C reg The fellow who always puts tip Director of Dental Care in a good losing fight receives noth the State health department, outlined and managed the details of ing except a good beating. the clinic, with our local dentists reg The theory that it is never too assisting in the diagnostic examlate to mend our ways influences inations. D. P. L. Jones, D. R. some people to coddle their bad Boyd Geenwoord and D. Don B habits. In addition Hammond assisted. 22 volunteers from the PTA were reg We see in the article from the also on hand to assist the Dent U. of U. Extension Division that ists. Mrs. Martha Van Wagoner, their courses have a range from of Eureka, public health nurse, "world affairs" to "parenthood". assisted in detailed arrangements. That's not too far . . . they tell All students of the first, second. me that "the hand that rocks the seventh, eighth and ninth grades cradle rules the world". of the district were examined. In revewing the results of the Mrs. REG says: clinic, Superintendent DeVon An Brain food won't help much If derson stated that Dr. Dalgleish there's no brain to be fed. expressed a deep concern aver the high percentage of all stu dents examined having so many caries. The first grade students Active In Snow College had many defective teeth. It nat EPHRAIM Janet Ockey of urally followed that many of the Nephi, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. high school students had never James H. Ockey, was chosen for been to a dentist a role In the play "The Women' In an over all evaluation of the presented at Snow College Dec very critical need for dental care, ember 7. Dr. Dalgleish stated that our area 'The Messiah" will be the next should consider fluoridation of the major production at Snow Col culinary water supply. lege, with Miss Ockey, and Janice "We sincerely appreciate the Broadhead, daughter of Mr. and fine cooperation of each of our Mrs. Rulon Broadhead, participat loca ldentists and the PTA groups ing from Nephi. of Mona, Nephi and Levan" Supt Anderson stated. "We do hope of Mr. Mrs. and Sunday guests that parents will check the dental Chester Foote were Mr. and Mrs. which are being handed Dick Bailey and children of Eph- - reports to school students this week. It is raim. reuested that this report form be for school records as returned soon as the dental work has been completed" Supt Anderson con cluded. toe 'Lost' Hunter Turns Up In Arizona City trni C D U I Declared missiner by his wife in Provo was Wendell Collings, 28, who reported to his wife Saturday that he was going deer hunt ing, either in Spanish Fork canyon or near Nephi. When he fail ed to return home Saturday eevn-inMrs. Collings notified Utah County Sheriffs officers and a preliminary search was conducted in Spanish Fork canyon Sunday and Monday. Bob Steele of Nephi, reading of the missing man in a Salt Lake newspaper Monday afternoon, reported Monday at 4:30 to Sheriff Raymond A. Jackson the where abouts of a pickup truck thought to be that belonging to the "missg, ing" man. Sheriff Jackson located the truck late Monday, at the County gravel pit east of "Norton-- 1 ville". Lying on the seat of the unlocked car was the man's gun scabbard,, his binoculars case, and a jacket A1, apperances were that the man had gone into the hills of the area for deer, and had epected to return to the car with in a short time. Members of the Utah National Guard battery at Nephi responded to a call by the Sheriff Monday evening, and combed the area until 10 p. m. On Tuesday morning many of these men returned, as well as practically all members of the Nephi Riding club, and many others, together with a few friends of the man from Provo. Despite stormy weather, the search was well underway when the man, apparently in a repentant mood telephoned his wife from the Arizona city. ' It is regrettable" Mr. Jackson stated, that the unnumbered man hours were spent in the search caused by the hoax. We want to express our sincere thanks to each person who turned out to assist, most of them taking time off from their jobs or businesses to help locate one then presumed dead. We regret that such things happen, but everything pointed toward that man having gone huntMr. Jackson also stated ing." that the "people of Juab County always turn out when they're called in time of emergency". as at 25 Christmas Trees Session re Man An investigation by Merrill Nephi Ycung Smith, Utah County Deputy Sheriff; Ralph Chappie, Payson Pol- Studying Dentistry ice chief, and Bob Brown, Nephi Forest Ranger resulted in the recHarold Dean Bowles is one of overy Friday of 25 illegally cut 13,000 students enrolled at the Christmas trees by the U. S. ForUniversity, St. Louis, est Service. The trees had been Washington cut along the Nebo Loop Road in for the 1956-5- 7 school year. Bowles, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Payson canyon. Archie T. Thompson of Payson Roy Bowles of Nephi, is a freshschool of dentistry. A pleaded guilty to illegal cutting of man in the trees on public lands and was graduate of Juab high school, he attended Utah fined $50 before Justice of the had previously State Agricultural college at Lo Peace Eugene Hillman. gan. Washington University has 15 divisions, including graduate and Three Former "Wasps" undergraduate schools and University College, adult education On Snow Badger Roster division of the Universlt;' Three Nephi boys EPHRAIM are now listed on the offical Snow They College basketball roster. are Gordon Kelson, Joel Sperry and John Ockey, all first-yeplayers on the Snow "Badgers sauad. Gordon is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kelson; Joel is son of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Sperry and Payments of two types to farmJohn's parents are Mr. and Mrs ers under the "soil bank" crop reduction plans are counted as net Floyd Ockey. earnings in computing earnings for social security insurance benefit payments, and payments of a third type may be counted under cerr. tain conditions, according to T. Powell, district manager of the Social Security Administration in Provo, who said many Mrs. Gerald Cazier, Juab Counto the State ty Representative Legislature, will take an active session part in the of the 1956 Legislature, at the sessions to be held Friday. Mrs. Cazier, who will begin her fifth term on January 1st, will discuss "Standing Committees" before the group assembled Friday. Mrs. Cazier stated this week that there are 40 new members in the Legislature this year, and that the meetings Friday are designed to acquaint them with the procedures, functions, etc of the Senate and House of Representatives, in order to save considerable time upon the opening of the official sessions. ve Social Security Representative ar Schedules Nephi Visit Tuesday Special Christmas Greeting Issue For December 24 Distribution Will Necessiate Early Deadlines With Christmas falling in the fore part of the week, on a Tuesday, we have decided that It is advisable to publish that at an early date, and distribweek's edition of The Times-Neute it to subscribers in the mail the morning of December 24. This issue is primarily of a Christmas Greeting, and Christmas Features Issue, with a very limited amount of merchandise advertising. Because of this decision, it will be necessary for club and church reporters, and community correspondents to have all material in as early as possible., and In no instance later than Saturday at noon on December 22. We will accept material as late as we can possibly get it in the paper, and intend to hold the final press run until 5 a. m. Monday morning, December 24, for any late news happenings. We shall appreciate the cooperation of all reporters, and the public in general in the early submitting of their Items. The Editor Kes-le- inquiries had been received on this subject Mr. Powell stated that a representative of his office would be In Nephi Tuesday next, December 18, at 10 a. m. He may be contacted at that time at the Juab County Courthouse for any Information concerning the social security law. The soil bank payments to be counted as net earnings by operators are those made under the "acreage reserve" program and the annual payments for land placed in the "conservation reserve", Mr. Powell explained. "These payments replace income which the farmer reasonably could have expected If his land had been kept In normal crop uses." A third type of soil bank payment Is the conservation-reserv- e These reimbursement payment ed are payments made by the Federal government to pay part of the cost of carrying out the conservation practices and making improve on the conservation reserve. They are included in figuring the farmer's net earnings only if Jie expenditures are deductible as business expenses for income tax purposes. A landlord who owns a farm and participates materially in the production or management of production of farm commodities gets social security credit for his share of the soil bank payments just as the farm operator does, Mr. Powell pointed out. For a farm owner who receives rental income but who takes no part in the actual operation of the farm, neither the soil bank payment nor the other rental income counts toward social security benefits. Farmers who retire and claim social security payments in 1956 and then receive soil bank payment In 1956 may file an application for a recomputatlon after the first of the year, Mr. Powell said. Farmers who draw soil bank payments are subject to self employment (social security) taxes as on other net earnings, and these earnings count toward social security retlremen, disability and survivors' insurance benefits. |