Show 1 tt shad in ia thi this city oa on the lo 10 21 ant int of hysterics jonn JOHN WALKER walmer infant aon ton fot john jolin W and sarah sarsh lexi eliza beth beta myers aters at ogden city weber Wt berco co april 15 RILLA nilla adaus adams daughter of john and adams am aged d 3 weeks and 2 days at deseret deret dry millard cot co cog t april 15 th HENRY san an of george and marth martha aged 6 months montha and 1 4 dy days of e whooping cough sad and aad 0 of I 1 the in sacrament cal cais cali en on Wedna ay april 29 mr MT FREDERILK COOKs COUK assistant overia Ov overland erland irland nei mall man company aged 43 4 years yean at provo city utah co cos arril april 16 of ef scarlet fever st 9 son of haryey harrey 11 and margaret blar ilar garet faret ann cluff aged ed 4 years yeara and nd 38 28 dao day alao aiso t the sams bams place april 22 ef of scarlet fevers george H son eon of harvey tt IT a aal sol aol 4 me r sarat garat ann amill clur duff aged 10 I 1 months and 22 diya daya in freva city april 18 scarlet fever severt ean of samal samuel and end france frances chull ged aged ced I 1 year I 1 month aind I 1 day say to city april 1 28 8 matty marty M any gny sired aired kd II 11 years io 10 and 11 14 dad dao day formerly ot 0 england JEEz cland gland enal star peate vesse copy |