Show THE LITTLE SAVOYARD cT heugh Us iia glay alay m ma yet tet wiit will I 1 trust trait la in him 91 like many where of his countrymen rene Mic helot belot left his beautiful home borne in the raney valey of chemouny uny in savoy and went to paris to at seek ek hig bis fortun fortune he we was a an orph anand had just burled buried his bis grandmother his bis last surviving re lativa promise me f said the grandmother grandmothers grand theras ino as the sobbing bobbing boy stood beside her bed promise am me 1 iia lia hat zon you u will keep beep god always before your eyes and ever never do what would boilen offend him ren promised the grandmother blessed iritts him bim and died promise me my son said sali the old pastor as az the boy was leaving his house that you will pray to god tor for all you want trust him in all difficulties and try to serre serve bim bin always reng rene promised the pastor paster blessed him and they parted with a small monkey ten francs that were left from a full puree given hin bin by a kind gentleman eitleman ent leman ieman who happened just as they were gurling burying his grandmother to be pissing passing with his little daughter through the valley a small ring given him bin as a keepsake by fleurette the he gent gentleman lemans little daughter a recipe precipe for k by which his grandfather had made quite a little fortune the two blessings and a nd the good wishes of all his bis neighbors rene started on his bis travel travels he was iveli trell strong active and hopeful add and amused himself as ha be went along by forming his plans for the future with his ten francs be ike would buy materials for a good supply of ink then carry it about aa as he led his monkey through ugh the streets and between the two be tie had no doubt he should make enough to go home kome and buy a nice bit of land and build a little house first thou though gli be he must find a lodging place but it in so large a city aa as paris there must be plenty of them ile he soon entered the great city and bat sat down en on a retired doorstep door step to count his mony and be sure that all was safe just as be was putting atin 1 it again in his pocket a pert looking FU lad d of lis wis his own age ague caula canua up observed that he looked like a stranger and slid asked if he should show him a nice lodging place piare rene did not like bis bla looks and refused refuse his oner offer so sharply that the lad turned off as if quite offended stop thought bt rene im breaking my tar promise the goad god says bays da as be done dona by bail and he ha ran after the lad begged bis his pardon and asked his help Ai ersome coaxing the stranger pretended to yield put his arm around reneta renea shoulder and they walked on presently something a om ething c parted arted t them ii rene turned to speak to him but ha w was as gone and the ten francs franca gone kone with him orRene Po hene nehe wil trouble troubie weil well vel yel he must m u s t givs giva uj un the he ink thet ther nank nonKey could a earn eara a r a 1 e enough 1 boug hould bould ouid be lodge hodg a m MN a hile bile a sou to e pay pit fojut j dil k ri konn Kono no J itte atter tte thought 11 rene tle tie inthe the gro good goi god G ivill aee see to a upon the steps of an elegant church sat eat an old bodler bodier with one wooden leg beb beg begging ing reno rene sat down too and began to chat telling telling him all his bia adventures adventure at eight of the monkey a crowd gathered around them rene gene began egan to whistle and the monkey to dance cance s 1 the old man pass ar 0 unda 11 headid shower fell into it of sous and ether other little coins even the old man too cot got a share delighted at this thia the old soldier soldiers who said his bis name was lafort proposed to rene a partnership the joy oy hesitated for he felt above aD ending spending his bis life in begging while 4 hile bile be bad beadth beal beai th a and rd strength st to work lafort said be he was right there bilt but it would be a good thing if he would join him until be he had raised enough for the ink iok material and then they could form other I 1 plans plan this nis ris rene readily agreed to and ook took up hl bode abode with father lafort latort A few weeks only were needed for lor earning another ten francs and rene procured a large tin case or kettle with a faucet made a good supply of ink and every day might be heard i crying cr ying through the streets ai nat raven rayen black ink cheap as dertl buyl buyl the house where they lodged was locked every night at ten oy oc clock Jock and father tat lather father lat her ber lafort often warned warded him not to stay out later or he would have to sleep in the street but rene cared less jess for that in the warm nights than them for the uneasiness it would give the old man one evening on his way home be met the boy who had stolen his ten francs franca and boldly stopped him and land demanded them back at first the boy would not admit that he knew him im then refused to repay rene eald eaid no more but gave his ink case came to a the boy and gave him such a sound drubbing that be he roared for mercy and gave him his bis b whole purse keep ice it all cred cried the mob nob no N 0 replied rene only my own and counting out the ten franca francs be returned the rest to the astonished boy bo y saying it I 1 took more I 1 should be as great a thief i as you are this encounter though kept him so long that the clock struck ten before be he could reach home go so be he must find some place to ble ale sleep near him was an old open building or shea shed a e eg attached to a public bublic warehouse the superintendent of which winch was one of his bis best custom ers it was full of straw straws and into this be he crept and soon fell asleep suddenly be he was wag awakened by a noise which be aup posed at first was made by rats rate but ewhen it was repeated be he knew knewl bat BO no rat could make a sound like that and be he began to listen A window opened from the warehouse ware bouse bouie into the shed and through that the noise came ile lie heard voices and knew that no one had bad any business there at that time of night so be he crept softly up to peep four strong men were I 1 trying to force open a large iron chest rene kene watched their motions carefully noted the names ames they called each other and listened to all that was baid said it was useless to giva give an alarm tor for there was no help near and they might kiki him BO to he be formed his bia own plan pian ian lan first fir ilu st liling their bosoms and pockets with the money they found in the chest cheat they sak sat down to consult where they should hide bide it and finally agreed to go to the graveyard of pere la chaise and bury it rene followed follow fd on and saw them bury the money at the foot of a peculiar looking iron crosb cross all AH this time be he was hidden behind a large lare 11 monument and as soon as they were gone he went to the cross and examined care fu tully fully lly liy the whole ne that he might ceita certa certainly know the spot again that denebe went back to his bis straw thanked the good god for hain kept him from those dreadful men and went asleep in the morning he was awakened by a great noise and found himself surrounded by a mob and in the be bands of a police officer who charged him bin with being one of the robbers rene frankly confessed that he be knew all ail ail all about the robbery but told the man be was very silly to think if it he had a hand in it that be he would have staid there to be caught the policeman baw saw there was much reason in bis bia remark and began to question him Im pretty closely but rene had bad his bis own plans plane and an refused to answer a singe single question until they should take him to Robespier Robes reily relly they all exclaimed turning pale at the very name boy you are mad or a foell how hovy long think you your head would stand on your shoulders now all this happened just after that terrible event called the french revolution revolutions and at this time all ail the power of the state elate was in the hands bands of a perfect monster ol 01 wickedness his word was law and it if any one offended him he was at once bent sent to prison and from there carried to a place where stood the guillotine sn cal cai called I 1 ed from its inventor by which his head bead was cut Tobe to be good looi and lovely and to ba be rich aoh as he called it an aristo wat were deadly primes in his ran Tan with the blood of the best beat people of france every morning in a car carthas cart wab waa sent to the prison to carry boffilo jtb the guillotine those who were that tha day aday to be butchered butch erd no wonder the police were astonished at renei renews ae demand mand but ashe refused to jo answer Is an else to be was take tokea I 1 the ahe great man wis was not hot up lip yet fand reng rent had some time when he did come coan he be was was quite vexed at finding that it was a small agnail boy who bad disturbed him but when relo reno began to tell his bis story be became greatly in terea te rested ted and praised him highly tor for the Judg ment and sense be had bad strown poor rene was much afraid that be would have hare to go to prison but assured him bim that no one should touch him bim made his bis servants give hiro bin an excellent breakfast and bade him bim return to him bim in three days As soon boon as be ws dismissed rene feneran ran baek back lack for his bis ink case but not a trace of it was to bo be found however he felt sure that would repay bim him and so hurried home to be old man to tell his bis adventure father lafort had bad been very uneasy all night about him and was just setting out to look him bim up ile he was horrified to bear that be he had bees been to astonished at renes renea report of his bis kindness to him anti and counseled the boy to demand domand a good large reward for his information for he would never have another auch such c chance ance of sailing makin his fortune ile he seemed vexed and angry when rene declared that be he should ask or take bothin buethe but the value of othis his ink can for he had only done his duts dull but be was forced to admire his bis honesty honest y and conte contess confess os that he was right the third morning rene went again to and was received the dictator so be he was called told him bim that a search bad been m de the money found where he said it was and four men captured who were then in irison prison and he wished hita bita bs 0 o go and see ithe if he recognized them he gave him bim a card on which be he had bad written gire give girt the bearer free passage in and out of the prison and signed his name bene went and in a few minutes lal ral returned and reported that they were wera the very men again thanked him and tod him that he had rendered tendered the state a most important service and must name his reward jeward to his bis surprise the boy refused everything but the value of his bis ink can when insisted upon more he begged that he would give him the privilege of supplying all the ink used by him bim and his bis clerks forks and then declared that lie he had not another want laughna immoderately at renes renews idea et at ward h e a t last got rot out our of orb him bim im that tha t he would ike like a little cart and a large doc dos to carry round his lis ink inks but be he thought it rather too much to sk at last be let lei him bim go giving him an order to select the best cart dog and case be he could find i at the public expense a and nd an assurance that if it ever he wanted a powerful friend or bad a favor to ask he rely upon him rene ran and soon possessed himself of cart case and a beautiful dog which ho he called sultan he was several times on the th point of throwing away his bis admission card to the prison but concluded at lasi jast to keep it as a memento father lafort scolded him for his moderate demands but rene woud would not listen and with his bis dog and cart got on admirably was a good customer one dar daf da on his bis way home he saw a great crowd and ani drove up sultan to learn the cause the police were around an elegant coach drawn by fur tur splendid horses within which was a sweet but deadly pale little girl and the tb driver of which proved to be her noble father la in disguise it was said he was an ariato aristo ariste crat J and that he be had been seized buta little dispute among the police gave him a momentary chance and be he would have escaped if the i wheel of othia bib hib carriage had not caught and turned the vehicle over rene beard him mutter they may take taki us but they bhail shall not ger get aill and saw hima draw from his bis bosom a large casket and throw it towards a corner ile he caught it and quick aa as light slipped it under the hib his a cartr cart carf while at the same time he found a chance tol tal to s I 1 whisper t t lasa laba Iasa fel fei ill lii take good care caroo of tit fit it 7 id A look thanked him and the police drew drawn the poor frightened child from th the a coa co achand eb ad were dragging them off il at this moment a pAl ceman seized rene and demanded the casket declaring that be had bad seen him catch it and ed to tb the I 1 man who whop it beem seem was the count Mont bris brit t rene lene turned it off tor for some time but finding noway no way of escape bethought himself of hial hlas prison card at aid d immediately produced it tl telling ii tel tei the he man roan be bad had better be careful or het bet would tell teil I 1 bis his frieml the mi man min thought be he was trying to fool him and called ri the officer but his hib exclamation d s V let the young devil go hes hea Robes pierres peep soon produced a change the frightened policeman begged bis big pardon pardons earnestly and begged him to sy say nothing tol to I 1 delighted by renes promise promis bb be S readily answered all his bis questions and told him that the count and nis bis child would be 1 taken to the prison called la force for threes three days davs and then to the guillotine rene went home with an aching heart tor for tori fori be he was sure he had seen these persons before deforet be foret though he could not tell where he and father ra 1 lafort opened the tha casket and found mense menso diamonds pearis pearls and nd gou goy go I A 9 V together with ibe the title litle deeds of a splendid es tate jn in savoy only six miles from the village gi of C b u ef lafort almost danced with joy ing lna ind anda it b began brgan to rg congratulate rene on the immen immense get ger set f fortune n e that haa allep allea inic his hia hand band handar bandar but b ut ren did not understand what ap e meant ab ay such conduct mean idean said baid theold soldier er the i count and bua bia bild hayo havo ut sta y i lavt and then whose are those treasures t rea su r es but cut youre yours I 1 rene looked aghast and arid thought that his old fruend friend had surely burely gone mad vlad but bui t when the old unan man insisted he be declared indignantly that it if be he took no pains to saver baver the count he should feel fee himself as much a murderer as if he bi had bad actually killed bim him ly and said he should go the very next day to to beg bedi lis his hii life ilfe T the old man pretended to insist but it was only pretence predence pre tence with tears running down hrs bis cheeks be thanked god that the boy had bad been blessed with so honest and noble a nature and loved the child more than ever that very unable to sleep wg asrene rene lay tossing in bis little bed he suddenly remembered where he had seen the count he ile was the good gentleman who had given the purse for his grandmothers funeral and the child was Fleu rettel this did not change his determination and betimes the next morning he h was off father lafort having hidden the casket it was too early to go to rob |