Show mayday maxday max MAT DAY on friday ao ali aly early hour hoar companies of viere were seen been passing t through h the streets wending e their weir vay way yay toward the hills and g the citron city on a mayday may alay day excursion to celebrate th that at festive day ingathering gathering in wild lower sand band anil anif in wandering over the hills and the vales gamboling garbolin gam boling bolin the while in the sportive innocence of of childhood 1 without Bt raint there were however but few com corm corn para dively who were nvere not ac either cither I 1 by the r teaches 9 or some ini inn whose charge they had been placed to keep thein theia to order as far as possible and to prevent accidents which too often occur on such oca orca on their return in he she evening many of them were be decked with flowe rland there were not many amon among them who did not bear some badge or make some display indic indicate a tin the nature of the amusements they had par pari parl 1 in during their rambles with burh all apparently had bad been highly delighted |