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Show FUNERAL SERVICES FOR AGED UTAHN TO OCCUR TODAY 4 , MRS. MAKIA H. COEBETT. ' ' v ' i V r i I " v ' 'i I .it ' A TUNERALi services for Mrs. Henrietta Corhett, widow of the late Daniel Dewey Corbett, will be held at 2 o'clock this afternoon In the Second ward chapel. Bishop lleber C. Iverson will preside. Friends may view the body at the residence, resi-dence, 6G2 Fifth East street, from noon until 1:30 o'clock. Interment will be In City cemetery. Mrs. Corbett was born at Malmo, Sweden, Swe-den, November 1, ISL'6, and came to this country in 1863. She was a prominent worker in the Relief society of the Mormon Mor-mon church, and for twenty-five years was treasurer of that organization. She attended the Sunday school regularly until she was 11 years of aue. Three children survive her, as follows: Mrs. Frank Waear of Oklahoma Citv, Ohla., and Mrs. Ma C. Chandler and Otis Corbett Cor-bett of this city. |