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Show VOl SAl.K KKAL KSTATK v. Improved and Fnimproved yWl'Vll.tON HOMK U U.OEliS iO, Owner, rvlinni, lit i'chtisi' ihu Iour estitMi.ttitM 1 "'v v buMtie. Invlml n ptiM 11 1 . Ov.lllle.1 Mild M.Vk It II J Hi", IC d.ll bunilev. Tor I'M Till lip til JlO.lHHl, or W ill fll Oil casv lei ln. This 1 il (tot cl.i prepoMlloo and won it tiiveMinaiton. A VII I in price. This magnificent home, rein mm 4 rvsnnit. "tili ll inoilt'iit, beaniKuUj (Mllll. I'VMtfit OH p,te.l ll'iVI, oloe tn. Wtunllv worth JlOAHH?; will jm-11 on cum term j;HV invested Will i'.trn $2lVv per nioulh. Lot u tu" you thlit Mli'itvtti1 itf.ti liwenl house (,fJ,t Us'ilioa in city bj appointment on I. v. Vo close n estate, w 111 sell $20,000 w orth o( rleo m income property for M I.SOO. In-dudes In-dudes - lot and M'tru luilKhntt. Fay thia lot house and Improvement.- are clear enS2 v. . on I', bench ; old a room house ; $t00; $2vH cash, balance $ lo per mouth. Neat 4 rwm mottled brick bungalow, a. e. lo ,-jUon: modern plumbing, buffet kitchen, cellar . Willis porch, deep garden lot . Ow uer iumV Ins bis faorifue at $WoO; l7o cash una $1$ per month. tfeliltifnl 4 room mottle brick bungalow, built ,1 rdr and honor than now; gum w oid finish. tvt'Me rock fireplace, buffet kiichen. cemented basement with coal room, large enclosed and plastered sleeping porch. giod as a m-oouJ bedroom; bed-room; (rara.go, with tMved driveway; largo, deep lot, in flowers anfl garden ; near paved , Mreel, . r.; $2UV; term. " Mi -niritnt Srtvra hrtok bungalow, pa rod i':. near ttio now hleh sohool; harUwoonl ' all built-in features, 3 NMtivnn anil : pvvh. uuiMo twiii, ilon, oeaiontotl r basement, furaao. Beautiful .W ft. U.f, wtl h rrnej lawn. Only $;titk. Terms arranv,!. ' PrrttT 4 -room rel bnok bun u a low on 4th ave: lot 40 UV: oomploio plumbing, onolosod : sleepltti; jvroh. oementisl base moot, sewor and wi'La paid; $'.Vi; terms. Will take team s d wagon or auto pa r t pa y m eo t . Mnificont 5-room briok bungalow; hnnl 1 wnvl floor. " harlw(Kvl finlli, extra larce lichl Nlrv-ms, fimhel in Ivory enamel pjint: all built-tn feature.-.; Riiaranieed fnrnaee; located en patoi tHreet. s. c. with nil nsesa i rueots paid'- $4'o0- Terms arranged. I Near liberty park, lot .SO feet wide and lop foet deep. 4-room frame eoitace, fruu and shade trees-. A bargain at f 1 Ti'O. Only f;i:0 cash and $15 nionUi, J-room modem b'-ifk. near the Hawthorne school, soutto of Liberty park; boaiHiful otk mantel, nue e anion lot , with (tewer and walks paid. Oal,v J-SoO; on your own terms. On the west side, handy fnr liar field man, 5 -room briek ooti.-iii( on lot T- toO, in garden : coops, barn, carafe; ?-Vi.; fti) cash, $IS.W per niODti. BETTILYOS HOME Bl'll.l)RS CO, 570 South Mam St. Was. 4S40. o4'V.S n. barn ks. 41S-1T-1S Boston Bid.;. Was. 4750-47M. Headquarters for Xlodcrn Houses. r- Near 11th East, on Bryan ve.. r have a strictly trodern brick bungalow, con sis tin s of o rooms, iardwovl floiirs throve hour. Walls rieiraied with exjensive impTted pa per ; extra ?ood pliimbinsr and electric fi:ures. This is one of the most up-to-date little homes In the ? city. The owner is pome to the coast to live ind we are pom; to sell the home. Lt us s!ipw it to you. Also Mtcrifice sale of 5-room mflorn brick buajralow, pd Snith 3rd Kast; worth $o4(Xi, but will sell for $o000, on terms. 7-room modern brick, near 4th South and 7th Eat. for quick sale, at a bargain. Pon't fail to ? this home if you want to get your wjr worth. IMPOSSIBLE TO BEAT THIS, room, strictly modern: full cement base- """ t. hot-air furnace. hxrrlwovl floors, larpe ge. This house i? NEARLY NEW. Price -nit LS50; worth J3-Vt. Jl'oO down, small )thly payments (less than Mock from Ixl street, s. e.. Beat buy in ciry. on South 3rd East, 4-room tad sleeping porch, full basement, larpe lot, newly decorated, for only tJi.w.i. on terms. Be sure to see this. l. BARNES. 41S-17-15 Boston Bids. Was. 4750-4751. Aak for Mr. Miles. I-ivc. reliable represents fives wanted in the towns of L tali. Ida ho and Nevada. . Ask for Mr. Cutler. Kfc.Ai.lOK SNAPS SNAPS Dunn? the past few months there has been a great demand for sraps in houses and lots in Salt Lake City. This demand hai been chiefly for small homes running from SUKXf to $JUX. This off if-e and other offices have sold many i, of the-e horn1; so much so tha t the bargains ( have become scarce and hard to find, considering the fan that very few new houses are being built. We are fortunate, however, this week in beiDg able to offer two or three genuine snaps. No. 1 $1300. 5 -room, partly modern house : splendid location. loca-tion. S. E. section ; large lot ; fine shade trees ; thicken coops; rhe most beautiful war garden , in the city. Enough cannot be said about this little property, and it is offered at S1300. on easy terms. No. a tlOOO. t A 4-room, modern, brick bungalow; fine, large sieenin- porch; sercened-ln back porch, fine, full-widlh full-widlh front porch: built-in features; lawn, large irl, and chicken coops: close to car line; Just off pavement, etc. Owner paid aiXl for this : boys-; three years aco, but owing to work elsewhere else-where must sell. It must be sold this week. The house is a great snnp at $2000, but, starting in Monday, the prier will be reduced per diy for one week. Tlds is your chance; this in th best snap wo know of. No. 3 $2200.'' One acre, 5-room bungalow; eleetric lights, basement, stable, chicken coops, fruit and shade trepn, f ne vrell, irrigation water; located one h h'ock 0ff Hrtiiiday car line; close in. Splendid ,C-',,a' for small garden, chiekens, etc. Offered ' fc hirgain price of $2200. On easy terms. Will VONTINENTAL LAND COMPANY'. Wasatch 1G-J.-J. 38 W. L'nd South St. o.',rno "THE WRIdHT COMI'AN Y." Tctnpktoti Bldfi. Wn. 5.'L'fX) .W. haTo a vprv finr 6 mom mo'lorn homp southeiist. that up run spll nn term. This house fares east ami is lu a good location. If JOU am tooklnir for o hnmp. wp would ho plpaswl to Bhow you what hp liavp. and tvp have a vrry finn lint of hotnfa in all parts of the city and at all price. If jou have anj property to sell. list II with u. - We write fire insurance. us write yours. "THB WRKiHT COM TA N Y." Slti ; Bl;NliAIXW RARGAIN. ' I OKKKI! MY 6-I100M. STRICTLY .M 01)- J-'IN" HINIiAI.OW. WORTH JcOnfl. I'oll M-''1. ON TERMS, LOCATKD (iBH tn II HARDWOOD KIX)0HS. KI.KliAXT WOODWORK AND PAPKR. URN.MK. HOT "ATKI1 MKATKR. TK R R Af'KD LAWNS. A vi ' H"MK AND RKAL BARGAIN. I'Ol! JfVH AND INFORMATION, PBONK WA-'ArcH WA-'ArcH 0354, MONDAY AND WEEK. o.-.ir,-J ' 'r Jon wish a Rood home for much tests than ,,1 when bt)!!t eicht years ro, !103 Third 'j' (corner Third avenue ntid O street I. yTirfiflm 220 fnion station. nISIM ' in i ST he hold litis u'ecK. new r and r.-room 'nngalow. Owner coinx to war. Muse tin Call 14M So. 10th Last, llylan.l 177 H. nir.14 5"00 br. h.mm7.de7n; ht7i;ilol . siiad. , . '""t. rhicken house, etc.; so. e. : j'JO.VI. Kssy '" Rosa c. Davis, 113 So. Main, upstairs. iiL'.tKl FOU SALK ) d KSTATK hup roved anil Unimproved l.K t; it ami li icii uns liKAirv ro. Jl IMO. A unit lilt to :i ro,.m fiiiiuc bimcnl.nv. ullh lai'iie sleeping pcrcli, c ul bas. ui.'iil , klii-ln'ii - a tn uc is. partly nio.t.'i n, cl,c In ; easy Icnns. I.Ct lift ftlltiVV ' Stii,il. iviom frame oUae; hcUc, Ir.-co, oiilbuild liitf. cic- 'r.Tinp., or nun.' .low n mid l:il .mice monthly, tl,.,,,. i, ,.r ,,.. 1lld ! JOU IV lit 4 room brick Iniiii U.w . mill hlccpiiiL; porcli, ccnicnl biiMimnt, (nit t,ct cl lU-hl un.l piuinbliii: filun!, with brick inn ii tel. hookc nm-m. Uilclicn cabinet , cic. i'hls lieu so i,i near I iuv, and u Sv.l buy. N rot-in. , modern, brick bnn a low , new. Hh hardwood (loan., inn u let. paneled dtiiliit romti. la it: i' cl.v-.et, kitchen cablncif., cdcr. buill In mmmK boanl and table. I.molcutn en kiiclun rtiid bathroom floors, 'Verms. S'jot) cali and JJ2.S0 per month. $ ;iiiii. An exceptional off.r: l'uir nice, In rue room', 'lil tncloseil ultepini: porch, full cenienl bn-e ineilt, fnmt rooiui. inched in guniwood, vilh oak ' fl.HMi; nice maiuel. wlili bookcaxi, and licaiill fnl diniiiK TNMun buffet. Kitchen and halh I in i ishetl In white enamel. Ihep garden lot. Hood location MMUheaat. i:ay terms, and h dandy buy. K ro.ni biinfr.ilow; IJir-'e bedroom-, ami all on one floor: with large lot, front mid buck lawnn, fence, parage. I'.i fruit trees, eoopo., sn lnr, house iu firet-elns condition; well papered; wlih mantel, bookcases uud oilier built-in feature; beamed reiUiit;, etc. Near paved M reet , uud n M aeMiicnts pah;. Ttus i well worth ?7tHl more. M lift be sold at once. j i:;oi. Wo hfire a beautiful, .Vnvnn buniralow, Jnl completed, on un extra Uri;e garden lot : fine soil; i;,M'd locjtton .southeast. The hmme U beaut it ul ly nr ranged and i'iiuhcd in the latel f.tyle. with putnwooil in from room, oak floors, en am el in rear, h II f lo.rs mhi pod and vn cd ; cood furnaco basement . etc. Th W i- a hen u uftil home, and the price in reduced J'.'mi to makf h Rule ihw week. l!asy term, l.ei us liow you this at once. V'e have in my other choice homes, and can aMiro voir that our selection is one of ihc be-t yon will find. One customer bnn t htK week : "oit have shown us llic nicest selection of hom-'s in the incest way." This is our principle ot berviee. We are now operating a real KAKM IKFAKT-MKNT IKFAKT-MKNT s.t our list ot farms elsewhere in tin paper. Hhd cull lit the office for more. IK (iKAMl i;i!"TlAUIS KKAl.TV CO.. 75 est South Temple. Was. L'1'.t I. o.V.;i WAL.TKH J. MKKKS. Was. SITU. A Ql'ICK I l.KAN I r. Ret new bouse ba re a ins ever offered a t prices less than j ou could build for before ihr war. Tao new 5 room modern home, coin plete In rrery detail. hardwoM floors, Kiunwnod fini-h; bookcaiics, mantels, electric It. fixtures, full cement basemen l and fine furnace. Home? cost f 47oO. i ome on ; make your offer: soini to be 5o!d. Two blocks east of new- Kast Side hi ch school. Mtgd. SoCK', 7 p-r cent. look at rnis von a baiicain. rt rooms, nw brick: lianjwood floors, cum-wood cum-wood finish, mantel, bookcases, electric licht fixtures, cement basement and f urn mo-. l.ar :e corner lot, 67x144. faces couth and east ou Oth South, in Douirlas l'ark, only -J blocks ea--t of East Side hich scho.l. IUuie cost S1 "H. Muke ofcr. A bit sacrifice. No reasonable offer refused. First come first served. Never a tain such u bargain. Mtg. j;iiX0. 7 per cent. tt rooms, beautiful, mod. red pressed brick; slecpinc pirch. lirrd-vol all tlinmyh. full cement ce-ment basement. Ideal hot-water heat: large l"t, 7oxlf l: faces south on Michicau nve. I'ost i over JsYx. Makff your offer quick . Some I one will .it a home at u r.a ru'k k. Jltgd. for $o".00. 6 '-, per cent. I j $4aoO A beauty, only 2 Mocks east of Main; I new ; finished in ha rdwood ; ma ni el, basement, furnac. paved street. All improvement paid for. Terms, $300 cash. EL fixtures etc. I ?47jO room?, new, modem t hrou shout, ha nl wood fini.-h : mantel, bookcases, cum w.tod, fine cment basement, furnace, paved street; close in; on term, $.r00 cash. Tut-slaslied. slam-bang away they gu. You get the bargains. See WALTER J. MF.EKS, A-ent, 216 Boston Bid?. Was. 8173. Sunday Ut. 3070. oo!ti4 ASSOlTATEH INVESTMENT CO., " ItEAI-TU It." " WELLB1LT HOMES." BEA I'TI Wh NEW fl-lUOM HI'N'iALOW. $4jro: S4( cash. ou $m fek mo. This home is located in one of tti- pre t Host parts of the city, among stmie of our best families. Hardwood floors in every room except ex-cept th1 kitchen; oak in the front and maple in the bedrooms. The front rooms are finished In selected red pum. Nice tile mantel and bookcases. The bedrooms and kitchen are in enamel, also the bath. The kitchen is exceptionally ex-ceptionally nice, a feature that appeals to most women. The drain board its a stone preparation, absolutely Hunitary. Full cement basement with an unusual amount of head room. The lot is 50x157 feet, a feature that appeals to most men. We do not own this property, but we are glad to say that it is one of the best built and finest finished homes In the city, and the terms are unusually easy. NEW 4-KOOM Bl'NOAI.OW. Jl'000. Think of it a brick home,, alt modern, best of plumbtnc fixtures, a lurpe cement basement, for only Sl'OOO. The front rooms are finished in fir, the kitchen is natural, with a very convenient con-venient buffet arrangement. Very fine location loca-tion in the southeastern purl of the city. There is a mortgage of $1,100 at 7 per cent for three years on this property, and we are authorized to give a warranty deed subject to the mortgage mort-gage on payment of $700. LOCATED NEAH OTH SOt'TFT' AND HTM KAST is a fine .Vroom brick cottage on a lot ftOxir.7 feet to an allv. The lot is in lawn and garden, and the house is well shaded with large trees. This property ban bfil exceptionally well kepi, the rooms are all large. There are two bedrooms bed-rooms and a fine sleeping porch. Kor a parly who wishes lo g"t away from the hituga low st yle, his property Is unerpialcd at t he price. Only 'J'jO; $;t-r0 cash and or $:f0 per month. ' ' WE HAVE A FEW OTHER FINE HOMES AT ATTRACTIVE PRICKS AND TERMS. NOW IS THE IDEAL TIME TO BCV. LET TK EN FLA IN. FOR EC RTHER INFORMATION OK APFOINTMENT, SEE Mr. Fa liner. Rrat Estale Dept., ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO. Suite 27. Ne Pldg. -H West 2nd So. , Was. 12ST). or. 4 10 WARTIME BA RLi A INS. Kor S2'0 Cash We lone a wonderful bargain. The price is onlv S"t7.". This is a new bungalow. 4 rooms and enclosed sleeping porch, making an extra sleeping room: large lot. A properly that will bear close inspection. For fi.T70M. on Terms. You nn get Hie best value in a room huuga-low huuga-low ever offered, on the university bench. Thin bungalow cost I He owner plOO three years tzm The owner now is n widnw and is sacri-fMn" sacri-fMn" her home. The buntralw contains I! ro.ms and reception hall, hardwood floors and every modern convenience. R room bungah.w. same location n the one ihove, onlv SliimV on easy terms. 4 bedrooms, 'large o. good garage, strlcily modern. Sl,ni, on Term. For a 1-room bungalow, modern except heat. Owner leaving eily. We have many other harg.iins to offer. Call anil see us before buying your home. HKIWEAC MILL INVESTMENT CO.. -.t .,;,, ;ti;i Main Si reel. ' o.MM (TTiOOM frame house, near D. .t It. U. shops; a bargain; owner leaving town. Was. Illol V. n:tt;i7 FOU SALK UK L KSTATI5 Ko:tl Kslafo To Kxchanjxo A. N. ROSEN R V I'M- E.Xl'HANliK SI'ECIALIST. 7 R. MOD. HI' N tl A LO W, $:..ti. H. MOD. U. F. IC, CLOSE IN, j:t.M'. 4 AFT. ItLlIlL, CLOSE IN. income $1110. 4 R. MOD. CIVI'TAIIE, LAItiiE LOT. fcUMW. COOD IUSINKSS INCOME l'ROl'EICVV. pa.VR 7 per cent on prlco of frJO.OOU. I R A FT. MLIHL. STRICTLY MODERN, nearly new. Income $mi-. Frlce $i;.,nnn. 14 AIT, HLDC, REST IN ITS CLASS. Income I over JUilim, Price $10,000. This lw choice. NONE R I "ITER IN THE WEST; Income over I M.VimO. Trade on ttoiual caidi values for I la nn or ranch. TWO COOD AFT. IIOFSES. LOS A NO ELK! ; income over SL!,l(Hl vcar. Take chcui, raw land for half mid earr'v back uoTtiiage for balance bal-ance at 0 per cent. Trade, on each values. MODERN 4 A FT. FLAT ItflLDINO; scparatr furnace for each and lennnta pay eVci iMilug but w ater. Fa vk i !u I j-'Miii a vcar N I ; I' aloe ItiK-H, Instininci', waler and operating expeuni. Frlce JS7.MI. MOD. ? AI'T. Rl.DO.. KANSAS CITY, MO. Income $ El, 7 I it year. Morliiago Hi, not) a I 0 per cent. Take raw laud for eipilty. Aim have oi her rood modern apt. bhlga. could In -elude on same deal, up to over 1, 000.000 and deal to gel her or rend I e. d THE ABOVE FROFER'llES ARE A I and will stand the mrlelest in vol Iga I ion. If vmIucb do not inatch mortgagee can be given or taken to adjust differences. We also have over ion ol)ur good income bearing prop. rl leu, hII sl.es and values, to trade for fiiruif and ranches. Wo a nn to mo l eh a ny den I, a uj w Ihtc. 7 R. MOD. HOI 'SI'', CLEAR, and up to $1000 chh for better home. o R. MlD. RFNOALOW. CLEAR, and up (0 $20on ca sh for bet I er bungalow . 12. AFT. BLDiL. LEASED TO ONE TENANT for $21im year, Conmder farm, ran.-h or anialler eily pi.'periles to Iwu-lhlnls of Millie. CLOSE IN R A FT. BLDlL. rnrn Inh. d . monthly Income iinmnd H0; very small eipenc. Frlce $7;.oO, encumbrance $:iH0. Trade $(mki e.piily for small to'ine. Il.-re's a clmnee to turn out small home Into good income property. ON K OF THE BEST WILT, bent located, best arranged and beat Income apart men is In !s Ange(-s. Annual income uh-ait SI2.onO, b.dng l.'i per colli "Ml the price of JsiIOmO. Take In-itme In-itme property in Salt Lake lip to J..U.0O0 or $f,0,000 and give "big cud" of the deal. WE HANDLE ONLY DESIRABLE FROFER Tl KS. those l hat will stand invest i ga I ion. If ynil ha ve ouiet hmg rihuI lo t rade lei us k now all about it; also what you waul and we'll do our best tn got it. WITH IS, E FRY MONTH IS "Tit DK MONTH." EV ER V WEEK A 'TRADE WEEK'1- AND WE HAVE MADE TWO TRADES IN ONE DAY. A, N. ROSEN B A I M . EXCHANGE SFK( lALlST. 31 Main street Ktroiiud floori. Wasatch 2.M3. O-'.o'iO EXCHANor.S. WHAT HAVE Y0FV 120 acres wheiif land, about 2." miles s-uti of Salt Ijike City. Fnd-r en mil wat.-r. run be purchased. Fine ul. Will in ke home In city. room double house In best rental district, modern. l"t r.ni;U f'-el. Will take small h me or small piece f acreage up to b"til JO'ito no. New modern apartno tit bide., bringing in fine income, all rented. Will take vacant lots to $.iooO,00. J Brick Ptore btllMirc. clone to mam bntini'-ss d! strict. value Jl.V.iwi.OO. mortgage $2i0.nd. Will take cottage for equity. 5-rni. n--w modern hungalmv lu nou1heat Section. hlch el:; lias actually cos l n ll'T $;.".in.(Ml. Will ta ke lot n for $1."ioo;no euun y. R rm. niflern bungalow, sou t lo-a si , t-e,uity 20rm itil. W"iild take acres soul Ilea st to v a iue of fonoo 00 and assume. SEE I S. PETERSON REAL ESTATE fc INV. CO.. M KAST 4 TH SOI 111. ...-.07 I WHAT have you to trade for l"i r. torn im'el In N evn da. Hie onlv one I here, and in a g 1 i live town : a Wo f iv e-room bung a l-w nea r East Side high? Will trade as pari mii large house, j e !.'. in. or farm. Call lly. I ,nl . or andr.-- 0-2.'. Tribune. 'J'-'i WA NTELV Tu t n'de. j o I T y in S-room brick I house and 2 10 acre- land. Best of soil. orelmrd, barn, etc.. for vacant proper! v or ..mailer home southeast. Call Was. .';:; nights and Sundays, Douglas Dl-W. (M'. W A NT EI) To trade, a b.-aut Iful home of Si rooms, in one of the must desirable locations in the ritv, for a 4 or 5-wm bungalow. Fhone Was. 7012-R. o..ltl FOR Oakland. San Francisco or icinily. two J modern 7-!vroom houses, clone tu on Third , avenue. Address V-17, Tribune. m H'i4 Lnl'ITV in modern M-numi cut l aire with sic. ping porch, three blo-'ks from Main, ns part pay- merit on .Vpussenger car; will pay cash balance. Address Agent, S. L. 4; 1". R. H.. Lehi, I tali. eastate ForSaleorTrad j OWNER OF AN APARTMENT HOI'S K OF FOIR A ITS. , SPLENDI I) RENTER. WILL i TRADE E'M'ITY OK $f. ) FOR IMPROVED! FARM OR liOOD BI NCALOW FREE OF i MOKTCAOK, OR SMALL MORTO All H. THIS S A liOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR SOMEONE TO TAKE IT EASY. ADDRESS M-13. TRIBUNE. 320 ACRES LAND AND SOME MONEY FOR A MODERN HOME IN DESIRABLE LOCATION. LOCA-TION. WHAT HAVE YOF? WAS. 1127, OR CALL 210 TKMFLETON BLUO. o.'.tlU MODERN 7-rooiu frame: good plumbing, furnace, fur-nace, garaye, chicken house, flue shade and lawn; large corner lot, on paved street, southeast. south-east. Will consider eily or farm properly. ( an pay cash di f ference. What have you ? l.T.i" !th East. Hj land .".2.VW. o2K.S LOT, business building, with rnnm.-i furniture; built of new material t years ago; si lu a led in greatest copper producing camp in Nevada. Would lake any 6-cy Under, f irst -class i,utomo-bile i,utomo-bile in part, payment. Address N-oS, Trihi.ne. i . IS' '3 I 5 AC R ES ground, all garden with .Vrooni j house, flowing well, 10 shares of water; 3 i blocks from car line; prefer Ogden properly. 4tii' Redwooil road. mOOtM j FO R sate, or I rade for ca r, -1 - room house ; j 2 lots. M"' South 7lh East. E. T. Young, I l'ocatello, Idaho. m -12-15 SALT Lake Income property, Income fl.'io per month. 27:5 State si. lly. loi'l J. nil'i)5 C IT V proper! y or ranch in Ida ho to exeha ngc for a'reagc in Holllday. Address N-60, Trib-u Trib-u ne. r'-7 FOR sale or eMliange, by owner: Bargain; 10 acres, improved ; 4 -room cot t a ltc ; c!om in ; ;V fare; want Caliloruia, What huve you'.' Address N-27, Tribune. e-1721 I ABOUT 2-aere fine orchard, vuili m-w o-room house, garage and cl,; will consider good 5 or R-rooni house in city for my equity. Call ir aildress 2S!,o So. 23rd East. o5074 WILL trade U-rin.. modern brick, close in, for o or o acres with home. I ; AT ES-S ' H CLE R REALTY CO.. W a s . H0 1 . '-'" Ea s t 1 1 h South. njiisi! PROPERTY at Spring vi tie. Utah. Improved. modern, furnished 20-room building, large lot and him di1. for a small home in soiit heasl or acreage. Address Box .'147. Spring vll U l.'lali. or.:i7l . 1 1 m h "l.'IT Y in 7-room modern brick, good local ion. on ea r 1 ine. Will take hma II er bnme. Address O -20. Tribune. o.V2:M For Saie Canyon Cottages PI N E 1 .OTH.; E. Big Col ton wood canyon, nicely furnished, clean cabins, ready to move in. Prices reasonable. Apply premises, or see ,1. E. (ilymoure, 114 East Broadway. moti.O FO R SALE Three -room cabin, pa rl ly furnished, fur-nished, at Brighton, Big Cottonwood. J. M. Thomas, 3oS l lah S. A; T. bldg. n21S ON E of the finest places in Mouni Air canyon; a 3-rooin collage, furnished; waler in lite he us'1, a cooler, and nea rly 2 1 acres of land: JTi mi nut es' ride from Salt La ke City. Call Wasaleh 007 1 W or 2071'. m7020 IJANKRIJJPTCjV BA N K RU PTC V papers executed crreetly . 1 1 her. pari nership or inn i vidua I. of f io; of ilerliude lineUow. public sieno-rapher and notary, 402 Fell building. Telephone Wasatch SjJ o;i7:i3 I Olt SALK UK A I, KSTATIO I'ins and Acrean'o lii;i.l A RLE ! A RM HA K'. A I Three miles tr,.m Tivinmil on , on I lie inaln road, W c oflel lllg ?v acres of I I tor M.Vi.llO pel IKK', ,10 IH'I.-H plalllrd lo III lalta and i.nb.uce hi olhn cr.-ps. 'I lie phiro h felH'.il Ullh l-.K llr. Uu II full wi ' ilrlit Im. 111 lb.- Hear River canal and b. i f II M"l and b.-hl fauns lu that valley. We enu turret a m ii 1 1 tmt no ul il.iu a, k t v IU g a I'-hl: I Hue mi I he balance. Klghl Hear llo- Imul of Tre nlnu we have .i-e III a, IO l.a.'lh that we lire offering for a v.-iy iv;i;nii able price. 10 .ci ii-ii I down and liii .'cars ou I he balance. We have Kill acres of laud that lia been dr fanned for n number of lentw, 1 v lug nn der the canal and located In the Heal' River i.lli-i. Thin .r..pcrly was nil cum mer fallowi'd Oils war and will raise ii.'il vcar an cvcellciil erp of giain. Water Wa-ter i an bo had for It. is place If ne-.lr. t1. The prnperti Is III fine hnpe. Tln-re Is n..l a Tool of w a ne laud. S a i 'iTfer lug this pm per I y a I SW-..00 jn-r acre. A soul 1 1 p.t i iu en I di.wn a ud tei in on I lie balane,.. We have a teller loduv I'lom a man living In Cullfoinu, vv) w'us a large Irn. l of fiisl clar-H pn.pcrly al Downey. Thl. propi-rl.v Is under tin- -iin.il. has a full wal'-rlighl and Is Well hnpnoed. We call sell Oils proper I v for .-JO. i. oil per a.-ic. Including liilproveiiieuia and waler. Can sell 111, Si I or I ltd acre. . . - hnol Is l.icilted Mgl.l on the railroad, near a g I town, with m liouls, i luin-li.-s and oi lo r rnodern con-vi'iilcii.'en. con-vi'iilcii.'en. This would be u nice place ill vv lilcli to make a lioine. heven hundretl acres iu Ihe eitiler of the Snake River valley, I HO acres lnlg.il.-d al Ihe prcneiil liii, c, waler lor 2:.tl iicick more; I wo homes, two barns, in fuel, two nds of nn lui.v e in en i s ; n ernes I he road f nun the s.-hoolh.nu-c, fine waler for ibune-ilc pur pose p. This proper I y In. a been plan led IhiK year lo mj.it 1 t-, poiatoen, al f .. If a and g i a in. The prduei inn of ognr beets should be ft mn l'l hi IS Ions p-r acre; (he alfalfa U excellent and I he .ol a toes "are e 1 1 a mil I n u ry , t ne wnc.it is fine. TliU ruet.'ll y han u II in a oh 1 iv ry 111-Cef.M, I y lo run Ihe fll rm , I lie hid lug hori.eM, harness ; In fact . en-ry t h i ng n-c I'smiry to ojiiu-lte this plain. 'Ihe loea Ib.n Is splendid, being u short dlslauce fr-in the rallmad htnlloti. V c arc offer lllg t Jili .i .i.i-rl y u Ihe r Idleu buihly lovv prh e of ."SHi. HO per at re, lll' linhug every-Oi every-Oi lug ; f .'.ii. in . nn down and 1 ct in n on I he balance. If ,you would litl.e a trip In look this properly over ami see the cmp-on cmp-on it tli if year, v ou w ould be i-,.n im-.-d that It will pay for Itself In a very cliort lime. We have n hp lend id ftirni In Cache valley, con mining 70 u res, win, h in coMn.iored our of the be I t.irmn in Oils vall-y . 1 1 tn all under a hUh grade of cultivation, with waler riiit. tluhL iie,ir the all-roud all-roud st a 1 inn a nd low u. This fa rui run be hud for l2'i.nn ji.-r acre, lo p.-r cent down and ten ;.ars on the balance. KIMBALL A II If H A R DS, 'Land M.Tchalits." M Main Street. VYusuleh laid. CALL FARM AND RANCH l'KPA R I'M EN T. ASSOC! A'l ED 1 S VESTMENT CO., "KKAiiyi:," SIX ACRES CHOICE LAND in liit t oi t.uiw o-.il uiMrbt, A 1 water rijht. room Ik'u-vc. large barn, im li-ni eln. ki-h housi-n and runs, ntmut y ucr.s of on-hard lo.ded with chobe fruits, ;i acres . hoice g.inten land, ail m -.-ary farm to.ds and im piemen ti to run the place. Price 5 17'"'. on vc-y en sy leru.-, or will lake jto.vl building build-ing lots clear in the city us fir-1 payment. pay-ment. Til R C E ACRES IN BOl NTIFUL. Very ehoi. e Ia:-d. f.n:r -room lioii-e. chlcUen lioM'.n barn, nb family orchard, mall frull tr.-is. g J water right, mid city water piped to place, right near Interu-tcni "tali. "ta-li. ii and pav.-d v.. id. Price $:;txn; J7nJ e.i-h. b..hih.-e t.-rms to st. 12 Al EES IN COTIONWOOD ri't net , f irt cla -s w a ler right, nt' e 4 -room lo.use, ba rn. eh b-ken houses. t)ne of t he choicest fruit and berry places in the rounty. Due goml team, wagon and harness; har-ness; one fine Jersey cow, lot of chlck'tis. all farm t N and all n,-rs.mv i:,;icl:;L-rv on place. EVEEYT1IINK liUl.S at ,-r.oij; SI.M'O e:.sii. balance e.v t.rn.s. -ud i:"h a real snap. The only irie-mi for Celling Is that the two boy s l,a e o w ;ir and Cm- old gAitleniaii . aiiiint take care uf the place. 1QI Al RES NEAR ABERDEEN. IDAHO. jiisi t wo miles f i nm I lo- town. This is n very choice ipiarler section and will be vv ..rtli double i he price i lie owner n..w M-ks for it wittiiu two years at lea-n. Fine loea ti oil from town, ideal for irrigat ion, the ow n.-r now lives :u St. Louis, .Mo., and Is anxious to bell. See me for particulars. par-ticulars. SO ACRES ON PROYO BENCH. wiili A-l water rU'ht. 05 ncres in alfalfa, 12 a. rt-s in choice commercial fruit, balance in grain this season. This is one of the besi I met s in I ' la h count v ; t wo houses and some nut huiMiuc'. SEE ME FOR PARTICULARS. 9 2(1 ACRES IN SALT LAKE COUNTY. The best farm land iu the county, located a t Tay lorsv i I le on the county road ; close lo good schools and eh u relies, half mile from electric line. Farms in this particular particu-lar locality have produced more wealth P-r acre than any oilier section of Salt Lake county, owing to the productiveness of the soil and the abundance of water for irri-ga irri-ga t iou. Th" re s one of t he most modern homes on this proper I y to be found, In -eluding a full cement basement , with best hoi w a ler hea ting plant , large laundry t rays, coal chute, coa I bin", etc. ; in fact, one can enjoy all the modern conveniences of the cl ty and at the sa me time live on one of the best 1'iirms to be found. The owner la now encaged in stock business In Idaho and is offering this beautiful farm and home al n bargain ami very easv terms. SEE ME AT ONCE KOR PARTICULARS. CEO. K. CULL. ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO.. FARM DEPARTMENT. 207 Ness Bldg., Was. -12S;. 2S W. 2nd South. oMoO MRS. E. MARION KEELING, D. C, W4 Main nt. Vapor ba t lis. ma cnet ic mnssa ire. I to 7, or by appointments.. Catering especially to ladles la-dles 'and children. n40-l7 (.'HAS. L. CRAY, expert chiropractor. -100-101 Seolt bldg.. Hit So.. Main street. Hours, 10 to 1 and il to 7 :o0. Res. phone Murray t.VJ. Office. Was. Mill. no 720 DOCTORS M I LK K V & MU1.KEY, chiroprae-I chiroprae-I (nrs. Wasatch oUKt. Hours; D-j, U:3U-S. "21 222 . 223 Mclniyre bldg. : , ;; i JtEN.L U. JOHNSON. 0. C. 311 Rori.,u bun7 Hours. 0 11. 1-1. ti-7::iO. Was. -i'XiS. X-Ray laboratory. Outside calls. o-l-!Sl H .1'7V 1 1 ,S(T7D. C. Ph. C 3111 Hroo"i;s" Ar-cade, Ar-cade, 3rd South and Siale sta. N-ray laboratory. labora-tory. Was. S20o. ollSf. W7 IL PYOTT, D. C., Ph. C. o2:;-4-.". FeR bldg. Pa 1 mer gradua te. Was. 0-l.".3. tv isc SUC ARllOUSE CHIROPRACTIC PARLORS. Our modern methods are bringing wonderful wonder-ful results. Terms reasonable. lly. i;io W, Sugar hlk. bldg. e'7::S TYPENVRITEUS N EW t ypewriters. I 'orona and Roy a 1 ; all o) her makes rebuilt, for sale or rent. Utah Typewriting Type-writing Exchange Co., Wasaleh .is;jo. ;ir, W. Second South. r20o0 ALL makes for sale 'T vent. Sold on easy payments. shipped on approval. Write for our price list. The Wholesale Typewriter Co., 321 '.. Souih Main. Salt Lake City. Utah. F!ion- Was. 2701 . ''-tS"1 NEW Remington-Monarch, rout S3 per innttllt. or sell ch'-ap. 2o:i So. nth E. Was. 2172. o.-.:.20 CLEANING AND DYEING SALT LAKE Cleaning ,,- Dyeing Co. dn-s reliable, relia-ble, hicli-chiss work. Men's s'lits pressed wliile tou vv a It . Men 's hats cb-a nod and h locked. 7.r J-enls. All kinds of hriis clean... I, blocked and dyed for woiii.-n and men. Mail o-,ers -elicited. 2f.."( State si reel . Mo'-'oiS ' TI! E M yers I 'leaning & ,1 'vein g ( 'o. , ex p. rt cleaners and dyers, wholesale and ret:;!:. Mail orders soliei ted. Clot lies insured. Work g:::i r-anteed. r-anteed. IM and 110 E. Kr.ia.Kny. 107 FURNITURE REPAIRING EX PERT f urni t ure repairing, re fin ihi ug a nd French polishing. lly. 17 7. 1 1 i ill W. WILLIAMS SONS, 100 N blreet. WasT 2."n. Upliolsteritig. repairing, chairs re caned, o;:i 1 EX F E R I EN C ED struciural encineer solicit even i ng work. Designs, di:t a lis, est ima t es. Address K-lk'.. Tribune, oJSls.' I Olt SAM-: UKAL KSTATE Farms and Acreap;c D. IlARNi;S, ' Oil 17 IS P.o. dou Rid. Wan, -I7:.0'I7M. j FARM E HANOI-; hFEllAldS'l. A HP; DEFER Hill A JHi; APAR'I'MKNT IUH HE. Om-i- .'I'lon acres of choice fanning land, whoic whenl eroj.pt are ulwnvn iifotiired wiili out wtiier, an ihe ir.-cl pi I n 1 1 on is only a fraction frac-tion leu than HI Inches; II. at moans good erom; II Is en iii In roup from 2.'. to .'Ul huhen of good wheal I., the j,, iv in lliln purl, at I lah -figilillig "illy 2) bnnhcls In Hot acre Would give ot lill.lllKI I M 1 . 1 1 -1 . Ill $2 per, lltejtlH 1)20, (10(1; Ibis will pay for the land and five voil tl cool ..".otin in ca-di, (i tier paying (in,inai for it t.eii.ses, N'tlW our c lieu will take an ii part iu en I house ; he want lo try city life for n change, HO If VOL ivanl to try FRESH AIR and healthv onlside ejerelno, besiden being vveR pa Id I or your eiierglei. lot e In your chance. Flrr-l coo.l offer ureciOcd. HERE'S A DANDY. IC, m He from the iiillroad. nenr I h lluh-Idalio lluh-Idalio ..Into line. We offer Hill aeren of cood running land, of which 1 IU a 'r.n are under ul 1 1 mi I Ion, 20 in res more eleH red a ud reudy for phiMleg, all fenced uud ci-ohh f-nced, IM-FKl IM-FKl ) i ; . I i NTS ; -I room house, K stall hori-e s I able, l ft a II cow I mi n , 2 I a rge chicken eoopn, ii.n lime We'd, 2 hog r.l.cdh, ton-room mid erl-li.r. erl-li.r. 2 good wells, 2 w oi k horses, 1 utility horse, 2"0 cine 1. 1 -us. I Jersey Durham ow, ',,ciir , old .ler.-i- heifer, mid I Jersey Durham 4 month old lu ller. I M I ' LEM E NTS : I er hinder, 1 mower, 1 hay rak.-, 1 cullivator. 1 seed drill, 1 Hi inch riding plow, 2 set Hon harrow, 1 due harrow. 1 S Hide baker H'i wagon, wide Ores; 2 1 so s of double hn rue si, I idngle It a rm'ni1. Mini 1 1 I ools, a xes, chains, el e,-, el c. There la a young orchard of 70 trees, and enough wood to last 2 ve.ir- on the place, nil Mucked and partly dll IHM SEIIOLH LOODK: I range, 1 heHier, I davenport, dining room table, aid ebon rd , llonsier iiibinet, 1 kitchen eabliii-l, rocking iind D. R. cl.aiis; in fuel, everylhing for jjoii-ve-keepli.c ecit cooking nletihils. There In h good . mn of Rlis-latl milling ry-, xw.rlh $3 per bushel, which If bought b.-f.r.- threshing goes wllh the place al Die unheard of price of f l.i per, were I ii i-1 ticj nu' every 1 III n g men Honed, This Is without with-out a d.-u tn u spb-mild buy. We will ell m terms, or even echjtigi; fur good income properly. prop-erly. H EE UN ABOUT THIS AT ONCE. 22'- ACRES at Sprlngvllle. Utah, only ii few-blocks few-blocks from center of the town : ban an S rm,, modern house, ba i nn and ou t bill hi lugs ; fn m j ly or.-ha nl ; -I ncr -a hirer? e ; ! acre beets, ba In ncr in wheal, corn and potatoes. Cheap for fS.'HiU. Half cash. Terms. 40 AC R ES on Redvt n. road, near the Llnd oey Ktore ; hpb nd id so) , good waler; no tm prov.iii.nts, b-il will certjiinly grow bumping crops. J 'rice J2''.0 per h'tc. . ACRES adjoiritn- the above, vtilh U room brick house hi.) jtood oiitbuiblniRs, Fine 1m-proveini-n I n, ADJOINS FACTORY. 'VI acres clone lo Spanish Fork ; IS acres mien mi-en r be i t c, I acre poi a Iocs, ,1 ncre un ts, 3 aereK elov.-r. 1 acre , rn. 1 jt.-re uiHi houme. orchard and ou I b-ii Idii.gs ; best of water right;! .an grow as hc'li us 2". tons beets io the acre ..n Ons land. Price $7M0, or will exchnngu fur 1 larger farm near M-hool In Hout hern Idaho. I ITCK P ONE OF THESE SNAPS. S'v acres -L-'.od buiURngn and wau-r, garage, on S I H t ' Ht reet . DUi acre dry farm In Cedar valley. H-n-K, well im pro ed 2 horses, irnple-mentp(. irnple-mentp(. Redwood ro:td. 2 4 ' j acred, crops and Implements ; lol s of sto.-k , pig. Me. : near Murra y. liki :n res, im pb nn n In, Btwli, etc.; dry farm; Star vn ibv, Neriulu. - acres, fine house ud improvemen 1 8, 17th SoitOi (oldl. 10O acres on Interurban ronrt, near Bluff-dale. Bluff-dale. 4 acre, with good 4 -room f rme, near 5,1 rd South. So ncren. unimproved : Perry county, M isouri. 10 acres. 4 -room house, 2 acres In pot a toes ; close In ; snap. 50 acres, dry farm, fenced and cultivated (spring-H; Millard county. We only bundle bargains. Don't list wiih u (unless your offer is inviting). in-viting). ( i-ir 'oree i always husy closing dea Is. Your tn teres ik are safe in our hundr. 51 y force of six salesmen, with a utos, arp n t your service. No business proposition is too big or too small 10 receive their prompt attention. at-tention. D. PARNES. FA RM DEPARTMENT. 410 IT-IS R.-loii nwiir. Wxs. 47.-.0-47S1. Live, reliable rep reseii i a 1 1 ve wauted in the tow us of Flab,, Idaho and Nevada. Ask fur Mr. Cutler. , O5O02 M0N EY jrqL0AN NOT WITH ST AN DINO a close mouey market. we are supplying all applicants at old rates. Call at our new offices. 20;( o Walker Rank Ruildiug. tu u Home in v kstm ent & sav lngs COMPAN Y. film Miller. President. K. D. Hardy, Cashier. n4409 THrF COUNTY RECORDS PROVE we make more loan upon r.-(il estale than any five com pe 1 1 tor co iu billed. Could this be accomplished unless our methods meth-ods were right': Call and let us explain. TRACY LOAN TRUST COMPANY, l.M South Main St. gl305 MONEY to loan on real estate at low rate of interest . HOFFMAN BROS. LOAN & TRUST CO.. 21 E. 1st South. Wasatch 2232. ml! 123 MONEY TO LOAN O.N" CITY REAL ESTATE, ANY AMOUNT. PETERSON REAL ESTATE & INV. CO., .VI E. 4 Hi SO. WAS. &S20. u.2103 LI R E R AL loans on watches, diamouds. jewelry; $10 for :10c; ?2o for 7.u Larger loans proportionately pro-portionately less. Confidential Provident Loan Society, 201". Kea rns bldg. e20G PLENTY of money to loan on improved city property or farms at 7 per cent. 21 E. 1st South, Hoffman Bros. L. & T. Co. Was. 2232. 02713 yi LOiiO TO Lmti, o or 5 years; good rate to right party. Address box 102S, city. olSS7 S - LA R 1 ED people ;n com mod a ted without de-lav de-lav or publicity. L. D. Drake, 303 Scott bldg. U304 ON Utah and Idaho farms: liberal options. .Miller & Viele. S03 Kearns bldg. nll6 SALT Luke Loan office, 70 E. 2nd So. Liberal loans on anything of value. n274R NEED mouey? We loan it at right terms on real estate. A. Hichter Co., iW So, Main. Was. SS7;t. MS 17 S ALA Rl ED people permanently employed. Call at -I oi Walker Bank building. Business -on- fideiitial. U4 1 ,'( S20.0H0 OR LESS on business properly ; private funds. Address F-M. Tribune. n5702 ON improved farms, 7 per cent. See Uiesy Co.. 711 Kearns bldg. ko747 MOilTCAOE loans without delay. Fritsch. 201- 202 Felt bldg. ctS2H FOR real estate loans, s-.o Tutlle Brothers Co.. 101 Main st. Was. i2oL g2 1 1 FURRIERS. TAXIDERMISTS EVERYTHLNO in ihe fur and taxidermist line; remodeling, repairing; and cleaning; a complete com-plete si oek of ma mi fact urcd furs ; 24 yea rs in Sa 11 Lake City; highest prices paid for raw-furs, raw-furs, R. Steiiel Fur Co., 315 South Main 81. ktmri S'i'O R AH ; ;. remodel tug ;1 nd repa i ring ; fur coa t s made to im der by expert furriers. Hudson Bay Fur Co.. 2oS-2-l0 Maui street. uloll C. UN EVA C. HICKS CO. --Fur garments made. I repaired, cleaned and sold. 06 So. Oil) East. irj'jsp LEFF'S FUR SHOP. 12 S. Ma in Complete line of furs and ;aideri:i. o11S2 FEET hurl you 7 Fea I lier-weigbf nrch support--, made to your meaMire. deslrned to correct the I can-" and give ie'a'it relief. Hansen Lab-oralo-;. Orlhopedie Specialists. 320 Walker Bank bldg. o.'3P2 j DK. UlTABi' l ii' L. WTSM ER, Kraduale." "720 i M Inly;e lldg.. OS Scitli Main. Was. 2S'MV klSTt DR. F. V.W IIOUTEN. 1. C. O. All ailments of Ihe t'.-ei Heated. 211 Main st. Was. 707K. f 2.-i MARY H. HITLER, chi ropodisi : H-.-h eorr t ions, xu ,lu. Ig.- buihiiiig. Wa. si's:; co.121 DOCTORS I DR. W. N. ORH'UITH. blood pus n. skin troubles trou-bles ami private diseases. I.".l:: M;it s-r-ct. 1210 LA W N m.-ov sharpened. babv bi'ggi re- tired, key fiifng. C. A. Fowb-r Novell v 'works. 112 W. 2nd Km. Was. 410. k"JI2 10U SALE RKAL ESTATE Farms and Acreage BE'FIILWLN HOME HITLDLRH t (. Farm Liiiidn. THE FARMS YOU Ol.liHT '10 HUT. r.O acre of b'-rlH, lf term to Ihe iier. makes 7UU Ioiim; thla at ?10 per Ion makes. K7.M10. 7." myru acres of Ihla laud lb Ui alfalfa and grain. Won't I bin il moist, pay for lh fnrm In one year' Think about It. Will anythlnn pay you im much and Im up and ready to do the name for you mil year',' lb-re In what we have- the a bo v a in whn t H produ'en : 1 1 ' farm. 1 'Ihe land l at JiUekfool. Idaho, mid Jolnii the migar faciory, orn- mtle from the ny. There a i c J i,;-i acrea uud a riparian right to b0 iierea more, 12.'. u.-reM of thin land i all and in eultivailon In one body. More can he cuHi vnied. There Im a splendid water right and no hhortju-e of water. Tint lurid la all fenced and crodj fenced. There are a gool house and orchard. IteeL pulp from Die an pur factory can by had for fnl leu lug mock u t a very low-price. low-price. Thin farm ran be bought for $23,0". 'I he ow ner la reOrlni; from b:inim-ai and w an "i a KOid bungalow in Kali Itke city, and will take one (n part payment on (he farm. The man who doesn't buy Hi la will mlr nn op port unity lo mnkn a fortune. A MODEL C0ENTRY I10MK AT KARMINO-T0N. KARMINO-T0N. House is modern In every rhperl. The income in-come from I lie land will hopporl n fam ily uud it, only reijulrr one nmn Hi's work In a yea r to harvefil a crop. 1 1 Ima nn 8 -acre commercial commer-cial cherry ord.urd of the beat variety, trees fall bearing and about 10 yeara old. The owner will take ua part paymenL a bungalow on the cunt bide. A 22-AinE FARM. This farm im b'oiMi of hall Lake City and about one block from Woodstock "1iojI, 1 '-j mi leu from Murray, on Vine Mreel. Oood brick ho us with pore It en, land ail in ml It ra Hon and ban good wmrr rlt'ht , cement Ior house, chicken houae with riiu and brojder, rabbit liuiehea iind mra for t)) rabbit, una II orchard. or-chard. This fnnn will ma If you money and , afford you a beautiful country home. Will ' lake a gowi, modern bungalow in southeast ; purt of city. A RANCH THAT MAK ES THE MONEY. 2:7 acres. I1; miles from ilaekay. Idaho, with : 2h7 IneheM of water. No waste land on the ; ranch. -jja acres in alfalfa, and alfalfa is 1 led line there nt ?17.o0 tier ton. 65 acres in I firaiu, 7 ii.-re fn timber; land is all fenced ami cross fenced, part hop light. Complete tet of farming implements and a market for everything at the door. Three houses on the place ; one hoili.e is thoroughly modern. 44 In-iid of horn stock, 8 horses and '0 hops. Price 3:1,000. $10,000 will handle this proposition. prop-osition. A CHANCE FOR A COUNTRY HOME. Ho you want io ei change your city hung a -low for a good eonniry home ? 10 aeres on Frovo Hencli, near Orem station ; 7 acres of 8 year old a pple trees, commercial va rii t ies, pay Ing big thib year. Oood water right. Tliis is all garden truck land and will make a beautiful country home. The owner will tak1 a bungalow, can or fouttieaHt, in exchange. Price of land ia $4000. HETTILYON HOME BUILDERS ro.. 370 South Main St. Was,. 4Slf. oTov "IT HAPPENS ONLY ONCE." WE HAVE OVER 1000 ACRES of most productive pro-ductive land in all the west, in the best &ec-tion &ec-tion of the great Pahvant valley, Millard, county, m.rthwcbl of Helta. Land is level, baa full decreed de-creed water ri-ht absolutely nil ihe water needed need-ed for any and all put ioses at all seasons. The culinary water is THE BEST IN THE WORLD and we mean jtifet t ha l u pure lithia, cold, soft, refreshing. The chmnie is unexcelled 360 nays of aunsliine a year. It's Hie greatest alfalfa al-falfa need district in the world has taken two world's fair prizes ; often brings over $100 an acre a year. Its sonic of the choicest a If a If a, w heat and sugar beet land in the west. Will raise from 30 to 50 bu-hels wheat. 15 to 20 tons of sugar beets and 4 to 5 tons aifalfa NOT SOME YEARS AiiU; BUT EVERY YEAR, under normal conditions. Host of the land is one to four miles from the. ra iiroad and loading biations. There's a greul sugar factory, large grain elevators and. other "money petting conveniences" con-veniences" right at htnd. and a transcontinental railroad runa through the valley. .Now, listen. It's practically impossible to sell land for cash under present Conditions; it does no one . any good lyiug idle and waler running to waste; so HERE'S 01 U PRO POSITION: Show us you are able to, and will farm 40, So. 120 or ItiO acres as it should be farmed and we'll turn it over to yon without the payment of $1 in cash or security. You turn over to us one-balf the crops each year or arrange for a email annual an-nual payment in cardi. You're taking no chances, as we'll show von exact) v similar lands adjoining, adjoin-ing, on which BI; CROPS ARE GROWING RIGHT NOW 4j b ilud wheat. 15 to 2U tons sugar bee is and big croj i of oats, barley and sugar beets. This is ':,t yeur land" that js, you get niG CROPS of wheal, barley, oats and sugar beets Cue first year, notwithstanding he fuel that college experts said "it cau't be done." We v. ill accept ome desirable property as part payment, if you wish. Average price of land and water about $00 per acre. THIS IS Yut'R OPPORTUNITY DON'T MISS IT. A. N KOSENRAUM. Exchange Specialist. 32 Main St. (ground floor). Wasatch 2543. o 729 !S40 ACRES, Idaho stock ranch. 6 hours" drive from this city. Hio acres state lease land adjoins, making it limo-aere tract. You have I the first option to buy this 160 if you do not care to lease. There is a fi-room. strictly modern home, waterworks, independent electric power and Relit plant and good independent waler right. There are numerous springs, also hot springs and bathhouses. HI bend milch cows, 10 head work horses, all implements and tools go with the ranch. It joius the forest reserve and a range right for 200 head cattle may be had if you care lo buy the range slock; same can be had for 25 per cent cash and three yea rs on balance. Price of ranch is $45,000. One-half cash and liberal terms on I rest. Will consider home in the city to $5000 on the deal. This is certainly a beautiful much and you will want it if you see it. $1000 gives possession of 1SS acres in So. Idaho. Water for 30 acres. House, barn, implements; im-plements; all fenced and joins forest reserve. fill acres near Saratoga Springs. 14 mile lake front. House, sheds. 4 acres fruit. Will raise j lot) bit. oats. 75 barley. 50 wheat per acre, i Good beet land. Only $85 per acre. STREITT A SMITH. 411 Ness Bldp'. Wasatch SOW. o5474 REALTOR CONTINENTAL LAND COMPANY. Now is the time of year to buy a farm. You get Die crops, nil the farmer's summer work j thrown in ; in some instances you can buy the j fa nn f or less money now with t hese advan-. advan-. iiu-i-s than in the spring. j 14 ACRES $4000. I 1 V.vy r::,e tittle farm of 14 acres, close to Salt Li ke Ciiy; good brick house, table, full water rigii I , fruit and shade 1 1 ees. sandy loam soil. This farm is especially well adapted to chickens, chick-ens, aifalfa. potatoes, melons, peaches and all kinds of mall berries. Watermelons from the locality ure the best grown in this valley. There i now a fine di vrrsi ,'ied crop coing wi 1 U t he place. Price ip $inun, including all. Owner would consider (rude. J HO ACRES $(3500. Very close lo Salt Lake Ciiy is a tin-acre rami; very best location: fine water right, and 'soil uneven led in Ihe vi'lley. There is a 5-room I brick and frame house, pi 'd water, electric lights, small stable, implement shed. outside ; collar. , This has b-en a great farm, worth $20,000, b'.t N .slightly run down, and is offered under foreclosure sale. There is a team, wagon and some crops. Ii is ihe greatest snap in Salt , Lake vulley. $11500, on eiis-y terms. Trade. j We will trade what you have for what you j W il 11 1 . CONTINENTAL LAND COMPANY. leS W. 2nd South. Wasatch 1f,25. no.tOS isWheat WILL locate and survey Ml liable land. Charles Herman, 2d 0 street. o!3S5 ASSAYERS " OIL SHALE ANALYSIS. R. H. Officer & Co.. Assurers and Chemists, SnlL Lake Ciiy. Utah. Patronage Solicited. g5310 . BLACK & DEAS0N. as-sayrs and cliem isaTl tlA j S. W. Temple. Was. 1214. u2S51 C. S. COW A N. successor to Bird -Cowan to., assayers. 1G0 S. W. Temple. Phone Waa. 4 114. ' M5G .1. W. CURRIE CO.. 70 West Broadway. Fred G. Sewell. Manager gUf'O CRisMON A; NICHOLS, asaayera and chemls's. 22o So. West Temple. wl703 UN l'N Assay Office. Inc.. 152-154 South West Temple. P. 0. Box 144o Cl'STER assay office, nssayera and chemists, .11 P. 0. place. Waa. 2041. o20-l0 1 0U SALK MEAL KSTA'Mi Farms and Acreage GOOD RANCH', AM) ( HEAP. 1'ir ii'-re-, adl'.inntg s-ufMr fa-iorv, Hla-t Idaho, wllh uboiil oO nn rip. man land, U r.01 hoii-e w 11I1 plenty oiitbiiH.IiNj;. land .vJJ.iiii',;' has hold nn high as 2nn per inn-; K'.ll n n eellefil, pi. -Illy of W It I r fur .'','KI urn H. flnf Mr, fuller h.it lio-p ld tins f;trui and I- gl.-id lo aii"-r vo.ir mucmioon. i. .nn." will h r-ei-pr :m pa rl p,i y a i.dOli fome a I 1 - -real value up to , 1 2r0'0.(n and kwi- -a.-v uriun on l.alarj.e, or will m ) I witjioiil irade ,,nd g 1 -e easy t..rnm, I'ri'e it only Ono. On ; HERE'S A N O I'll E H . 121 rn-res m ar Aberdeen, bb.l.o. w n n pb ni r of water, khoul 7n a-nn 111 cult, balati'i- all good e H-'lit. a I -out 1 0 M'Tif ; ha rna 1 1 2 nfrrt le.n-e; only half mil.- from h'h"l and l(. It.-Four It.-Four nule-j from Aher-te.-j. Uri e S.",n:j.r ". $)0oJ Ml 0 per cent int-rM. n-n v'-.trn to pa v 1! lll accejif eily Jioith: !',r h.j i-iiil.v of t.o,t IMXl. SEE IS and we will t - -1 1 ou deljiila LISTEN . MR. FARMER! I f yon w .1 ni koi ne n -1 1 y-,d m tm ?p. nrm f;ooH Si HUOL and CHI 10 IL b-t un tell t. a boil 1 la nd ',m; Io 11 h.'k f.--.i , Idaho, at t-nly SI 2.. 00 per uc re. on e.(v I'-rm.s. only 1.'. re 1 11 nf down n rid ba la n'-e jui-f a .1 i-usv, U'i ba . Ih.-se in 40-aeru irai ta or larg- r Miih. worJIt of wal.-r. STOCR RANI H. I I "ft a da ndy for 1 he price and p'eni - r', fcpring wai'-r Ihe whole y.-ar round; all farm iiig implements go with Die place, a lo tm-hpan tm-hpan of o-year-old maren and some otrn-r borfjeji; nil fclO-k goi-b with plai-e a I the pr'ee g;T.n 2 or .'JO head of food grade cattle. Owner will accept fvime K'jtjfi income pr-'perty wiili h-mio-cusli a nd give easy tern in on ba la ne?. T'ie pri'-e in ?2LH.'". -at from j2.VOon.nfl a wr',, a go. Owner is 72 yea rn nd and w a in ti to take it mor- easy. Ll u tell jou all aloui it a: our offi'e. SAY. MR., We ha ve n n ei t ra fin" nine acre with nrrie nice improvements on Ninth Easi, al")ut. m!le north of Murray, that we can trad'- for a (arm or ranch in Utah or Idaho, or for i 1 ity home at i 1 n proper value. See us about this, we can make il interesting for you. A FINE 41 ACRES. Right by S'hool. church and beet dump. I rt high Ht a te of en Iti va t ion and m sp lend id fa rv. , MOiHTY CHEAP, only $47Xl.OO. Call in and we will tell you ail abou: it. LE CRASH KICHARPS REALTY ro.. IT, West S-jUtb Temple. Wasatch 11'M. 540-At. RE RANCH FOR SALE BY OW NER. T his fa rm is in Fremont county. Ida ho, 1 mile from ra i I road a nd sugar beet La 1 ion. 2 ; miles from good town, by rods from church and scho.d. Teh-phone and daily mail. The laud is adapted lo sugar beet, seed pea?, gi ain, hay and Mock. Fine ra nz rights in I'. S. rfa 1 ional forest . Full primary water right for irrigation. Running water summer and wini.-r for Mo.-k . Elect ric pow it for running feed mill, cre in separator, grain elevator and pumping wattr; pled ric liglr.s in all buildings; moot of the buildings are new. Price JW.oi'O. 2o0 ciiorthorn cattle. 20 horseu, 40 awine, 2-"0 tons hay and farm machinery. Will sell farm with or without Mock and machinery. I also have eight smaller farms for sale or rent. Earnest inquiries will be answered. O. 0. SKALET. St. Anthony. Idaho. o.V;;'0 DRY FARM. LANDS AT $1 AND ?2 PE R ACRE. . Wny pay $10 to $20 per acre for brush lands when you can get good dry farm lands of better quality and in a thriving district al fl and ?2 per acre? I have non-resident homestead relinquishments relinquish-ments for some splendid dry farm lands in the Tintic district, near the Jessie Knight big dry farm. . No residence required. They are on the main line of the Salt Lake Route and in the ve.ry heart of the etate. They are a soap at the prices offered for those willing to use a homestead home-stead rieht in connection. The price is made low to insure a quick sale. Only prompt action can win in this. Write for particulars. J. W. PAXMAN, KEPHI, UTAH. o37:o ISO ACRES choice land in Lost Kiver valley. i near Arco. the county 6ear Old, decreed water wa-ter right: good farm house, bams, sheds, cor-' rals. cellars : crop, valued at fo5o0, goes -with l place ; 50 acres wheat, balance in bay. Boys- 1 gone to war. Only $s0 an acre. Terms. Act 1 now. 1 "One crop of land." RUSSON INVESTMENT CO., 206 Kearns lildg. Was. 33SU o47-:'7 IMPROVED FARM, SOUTHERN IDAHO. Ideal 230-acre farm, -with good 5-room bo'uvtj and all necessary outbuildings and implements; nearly all under cultivation ; -lu acres a 1 - falfa : independent and reliable water foi-' 100 acres; splendid place for few head of stock, bogs, sheep, etc.; good climate, siores, s.mool. limber, range and ot her advantages. Lo.ca wd one hour's ride from railroad. Price onlw $7o00. Must have ?13o0 cash, or will take city home that is clear and which could be mortgaged mort-gaged for the $1300 cash necesary. Add e? s Owner. 0-32. Tribune. o.'3"7 FOR SALE. 320 ;icres dry farm land in Fremont comity. Idaho, one mile from good town on O. S. L. Ii. R. to But le. About 93 acres plowed and ready to plow ; 200 acres fenced ; house, barn and chicken bouse; good corral fence at barn; have raised 30 bushels of wheat per acre. Price only $-1200 cash. Call evenings, or address C. S. King. ,:1S Elizabeth street. o4S?o 10 AC RES best land, with over 300 f ruil trees and garden truck, little brick bouse and ul! kinds of barns; sufficient water. Located east of Bountiful. Come and look it over and make your own price. Charles Thomas, 100 N ess bldg. Was. 88S3 or Hyland 2714. o,33fV( 100-ACRE farm, entirely equipped: 20 per cent of price to be taken off this fall. No more delightful place in the west. Terms. L. M. Oillilan. Springville, Utah. oltitvj 54 ACRES in East Mill Creek. 14th South and 27 th East ; ex cell en t soil, good fresh air and water; will raise an v thing; make me an offer. Hy. 24t4-J. kHj27 wanted Wheat land; will buy for cash eight sections or more good wheat land, either with some water wa-ter ot dry land; prefer Idaho or boundjern Saskatchewan. Sas-katchewan. Address U-7, Tribune. BY owner. ltJO acres of dry farm, southeastern Ida ho, for a le or t radc for home in ci t r . Was. S4SP-W. ol.VJrt FOR SALIC Idaho farms and cattle ranches; easy terms. Write for information. K. U. Molen, Arco, Idaho. oSfinl THIS week - Two lots, oiixl' near Stale Mreec and old 12th South. Make me an offer. Room 1. 113 So. Main. bet. 12 and I at noon. o4707 B0 ACRES of good, unimproved. Migar-beet laud. near siitrar-heet factory. weM of Oirden. I lah. Price ' $42 per aero ; f 200 cash, ba lance ei-y terms. Addrcs 0-M. Tribune. o.Vun A DANDY 30 '-..-aero farm, well improved, in Taylorsville. S miles from oil v . plenty of wnler. A real ha r gain. Leaving city. S3M10. Engilman. 4t'S S. State. Was. 17M. o,v'70 lhO At liLS FU R 1 1( 1 Uti h K. All cood land; fenced: small house: K0 acres in hay: A-1 water right: cloe to school and oilier conveniences. Price S4.MHI. Will trade for nm a 11 home or close-in lot s or acrea cc Address Owner. 0-3. Tribune. ooii A Fl RST-CLASS fanner would like to farm first-class inhaled wheat farm for first-class first-class party. Address 0-27, Tribune. "Vi;, Farm Lands For Sale or Lease ATTENTION ! First class lnvoui for a first elas farmer. 2't ncres f t in t land- All under w a ter. .and . Mock and seed furnished. Also material 10 ieiioc and cro?s-fence. To work on shares for one half returns. Terms a lone as wanted. Must be sober, upriuhl and in-'ust rious ami able lo give gun ran lee. For rizht party mailer mai-ler will be held open for conMi n a t ion until September Sep-tember 1. Wri r cull !. F. Fiirpairick. lnm Kearns bh)g.. Sail Lake Ciiy. n3s;U RANtTl FOR LEASE. H!0 acres irrigated land. 1 mile from town of Downey. Idaho; loo acres plowed. Will lease lo good tenant for very Mnalt renl er j improvements. mo acres of crop ran be put 1" this fall. Inuui-e J-v Muioliv. 121 So. 3rd West. Phone Was. i-iM. s. L. Citj. o44. Farm Lands for Sale or Trade FOR S'A LF or trade. S JO neres of goo.i d' v farm I.:t;d in Millard co. Kor particulars nd" dress Box F.'l Rome A. 1eta. Utah. nM21 I'nder Homesteads ; RELINQUISH M E N" T. 2 ! 0 a cres goo w rieTn land, house, w II of d water, (id H'-res eb-a red. iu northwest Utah. A snap. Tel. Was. 5-JM-u-' 0324.; |