OCR Text |
Show ia -siNKss oitok ivn;tu:s Hotels ami Kooiuin-j: Houses -ii iuu: ui n im'i;s tovtww. noai. i imin timi-.,--.. b,.MUe--i I l..MUV. f HH UO l'Cl. SN U l ..! nuU U..-.I..H lu.i.-J M..,ul II. K ; ! aiio'-licl. Pen lo.aiOII. mxiliUi-III mxiliUi-III --M condition ., e. .ml el l,'kn.'M ol,IH't elt.'i Oil U'Ou'ii.lo.ii c..-HH,.' lor im,-k .ale. H' 'l ''-.l ;Ht-r and telephone i,u v.iviu-u m '-..' h uoui. M'tVl U. -l UN 1,1 M i'n. sttietl.v medvr.l he tel. heM ll anient UvmH.Ui in Sr,'!n.l (lovi U-bbv nu.t m'l'uv; cafe in vmuvae. (' under .1,. clot's i mu-l ,.... t-1-1 splendid bun S(tli'l,'M Ult.fi!!-.: Hl.'ll Uivtlfd. AllV VJar otter Hill be viimhM. 1.1 room m-nli-rH homo ei U.-a-t 2ml Sonili, (iillv ,Mi-HMt "'""''I r,r 1 11 1 rooms. 0 :i.T "ill .U "II iT (Mil e-f f una shin us. (It'll 1 t UliMllll. Mrtkt' lit N piopoMlloll 0 j,ome Uml ''i lllls I1'-'-- y ,rluU;rt. ,.f S rwMii, sletan healed dpt. for On'.v $' on ierm. Rent of S'ncttv imvlcru, I'.uli, eic , in conncc lion. Of w-rvd al above pi'Uo for quick cale. (..UOi'Kt SIWK for -..-Go at v ho leu W in-v.mv in-v.mv v111"'- V.vliuvs i-un he rented. Rent ule i. -cation. A -afe im o-( in eu t . lio.nl income. Lam; r.'tu In .onmvueii wall siote. Will. TRADE iore h.uUtifi; sUsk ami fUaireu ,.' tisvl lac :iwri -ere Uv.eel'.eu( prop eriv; :vsl t',i'.Li'. Will t.ikt- f,uH lu KimkI vulfiu- prv-ior( . t,Mu k iiiVt-sja- . i'fc' IS KOK KOiMllNi; HiH'SKS AM tun si'Kt:i:rixi; .r is. r Wo li:it llu'in f ivm ivom iij. FKVVll.YON UOMK I!l ll,!KUS rOM I' AN Y. IU:mH(s I'ham li pt . Vis S0. South Msin. IUVU tu-U-l in id.' tu-iri oC Sail l.aW I lly, ,;,t rvv:u "till pn:ifc tvti!i. funnvd,-,! uitli t.( a j oi I 'i ma ii ro t lirom; li.ml, hot aii.t vUi rumiUK w:ilor ;in.l tol.-phoii. in nil rvnis. Vln-i tunr uiulor propor iii;iiiai:.'uu'ia will rli'jr t ro!H i" lo $ 7lM m out li. tti ai' 0f o'!'T bii-m.-j.. II:.- owiior U ohlli;t-l to svll tor ti mii.iII .-.iIi p.in,,-:n, r will ir;uU- lor farm or viiy proi.r;, uu- 'Ulvt'iTrtl. rs-n hoi rl. pi: Mio an. I pra. a a ba i li. hi a t f--V. to:tplior.,- i'i ah room. Si.-k'i.-. aiiso-tv aiiso-tv ,iwn.r to -.a.-nfi.-o i!n t'ic paMiir liot.'l tor fj.t. b'.it must In soUl liI or' tlio 30 ili of tins. A;ur:trnt house, rlt'uric $10 :ihot all . -r-s af.i-r rotaimiK u apt.; fHflUut lo i-arion: rtaoM.itli' r-:it. V)u f urtiis-lans -:ui-r.vt tv I'M ol -t m urn' apt. h"ii. of in is si it in tin .Ml,'. Sltn- ta-h will li.aulU. 1; r". hoii'W.pinc. strKtl.T nu1om h-etitifiin furnisluM. nnr Hot.'l It.ih; r.'iit o Vr nonrh: ill cViir :,Nvo all Oipn'iiscs niul 1 1 t i e apt- P r hkd i h . 5v'' 0"J oah will haruiio. 17 i.v.:,ki'p!!ic roTns, Naiaifnl t-.tl si-lo KvaMon. n'..Hlorii h..Mise: r.-u only J M lr B,,ai.; iacome $Uio. JtT THINK! ONLY H housokerin?. clean ami close in, pol t Jo.V. Terms. 9 rx(Ers uoar post1 f J ice, nicelr f 'irnishM, !rw nn;. strict'.r rrrHiern hru5c; only ?4i"; $L' cah. 7 rrv-KS good fumi:ure on west s-idr, fo'X: j a bargain. Tracsient room in c hous. Ktrietlr molern in eery re5r-.Ht: heat free. If yo'i want Ihe be.-t lirtle transient h.""ie in the city, see this at occe. $o'.) as first payment. TrAVlS INVEST4LENT COM PANT. 712 McliitTre Bid:. Wai. ir4.T A. KICHTKK CO. 6S South Main Street. J'atD TOr EVER STOP TO THrNK KOW l'E.KY IT I? TO OWN A DOME? WE M VST THE FOLLOWING. YOI'U PROFIT IS "n4 OWNER'S LOSS. SEE T3 AT ONCE. - 522. :- -T.ir a n!c 4-ri---m bri'-fe cottac. n Sixth "f.T.-'st. near 21st Smh. nir-Jorn. Pleepiny porch. '" 0oxl5 feet. Terms .Mk) rash. F'r a danny raM-rn bricfc cttacn on Seyenth East, near Seventh S-ath. Ftimacp h-a t. r cni basement. Corner lot m-jxl rode with all s5smen's pid. SHW cash an balance easy tnns. This is an A-l home for a particaUr buyer. Era Ed nw G-ro?m modern brick buncalow. on Fi''aDd drive. nar old 13th S-ath, lift--air hat. -ti-.. e:c.. larze sleeping p-Toh. As--ienrs paid. A really good, up-to-date home. ca?h. So '00 A corner on rrh East, nar First Soth, lot Sfislir, fr-fi. AssT-dments paid in full, six-rry.m six-rry.m brick, modem. $7-0 cash. You cannot hnv the lot and build the house for less than .tfOO On? acre of land on Hist South Mreet. near Nin'h Fast. improved ""ith an orchard, " room residence. Paving, etc.. ull paid. Wll take a cttase southeast, about $3oxt in value, as part payment. We nre headquariTS for mortpneo loans, insurance in-surance of all kinds, and everything in the realty Une, A. R1CHTER 0. 60 South Slain Street. Wasatch SS73. c4o-l 8-UOOM bo:ise, furnished complete; rooms all full. Will sell cheap. leaving city. R-nt $35. Good location. 131 So. 2nd West strict. of. 055 LITTLE & LITTLE. Business Mock, two storiea, on Second Soatli, near state, (12,750. Swell room bnniralow on 13th East at less than its cost, for tlGOO. and it is worth $'tfiO. It has hot-water heat, laundry tubs, built-in features, oak parquet floors. Don't overlook this. Another beautiful f-room modern bnngalow on Fifth East or $4600 A verv artistic 0-room modern home near Federal Fed-eral Heights for only ?S500. An R-room modern home in the best location, on Briijharn street, for $li,r00. and it would 'f'St that much to build the house and the lot W Is worth SI 0.000. The house is finished In Vt;ardwood downstairs, has hot- wuter heat, i'lndry tubs, and also has four pretty fireplaces. I'Vr near Yale n venue and 13th East, MOx 2."i eet, . geWer and sidewalk paid for. S 16fft. Property recently sold for S-Vt per foot in this vicinity and this is only $11.00 por foot. LITTLE & LITTLE. 204 Mclntyre Bldg. o547tj 7-R00M house, furnished complete, all rooms occupied and paving. No. 222 Twenty-third street, Ocden. Phone 302-U. Am selling because be-cause of chance of residence to Salt Lake City. Price S'jOO cuBh.- or might arrange terms at increased in-creased price. Call Was. 4130 after 6 p. ni., Salt Luke. nt',0 FOR SALE, by owner 14-room boarding bouse; splendid location; doing good bunlness; reason f'r selling, leaving citv; ulso 10-rooni hou--. e.e in. Pall Sas. 5010. n2"i00 lfl KOOMS, h. k. apts., water In each apartment, apart-ment, 2 bnthH, clearing $W per month; near State strt-et, on East South Temple. Cull Was. 5 'I -1 1 - Wr . o4fi'i2 14-ROOM rooming house, well furnished. In first-clnss condition. 50 West Second SonL.li. Way. 1IJ34. o4.Ti9 22-ROOM hotel, corner location, good transient h'lsinesn. 5-"i 1 -j K. 2nd So. o l.V.I.'t ' HEAL'TIFCLLY furuislK-d rooms, low rent, big income. Leaving the city; will sell cheap, ''nil at 205 Earn 4Hi So. Q52S-S ROOMim; house in Idaho Kails, Idaho; 1 I rooms; bent ioca tion in I own. Address A . V. It. viand, Maho Falls, Idaho, care general de-Uvery. de-Uvery. O503S ELECTRIC SUPPLIES ETC. MOAN ELECTRIC CO.. licensed contractors. Phone us your electric troubles. I rons, mo-,r'r. mo-,r'r. a-uiim clea tiers repaired. Phone Was. "iVJ0 :TtK) Soulh Slate. VjZ l.L Jas. Swvers Elec Co. for anylhing elec- trie. yo3 E. 2nd Soulli. Was. 72'iif. C 1 -5 I'ICYCLES Hi SKI OM) HAND: NEW TIRKS; KXVEL-LtNT KXVEL-LtNT CONljl'lION. i. W. ; I II l: I K HICVL'I.IO 10.. -i EAST aNI) hoi:th. WAS. 39.".. b4IJ7:i IU!SSNKSS OrrOlMUMTIKS Misrollanoous W Sl.-f,s 'HVNi i:.s. all km.lr., ,.,m In Wll luiuiv Miana; j;ioUik M tCT lit I'l 1 1 . 1 H of ntpiaio mil., o rwix- land Hi AinciUii, in licail of t'.M.OOO ta in IKliUiATlON piojcct, oli1; mop in oil (.clilcd; .(llm-, com m hl.n.ltlv; uUo In heart of bin 'Ml. Si uKl.H I'li viT; w,ll drlllliiK; Mini.-k flil oil ht.ii.l; tioliikt to (M-cmid; now count v in be Cn mod; WILLIAMS favoied for OH1 NTY SKA I', Cood (iant.pot'aill.11. It iK hhlpplns lMiii. Tualc com.--, ,.( n,il, eu'iv dliccllou. All Kinds o i" bu-.lnitopp..raniMlcs. WILLIAMS-lAsa. WILLIAMS-lAsa. NEWS icllti tilt ah. ml it. S.nd nuiiio mul n.l.ti.Ms taut we will Mm paper VUKK for MONltlS. ddre-.. il luana AIiiunou New a, lV'i. U7, W iIIImiui, Moii (una. ootl2 I W U M'l'KFI I. t t'l't) K IT N I I Y KO It il EN vt-itU iibiliiy to eiilcr n ImsincftH which In u real war tluio lieges, In un.l u tai-( inoiie.v itmker. Our 'Lmopcnn lliumie l.ctaher Si eel Slwldod lie Head.-." uiiike old inert tn-u ; j; ua Hi II Iced for oiUHl iiillc.i b old e-ilnblislicd. tlmroujilily reliable fiim; -.ells to consumer at hnlf Ihc price .if new llicN . ptactit iil! new In America ; big miccosn tu Europe. M.u with ability u anted to open se! i. e .iiat lou and m.iuune nn les eainpalKii ; loon t, ji.ioiip eiiptial re.aiircd. Shoul.l make -toOOO to fUMHUI fu-f,i 1,'tir, Address Salen Mull ancr. S!h floor. 2H K. Jucksou HUd.. ihlciino. W.V.N riM a widower, a bidy partner ulth t ev linndi eil del larw ; one w lio tins business atila ; t.-iwccii nuen if ;i," and o0; a good place fm l he 1 1 lit p.a i j . rite and j-l more par ti. ul.irs. Add-eis a ;i.-. l irbiiii.. ol77 SUH'O IU1 IbEO for hnlf Intercut In eicep-tionallv eicep-tionallv piofitable agency covering Cluh. Ida ho ; mm o territory later. Kc present lug in II lion dollar t'tillfoiuia corp.ua t Ion doing capacil.i bnsl-tie-v. Address a S. Tribune. li.'.747 Fil K SALE Hairdressiiig parlor, reasonable; gHnt b ii sin c.is ; part j going to war. Ad-dress Ad-dress O. IVano. lox 2 UI, Pendleton, Ore. n2o:ii , 1 ON Fl TION i:i;.V and clear Mnnd. co-d locn-i locn-i tion, on a coo nnl of den l h. A pply -to l arr : Kork. Ituigli.im Canyon. I'tnh. n2l'.'7 I FOR .Halt- llooj paying ba!.ery. doing 525 lo $iU per dav. Sickness cause uf .elling. Ad dress o2, IVibuue. nil W Ol LO borrow $7iHHl on flrt iiiIk., 2 to acre-t. S. L. co.; worth fuM.lNKi. Addrcas C ol, 'I'rib urn. n:un. FOR sale, bargain - A complete shooting gallery ami kaiser ball game. iKdng h bus i neon of $oo ai S-H a day. 4 rooms upstairs In conuec t ion. lit nt cheap. all at once. 124 North Firs l a venue. Po-a t el lo. bin ho. 0-I4 7.'. LVKiiK garage ami a tore room for rent. uon A I. rent reasonable. 123 State at reel, j The Cnlversal far Co. m-MtiM i L'O.MPLETE SKL" OF FOR O FACTORY EyllP- j MENT. ! For Fonl repair work, together wit h benches, 1 vice., monorails air compressors, etc., for sole. ; Prices on impurv. j IM EliSAl, CAR CO.. ! 12.t Stale Street. o-l4(VS PARTNER wanted to Join me opening shale j and oil offices. Two hundred dollars rei-,ulred. Preposition extremely attractive. High recorn-menda recorn-menda turn a from writer. Address Mil, 'l'rib i une. o47;i3 . WANTED Two or three persona, with $300 to! $.V. in a business proptisaiou nf great merit. 1 For particulars addrewi N Tribune. o 17113 ' j HAVE pool blc-k of Elk Basin, Mascot O. A 11. Co.. Montana-Wyoming oil stock : must sell, l Mf:ke offer. Micht take good auto as part 1 pay. Address O 21, Tribune. o.'.212 LKlS TATE sufferers lo read our announcement under personal. No drugs. The Electrothermal Electrother-mal Company, tieorge Bldg.. Steuben ville, Ohio. oM'2ti FOR falf Tailor shop with a dry-cleaning plant. , at .Milford, I'tah. Will sell at rtasonnhle price. M. Reisner, the tailor, Milford, I'tah. (vT'"2:i WANTEI Party to lease and furnish hotel bid.:, in Nevada. Liberal term. Address lvx 430 or phone Hy. 24'5W. o.Vi'J2 $V.O.JX"HI IS AVAILABLE for material and power con sot vine enterprien, rouducl ve to winning war. Itooro 12, 45 East 42nd. N. T. (vMfJI FOR sal- Meat market, doing over fl'i vr day, in Idaho mining town. YVill s-U for price of fixtures. This Is an opportunity. Address Ad-dress N 5i. Tribune. o-'rJO WILL sell half interest In realty and insurance insur-ance business. E-ta hlishod 5 yea rs. Vet total to-tal income $300 monthly. Addresa U-7, Tribune. -'"vV FIVK men with JI00 each In join ns in pre-organiza pre-organiza tion. bond and lease, good shipping mine. Answer early if you want to get in on a good proposition. Address for Interview 0-6, Tribune. o5O03 $5fxj CASH to Invest, including services. In business busi-ness that will bear strict investigation. Address Ad-dress 0-14. Tribnne. o51 4f SMALL dry goods and hardware stock for sale, gcod condition. Liberal discount If taken Immediately. Address J. Meohard, Box IM. I hi c h e n e , L' t a h . oo 5 3 S Mf'ST be sold, small, select stock or groceries, few fixtures, cheap ; rent $20 month ; 3 living liv-ing rooms. Selling because of sickness. P'19 So. 1st West. Phone Hy. 628. o5244 SMALL rooming house for sale; also Ford truck. 137 W. 3rd So. o5248 FOR KENT Large public garage, good location loca-tion : shop equipment for sale. Inquire 123 Sta to st. oS557 FOR sale A three-chair barber shop; baths and cigar stand. A good live Idaho town. Call Western Barber Supply Co. 05459 TO RIGHT party I will turn over stock of boxes, labels, booklets, stationery, formulas and sufficient stock of medicines to start mail order or local medicine business on flO-50 basis. Party need not invest a dollar except to run own" business. For interview, address 0-19. Tribune. Q51S2 WANTED, PARTNER, to take interest and active part in first-class retail paint store. One of the best in Utah, doing $H0 per day business: low operating expenses. ex-penses. If interested, see Mr. Streitt, 411 Ness Bldg. Was. S909. 05472 TWELVE beautiful housekeeping rooms. East South Tempfe st.; modern, rent only 530. Price 775, including $150 worth of coal. This is a snap. See us for hotels and rooming houses. We have some real bargains. STREITT & SMITH. 411 Ness bldg. Wasatch BfWitt. 05473 IF you are looking for a splendid investment, with or without positions, see the U. S. Spe-cially Spe-cially & Mfg. Co., 120 Regent St. o500l Mining HAVE very desirable molybdenum property three feet good ore. For particulars call 203-4 Utah Savings & Trust Bldg., S. L. City, U ta h. Q31S8 HOTELS LINCOLN HOTSE. 68 E. 1st So., 250 rooms; single rooms, 35c, 40c and ;0c; modern; baths 15c. Special rates by week or month. Was. 3453. hJ271 GO TO La Verne hotel, 255 So. 1st West, for all outside, cool sleeping rooms, on ground floor. Rates $2.50 week and up. Baths free. p h one service. nli)04 GRANITE HOTEL, 158 East 2nd South. Single rooms from 50c up; bath free; hot and cold water. New manager. Was. 1578. 02804 W E L L-F V R N I S H E T rooms. $y and up per week. Hotel Antler, 140 W". 2nd Soulli. Wasatch 1271. ' HOTEL WILCOX, 438 So. State; new, modern, with or without bath; S3 week and up. . liflilO It A yTiONI) hotel and apts., 61 So. Main, one-half one-half block from temple. g5712 RAYMOND hotel and apts., 64 So. Main, one-half one-half block from temple. ' o5036 SECOND-HAND CLOTHING THK National pays high prices for men's clothing. cloth-ing. 271 So. W. Temple. Was. 6854. hl'JUO ABE ""GO It PON pavs more suits, shoes, suitcases, suit-cases, tools, etc. Was. 8338. 164 Regent street. ; ni4309 ' "edoie green pays cash for old clothes, shoes, etc. Was. 1503. h2488 Y0irlt old doihing. Will call. Salvation Army. Phone Was. jlj r2101 CARPENTER WORK K. K. PALLAS, building contractor. For building build-ing homes, carpenter work, remodeling, cement ce-ment work, etc.. call Hyland 3281. or 1S2I So. liilh East, for bids. All work guaranteed first Cia:;s. " n51S4 F0 R car pen for work . rem odi ling, cement work. cle.. call Was. 41 2-W. y-'OHO CA LL'tp Was. 4315 for building, repairing and cement wort- h4o3 l-OR SALE For Salo llf2Il!i!i PEPKMIAI1LI0 1 1 HMO CAMS Ft I It SALE BY A DIOPICNDAIILU FIRM. In buying a lined cur, It Mill pn.v you 10 gel II from a i h in which U i-Hlnli 1 1 whet I, .and lileh may bo relied upon u ula ml bai-L of every cur U ol'feia for Male. The car liMotl below tin ?e been cu re-fully re-fully Inn peeled lu uur a pec ml lined cur depart de-part men i, uml wo (ire, I lim edire, prepared to ttdl you Jiint what the condition of each of l hem s. When needed, (heso car Iuimi been overhauled ami repainted, uml Home of l hem have been ct nipped w till new t Ilea uml lopK, Every out ot them In in tfood 1 mining order. For your convenience Ihcy ure Hated tu I ho order of prices. J17.M) -National, MUS, ctiummy rouilnter. prac-tlcnlly prac-tlcnlly new. J I :itO --Nutt.na I, HUS 6 ryl., 7 pun. Run short distance. $5KK -llulck Light Nix. Ifll7. 5 pa Over-ha Over-ha it letl, panned, new tup. extra lire. JH0O- Dodge, 4 cyl., B pan. Hardly lined, I7WV--Oblhinohile, UHtl, 8 cyl., & puaa. Overhauled Over-hauled uml repainted. 7M Butck. 11)17, 4 cyl., & pass. Overhauled uml repainted. i $ HH - Port. 4 cyl.. fl pasi. Repainted. It as aeat cover. BARGAINS IN FSKP MOTOR TRUCKS. We also huvo bome excellent buy a in used motor truckn; $1100 OMC, 101S, l.MIO lb., exprea bwly. $7I0 Bulck truck. I ton. Overhauled. Han electric hglita and clarler. $300 Ford truck. Fine shape. $2ftO Overland truck, llai elccirlc Ujthts und Btarter. Al0 A MOTORCYCLE. J12A--Tnor motorcycle. Good condition. You wilt appreciate these values belter when you nee them. Come In and look them over. RANDALL POOP A I TO CO.. 53 W. tih Smith. V-O). 0.5403 TWO Butck ton trucks; perfect running order; real truck bargains. Imperial Motor Co.. 70 Weat Fourth Soulh. n5 127 REAL BARGAINS IN CSEP CARS. 1918 Ring 8. $700. 1917 model Chevrolet sedan. Price $V,o. New Ford one-ton truck, Graham attachment. at-tachment. $700. GRADY" MOTOR COMPANY, 457 SO. MAIN. e 183 1 REAL SNAPS. Packard Twin Six, with 2 new cord tires, other tires like new. Just overhauled and re-finished. re-finished. Just think of it! A J50U0 car for only 26o0. I Paige Fbetwood model. 5 passenger. re-ground re-ground cylinders, new pistons. Just overhauled. This is a light ear und very economical to run. Yours for only ?$ou Mitchell. 1917. 7 passenger; newly over-: hauled aud painted in maroon finish; new tires; run only 50O0 miles. Yours for only I0W Buick 1-ton truck, in excellent condition, express ex-press body, good tires; a bargain ul $550 Numerous other cars and trucks, nil sizes and prices. ! UTAH MOTOR CAR CO., Was. 11S8. 30 So. 2nd East. o-r425 CSEP PARTS FOR FORD CARS. LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK IN I'TAH. MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED AT-TENDED TO. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. UTAH Al'TO WRECKAGE & SCPPLY. 42.5 AND 427 MAIN ST.. SALT LAKE CITY, VTAII. PHONE WAS. 22S7. bG43 DISCONTINUING the sale of FORD ACCESSORIES ACCES-SORIES and tires.' OCR ENTIRE STOCK at, a discount. Come early. THE UNIVERSAL CAR CO., 123 Stale street. 02148 I TRADE YOUR OLD FORD IN ON A NEW ONE AT ALK IRE-SMITH AUTO CO., "UTAH'S OLDEST FORD DEALERS." 0294 C PIERCE-ARROW. SPORT MODEL. ELECTRIC LIGHT AND STARTER; NEWLY PAINTED; FIRST-CLASS MECHANICAL CONDITION. A REAL SNAP. C. A. CJlTGLEY, 33 EXCHANGE PLACE. 02955 CLOSING out our entire stock of FORD ACCESSORIES. AC-CESSORIES. Priced to go fast. Special reductions re-ductions on job lotB. Careful atteution to mail orders. THE UNIVERSAL CAR CO., 123 State street. Q2147 1 HUDSON 5-pass. touring car. 1 White Vj-lon truck. 1 Maxwell touriug cur. 1 Franklin car. I 1918 Ford touring car. 1 1918 Maxwell touring car. Yellowstone Park Garage, 5th South and 2nd East. 1917 FORD roadster; mechanically perfect; best offer over $375 takes it. 438 So. State st. Was. 6765. o4929 HUDSON Six, 7-puss., family car; fine condition: condi-tion: would take Ford; price $700. Want Ford for player piano. 123 East 2nd South. 0695 OAKLAND Six, in fine condition; good tires. $450 cash. Call Hy. 659-W. 04745 ONE Oldsmobile roadster, model 44, 1910; condition con-dition Al. Apply 701 biennis bldg. Was. 1132 or Was. 2089, today. o5200 EX( : E PTION ALL Y good 1917 Oakland, 5-pass, $650. Hy. 3O02-M. o52H3 0.'D-HNP light four Buick truck, in perfect "'condition. $300. Hy. 0309-1. o5204 BEAUTIFUL 7-passenger touring cur, better than new, driven only 90U miles, purchased 3 months ago ; will sacrifice $600 from present price. Call Wasa Ich 75211 tor demonstration and have your own mechanic examine. o den lers. Q5215 FOR SALE 1917 mod. 5-pass. tour. ; e. 1., starter, speedometer; run less than 5000 miles: cheap for cash. Call Hy. 2809-W, or dm car at No. 210 E. 7th So. o5219 SN A P Beautiful light 5-pass. car; will take Ford on trade. Hy. 3002-.M. 0221 FOR SALE Ford touring car, good condition. 433 So. 4th East. of.r17 A BARGAIN for cash. 1910 Pullman roadster; new tires. Was. S0D9-.1. o5497 1917 FORD roadster; excellent condition. Phone Hyland 951-J. o4S"" r l ()St SALE For Sale Automobiles DISCONTINUING VII W Alt BUSINESS, FIRST CLANS FOItt) REPAIR SHOP (FACTORY IJ'Jt I I'M ENT) FOR SALE. STOREROOM, SHOP AND GARAGE FOR KENT, Clmdtif; Onl Theae Csi-d Fords; Ka.h One a Real Value: 19M Stripped ChimsiN $235 . 00 UU 1 Kimu! i 275.00 MM4 Kuiiiilmiit, del. body 2V.. 00 Mill Touring. 11H7 lines ;ili...OO Mil l KtinuU.ut, 1917 lines, new tires 420. 00 1917 Itiimilioul, Meal coverH, dent, rlmn, 3 ex I mi tiros and many other exlrus; h'ol.u like new 525.00 t IM 7 Touring, like new (.J'.l.OO 19IH Cmipelei, i;. Jt j). atnrter 55U.O0 1917 Touring, ilnn, rlnin, new tlrea; like new throughout 550.00 11117 Onupelet, G. & D. starler, deni. rlnm 625.00 Euch cur II sled above is In good running order. or-der. The cars will hpeak for themselves. Ji.dt thein over. A few iiccessorleri left, priced to go this week; Spark plugs, t riinnni lrduu band linings, radialor ,iierleak, Perry locks, tube, Weed chains. THE I'MVFItSAL CAR CO., 123 Stale streei. i One-two-three.-- You can't forget the number.) o.'.l77 I S ED CAR BARGAINS. One ."S paoscrigcr Bub k. line r, r.;iKenk-.-r Oakland, line 5 pahHenger Reo. One 7 puiHcin:er ApwTt.on. One 7 pa-Heiigt.T Overland. These ram hnve ull been thoroughly o verb a uleil in our simp and are In good running condition. The prices nre right. Come In and look I hem o rr. HYLAND MOTOR CAR CO., Phone Win. 21S2. 57 So. -State St. o723 KTUPEBA K Kit BETTER USED CA RS. Ejihv Terms. Excellent Bargains. 18 6 Stud baker, 7 -pa is $1000 -nir-r $12W SiiMetjuker 1910 ton truck, run only itO days 900 101 ti Fnrd louring 300 Four-cylinder Sludebaker, like new 4'KJ I 17 ft Sludebaker, 7-puss. , T. C 116 Slud-baker. 7-piikn.v. tint Stud-baker 'v-l.n truck 30 Ha v net., f. 1. anrl starter, fine condition. . . . 400 STUPLRAKEK BROS. CO. OF UTAH. 159 Slain Si. Was. 610. o2sos 1 FORP roadster. 1917. 1 Ford louring, 1916. 1 Chevrolet touring, 1916. I Olympian Chummy, 1917. 1 Jeffory touring. 1917. 1 Bui' k touring, 1917. All first-class shape. 11 JUPD BROWER AUTO CO., 421 So. Main. Wus. 1995. o 1 732 FOR SALE. Chandler car. 7-passenger, 1917 model. In first-class condition. C. S. GOPPARD, 100 Atlas block. Phone Wasatch 2254. Salt Lake City, Utah. 05109 CHEVROLET TOURING. Monroe Chub, 4-passenger. Hollier Six. Reo roadster. Empire touring. Several good trucks and light deliveries. J. P. FOWLER MFG. CO.. Was, 3281. 53 So. West Temple. Q5433 SOME REAL SNAPS IN ROADSTERS AND TOURING CARS; ALSO TRUCKS. SEEING IS CONVINCING. CALL UTAH AUTO WRECKAGE SUPPLIES, WAS. 2287. 427 SO. MAIN ST. o5421 A SNAP 2nd -hand delivery car. In excellent condition, good tires, $190; leaving town. Call early. T. Johnson. Phone Douglas 125-M or Was. 7444. o5470 LEAVING city; will sacrifice new 191S model, fi-passenger Chevrolet, driven 600 miles, mechanically me-chanically perfect. A rare bargain. Act quick. 1054 East 9th So. o5404 SOMETHING SNAPPY. A 1910 Oldsmobile roadster, convertible to n fonr-passenger ; a beauty and just right for small family. Owner must sell. Can arrange terms. Call Hy. 2Q78-J. o5448 CLOSING out our entire stock of FORD ACCESSORIES. AC-CESSORIES. Priced to ' go fast. Special reductions re-ductions on job lols. Careful attention to mail orders. THE UNIVERSAL CAR CO.,' 123 State street. o2147 CHANDLER 4-scnted chummy, 1918 model; nl-most nl-most new. Call at Cullen garage, 37-39 W. 2nd Soulh. ol654 AUTO express body and top, cost $75, good as new; sell for half cost. 810 E. 8th South. o3S97 USED 2-ton Reo truck, one year old, stake body, 3 brand new tires; save $1000 on this practically new truck. Our price $1100. White .Motor Co., 30 South West Temple. Was. 810. 1 m0163 BY OWNER One Apperson ton truck. Can be seen at Y'ellowstone Park garage, CUa South and 2nd East. m5713 BRING us your old tires. We pay up to 10c per pound. The Tire Service Co., 429 South Main. Was. 2087. nifl902 5-PASS. touring cur. tires in A-l shape; engine en-gine perfect; looks like new; cheap. Phone Was. 59IS. k .rniQ 7 USED cars of all kinds. Sharman Automobile Co.. 51 South State. Wasatch 0707. g0324 7-1' ASS., 1917 model Studebaker, in f irst-chiss condition; Just overhauled. Was. 1100. nil 57 BUICK roadster and Saxon Six touring; easy terms. 419 East 4th South. nIS47 FORD runabout, first-class condition. Call Was. 2209 J after 6:30 p. in. n5784 I BUY old a ut os for junk or wrecking; pa v cash. Wasatch lOys-R. o3lMN ONE Ford chassis; A-l condition; practically-new practically-new ; cheap. 753 Browning ave. Phone llv-land llv-land 2474-M. r.3 774 ONE-TON Buick truck, model D-4; completely rebuil t and pa in ted ; 5 cord tires ; self -starter. Iyn C In ft in, 75-77 West R roadway. o!500 CLOSING out our entire stock of FORD ACCESSORIES. AC-CESSORIES. Priced to go fast. Special reductions re-ductions on job lots. Careful attention to mail orders. THE UNIVERSAL CAR CO., 123 State street. o2147 ONE 2 -ton truck, two 5 -passenger light touring cars, one motorcycle, all completely overhauled over-hauled and in A 1 condit ion : can save you money if you buy at once. Call Was. 7233. 78 West 4th Smith. ol72S MODEL 90, 5-pusR. Overland touring, completely complete-ly equipped; new battery; run 4iK)0 miles; bargain; must sell. 100 East 1st South. Was. 4225. o4S99 ALMOST new six-cylinder touring car: will sacrifice for $750 cash. Phone Hy. 1610 J. FOR SALE For Salf Automobiles MORIG BIG BARGAINS JN FINE USED CARS. W lnd her you wmil a litl le roadster or a big, fine touring car, you'll find the entire tetilc of cur mIkc and cur (-uiility repreaeiiled and each cur in excellent condition. 1917 Mitchell 7 passenger touring car, 1917 Mitchell B-pasaengnr touring cur. J 9 1 7 Ml tclie II 3 pa ftsenger roa dster. 1910 Chevrolet 0 passenger touring car. 1917 MuiweJI fi -passenger touring car. JOin Maxwell fi passenger touring car. 1914 Ode 5 passenger tonring cor. 1913 Reo 5 passenger touring car. 1HI1 Buick 5 puHHonger, model 37, touring ear. 1912 Premier 7-pn singer (will make a dandy truck). 1910 Jlnynes 7- pussenger (big bargain). 1913 Buick 5-paKengcr touring car. 1917 Ford one-ton truck. 1912 Premier truck. 1917 Maxwell -ton truck. The prices are unusually low, and we will make chhv h nd reasonable terms with re-upofihlhlc re-upofihlhlc parties. UTAH IDAHO MOTOR CO., I'M-d Car Department. 165 South Main Street. Waaatrh 4170. 0.1404 I DISCONTINUING the sale of FORD Al CES- ; bnKIKS and tlrea. OUR ENTIRE STOCK j at a dlncount . Come en rly. THE UNIVERSAL CAR CO., ! 123 Stale street o2148 5- PA.SSENGER Reo for sale. 121 W. 4th South, j o3103 i J'OKP delivery ear for snle cheap. Hyland1 W,o. t;74 East 4th South. D52G6 1910 MODEL N Hupmobile roadster, splendid condition, good t ires, including two apareg. Owner going to war. Inquire 300 So. State Ktreet. n40O5 COOM BS-H AG EN SHOPS. M. E. Callahan. Mgr.. 133 East 4th South. Auto repairing, wheels made, spokes replaced, rims manufactured, springs made for every make of cur. We take the t-ucak out of your Wheel. n.3155 FOR SALE First-class condition. PIrce-Arrow 7 passenger, newly overhauled and painted, tor particulars call J. H. Cook, state cupltol. m3103 FI PST-CLASS auto and truck repairing at your homo or garage, cheaper and better; local references. Phone Hy land 332-J. E. N . Jen-B"D. Jen-B"D. n3176 CENTRAL Garage Co., Inc.. expert automubile ! repa i ring. washing, polishing, oiling and '. grensniK. Bargius in used cars. 400-7 South W os t Te m p 1 e s t ree t . g55 1 3 EXCHANGE roadster body for touring. Ford, or will L jy louring. Address W-3, Tribune. m4313 LIGHT delivery truck, cheap. 1050 West 5th South. n24S6 6- PASS. Chalmers. 6 pass. Ilayues, 7 -pass. Chalmers, 5 pass. Case. 5-pass. Saxon, 5-pass. Reo. 5-pass. Dodge. Olympian chummy roadster. road-ster. National chummy. Ford chassis. Taylor Motor Car Co., 127 So. Slate. Was. 4057. o3757 ON E C-cy Under Studebaker roadster; one 6-cyl-inder 7-passenger Studebaker. Parties interested inter-ested may sec cars by talliDg at 39 Sonth Third West. 04526 DISCONTINUING the sale of FORD ACCES-SORIES ACCES-SORIES and tires. OUR ENTIRE STOCK at a discount. Come earl v. TIIE UNIVERSAL CAR CO., 123 Suae street. o2148 FO RD pane I -top delivery car, in good condi-tion; condi-tion; cheap for cash. Regal Cleaning Co., 150 E. 2nd South. o4904 FORP roadster; i'irst-class condition; 1917 , model; 4 new tires; cheap. 429 South Main st. olOSl j 7-PASS, car, in excellent condition. Will sell ! for $550. Four new tires. Call Hy. 125. j nlSlo 1910 OVERLAND, in good condition. Inquire 40-5 East 5th South, apt. No. 4. o4119 1914 HUPMOBILE, new tires and top; first-class first-class condition. Call Hy. 2554-W. o624 5-PASS., 4-cyl. car ; tires, engine and body, A-l shape. Bargain for cash. 743 Park st. Hyland 3530-W. o4S79 OAKLAND roadster for sale, $150, or will trade. Call 703 No. 2nd West. Was. 3785. BY OWNER. 1918 Studebaker, 7-passenger, mechanically me-chanically perfect, for quick sale, $550. Wasatch Wa-satch 7297-J. O4940 BY OWNER Five-passenger Reo, modern equipment, newly painted, mechanically perfect. per-fect. Leaving city and will sacrifice. Miss Aris. Was. M08-R. o5178 FOR SALE Ford touring car; has 1917 motor; ! 1 $200 takes it. See Higbee, 1732 So. 2nd East or 315 E. Broadway. o5173 1917 5-PASSENGER Paige. good condition, good paint, good tires. Call Douglas 162-.T. on 176 OWNER must leave Tues. morning. Sacrifice 1917 Maxwell touring; perfect condition, 3 new tires, sent covers. 201 Covey apartments or garage, 55 So. 2nd East, o5156 HUDSON roadster, A-l condition, price "$650. Y'ellowstone Park garage, corner 5th So. and 2nd East. o5407 FORD louring body with or without top and wind shield. 1339 State. 05155 1915 FORD delivery chassis, cheap. Hv. 2971. 445 E. 8th South. o550S THE Engle Gate garage has several used cars for sale. 34 First ave. o5577 5-PASSENGER car, Delco equipped, electric . light and starter: good condition; cheap for cash. Call Was. 3082. e5590 FOR sale Late 10 Ford roadster, with new 5-foot 5-foot del. body; car in fine condition; $30 extras; ex-tras; to see is to buy. Price $350. Call 270 Wesl So. Temple. o52S9 WOULD like to take a aprty to the coast by auto for expenses. Large touring car. Box 53, Garfield, Utah. o5251 1913 CADILLAC: good city trude acceptable. Call Was-, 1147. 05600 NEAV 6-cy liniler automobile, at half price; need the money. Douglas 82 -.7-2. o5610 GOOD light delivery auto truck, cheap. 1056 W. 5th So. o5255 1917 SAXON roadster, first-class condition, starter and generator, 3 new tires, spot light, chains, etc.. $300 cash. Was. R431-W or call 137 Main si. o5259 A 5-PASSENGER Port, just overhauled. A real bargain. owner leaving. Phone 54-J3, Riv- erton. o5541 FOR rent Large public garage, good location, shop equipment for sale. Inquire 123 State street. o5559 0 N I" H ud son roadster. 0 -cylinder; equipped with six wire wheels and tires; A-l condition: $650. Yellowstone Park garage, 5th South and Second East sts. Was. Ui0. o54S5 ALMOST new Jackson auto trailer. 1149 South 3rd East. Q5529 FIRST-CLASS Ford truck, with all extra equip-! ment ; also one second-hand touring car. See I them Monday at 575 So. State, or phone Hyland Hy-land 2320. any time, for information. o3fl54 FOR sale Seven-passenger Chandler touring car, in fine condition: will sell chenp. Partv leaving the city. Apply 44 Ness bldg. o3128 1917 FORD, with sport b.Mv, in good condition; $450. Inquire Was. 4-121 . o200I l'G 6 BRISCOE 5-pass., in first-class condition, cheap. 24 Richards st. o43l8 SEE our line of used cars. J. P. Fowler Mfg. ! Co., 41-59 So. W. Temple. el ll FOC sale 1 ElgiD 0. 1018 model; driven 3000 miles. $900; 1 Chandler. 1917 mode). $700; I 1 Studebaker, 1917 model, $750. Call Hv. -192. 1 1 ' 04ISW V FOR SALE For S;i! Automobil ! NOTHING BUT GOOD BI'YH. i I f yon are going to pur hae a m-cd ca r, YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF to we oir Mock of high grudo used curs. You will not.be m-aling younodf right if you take It for granted that, the fir-. I. car you see Is the one to buy. Corn pare our values firnt. The following are a few of our bargains: 1 model D r.5 Bubk, 6 -cylinder, 7-patoenper louring car, newly painted, new lop. A real family car. 1 Reo rondMer, newly pa in led, 4 new tire. Just the ear for u busy bntsinenK nun. Tnc price is right. 1 1917, model 31J, 5 -panenK-T Hnyne louring lour-ing car. Here's a chance for you to save $1000 If you want a high grade car. 1 1917 7-pussenger National. Another beautiful beau-tiful family car at the right price. 1 1917 5-passenger Maxwell. Here's it chance to pick up a dandy car at a reasonable price. 1 1917 5-pas.senger Dodge touring car, perfect per-fect condition. This can't last long. We have many other real bargains; In fact, too many to enumerate. All ready for In slant service. J. M. flAHN AUTO BROKERAGE COMPANY, Salt Lake's Original and Exclusive Used Car Deulerb. Was. 4204. 430 Soulh Main St. Open Sundays. o5495 FOR sale One 1917 four-cylinder Buick, $450. No terms. Hy. 520-R. Call Sunduy a. m. or Monday. o5544 $350 FIVE-PASSENGER Overland. A-l condition, condi-tion, electric equipment. 332 East Gth So. 05265 A DANDY light 5-passenger Buick car, newly painted, new tires, in first-class shape, at a real bargain. This car has to be sepn and demonstrated dem-onstrated lo be appreciated. Engilman Bros.. Was. 1754 or 408 State. o5208 SIX -CYLINDER, seven -passenger Studebaker, big bargain, good engine and tires. Was. 4465 -J. Q5273 MAXWELL touring; all new tires: just overhauled; over-hauled; $2.50. Was. 4164-R. 474 J street. - o.y58 A SNAP if taken ihis week: 5-pass. Overland: late model; A-l shape; $760. Owner leaving state. Was.' 8359. 050-9 FOR sale Ford roadster; A-l condition; a bar-gain. bar-gain. Call Hy. 1Q87-.T. ofiQ82 GOING to war Will sacrifice my new 1918 Chanrllei Sport model; only two months old. Call Was. Q036. o50S3 FORD touring car; 1917 model; equipped with high-tension magneto; this car is in first-elass shape; a bargain. Applv 1128 So. Sth West. ooQOS 1910 CHANDLER, newly painted ; new tires. Owner going to war, and must sell. Hyland 3204-N-J. O5099 BIGGEST used auto bargain in town; left with us for sale by owner. Must sell quick. For demonstration call East Side garage. o5104 A BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE. MODEL 37 BUICK TOURING CAR, IN STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS CONDITION. KARL WINTER AUTO REPAIRING CO., 719 SOUTH STATE. o5141 FOR sale One 1918 3-35 seven-passenger Packard Pack-ard touring car; equipped with Westinghouse shock absorbers, tourist trunk, two spotlights, bumpers, three extra tires, seat covers, plate-glass plate-glass curtains side nnd rear: also full .equipment .equip-ment of tools. Will sacrifice if taken at once. Need money for business purposes. Address 0-15. Tribune. o5145 WILL sell my almost new model 90 Overland at a sacrifice, if taken at once. Car in perfect per-fect condition and may be given any examination examina-tion desired. Address 0-28, Tribune. o5236 GUARANTEED 1917 ton truck ror sale by owner. Used very little and is like new with new tires, electric starter and lights, etc. For quick sale, will sell for less than price for $490. Liberty bonds taken for full value or part, terms on balance if desired. Call at 659 East 2nd South. We have some of the best used car bargains that we have had this season. Ask about our easy payment plan. M. L. GRAHAM CO., Used Car Dept., 325-27 South West Temple St. O5025 FORD speedster in A-l condition, new tires, $50 Bosch magneto, submarine body, $275 cash. Was. 6765. 438 So. State. 05630 F I V E -P A Ss E N G E R Port touring car, iri aT! shape, cheap for quick sale. 1S10 So. 9th E. Hy. 1135. o5G15 GOING to war; must sell my 1918 4-cylinder, 7-pass. car. A bargain. Call 510 Arctic court, after 6:30 p. m. 05305 N EW Ford worm -drive truck, used less than 3 months; A-l shape. Also folding, non-sink-nble canvas boat. A bargain. Call before 3 p. m. today. 1549 So. 11th East. o5299 DODGE 5-passenger; first-class condition. Call Was. 1939, week days 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. Q5298 1917 DODGE touring, first-class mechanical condition, $750. Mr. Clapham, care Alkire- Smjth Auto Co. o."334 1 JpPERSON 5-passepger, six-cylinder, 1915. 1 Maxwell 5-passenger, 1917. 1 Pierce-Arrow, 6-cyIinder, 5 passenger, 1915. 1 Baker electric and 1 Detroit electric. ELECTRIC TRUCK SERVICE CO.. 55 So. 2nd East. Wasatch 1351. or. 341 I MAKE air-tight steel inner piston ring. Make the old piston ring perfectly airtight. air-tight. Price only 25 cents. 50 W. Sth South. o5051 For Sale Motorcycles 1916 INDIAN, with side car: new tires; first-class first-class condition: $150 complete. Going to war; must sell; or will trade for diamond ring. 427 24th st.. Ogden. 04408 1917 INDIAN Motocycle and side car. in- good condition. $290. Mr. Hughes, Jr., Mid vale 212 or 12-R. ol-'iOl TWIN 1914, Indian, witli tandem, speedometer and lights, or trade. Cnll Was. 8330. o335S ONE twin -cylinder Indian, reasonable, or will trade for light horse. Apply 952 So. 4th East after 6:30 n. m. ntXMin BARGAINS in rebuilt Harley-Davidsons, at the House of Hopper, 140 East 2nd South street. m0750 1916 2-SPEEI) Thor, speedometer and electric lights, first-flass condition. $125. Was. 3532-W. o5-135 THOR No. 9. in first-class condition. Call Hv. 2767-M. Q5327 HA TILE YD A VIDS0N and side car, in best condition con-dition ; electrical equipment, speedometer, tandem: cash or Liberty bonds. 1513 9th Eat. Hy. 3605. o5350 THREE-SPEED Thor. perfect condition. 1 1 Sherman ave. Sugar House cnr. o5252 NEWLY overhauled. 2-spr-ed Indian, in first-class first-class condition; $90. Call Hyland 3019-J. TWIN Indian. 1915: good condition; $75. 201 So.ith 3rd East. Was. 4ir,.'-M. o5b'i2 INDIAN Motocycle. in first-class condition; going go-ing to war; will sell cheap. 3400 So. 13th East. Clan-nee Petersen. o51 43 THOR motorcycle, Al condition, $S5. 30 Rh-h-ards p oiisr. F0R WALK For S;i!e Furniture ALL inv beaunful fun.jinre mm-. I be t-.'Aii M on- e, in, I (Mio-l r in a t, vv O.iyn. M:. hoj'any parhir '!, d.oli.j' tal.le., and i,:ar. or. mm b'-l., rug-., Vo-w-Wa aod K-,.,,,b ao.,! ll.'iOj, .li i-.int le dro'WN to-i a o-.l. joi ido-elH uii'l b'-ddinj.'. u.u'wwuuy boon mm-, I o very f,e r- T' .ny iU--'r-. re. picture:, 1-fJc a bllic, !,' cvetylhjng Uoi I go- lo ln.i.e lip fine home. If you v.ani nice -ovJ-, for.e imo mi. me, an I 'n,nl hell; I'd or by pier-. I a I have a barter Oak range wliirh rout title '" Hi ree loon I lot ago. .'orne, it, a te uu offer. ' M htr'-l. o.'.27-, BURROUGHS adding machine. flat-lop a'ol I. pe '.vri I t deck und two swivel chairs. '.,.',2 Judge bldg. o.".ll'. SEVERAL 'i HOI. SAND DOLLAR.1)' wwlli of f urn it ore, rootiiM ing of rj-'-, bedo, ma t -I re-. , Kpiiugb. boi.'cU, da .c(;ports, dren-r. dining room to-ls, :!., at hacrifice. Take Su-g.irliouse Su-g.irliouse car. 2122 So. 1 1 Lb Ea.it. Sugar Foi allure in. Hyland !.',. o'' FOR sale I Hooaier cabim-i, ;z0; 1 ice bo, $10; 1 dining table. $10; 1 leather iock.-i , $0.50; 1 oak rocker, 42.50. 209 Cemer Mi-et . 5-KOOM furnWied homse, 27; all modern, nr will sell furniture. Inquire 20 E. 2nd Soti'h. n:'75- GGOD eh-etrie uatdier, J;5. Walker Elect-'-, 1 50 So. S I a te. Was. 47' oi PIANO, elegant bedroom set. and other h. h. goodb by piece or lot. 428 Eahl 3rd HonMi. o'7'.e" WA NTLD To seJl my equi t y in 3 rooms f irrni -lure, complete; rent $13 month. Address E K. Tribune. l'"11''! FURNITURE of 4 room apartment; parly leaving leav-ing city. Address Z-7. 'tribune. rnGTOl S. Ac E. Furn hlor, 319 State si., buys,. fcelU and exchanges ull kinds of furniture. , 31'-i South Slate. Was. 303. vT 1 J $2-50 WORTH of new f urn i t lire. Will sell for $1 90 ca h, iri'dnd ing d if hen, f rui t and roa !. Call bet. 12 and 0. 317 Vincent court. o447 1 DICING room table, j chain, curtains arid linoleum, al a bargain. Was. 4223-R. o7')7 FINE 12-room house for rent, cheap; furuinire for sale. 121 W. 1st North. cl'.'Z FUMED oak dining room net. Hyland 177--J. 5U-9 FURNITURE for sale, parlies leaving toun. 985 Belmont uve. Phone Hyland 1095-.1, . o50.",4 NEW fumed oak and wicker rockers, kitchen table, rag rugs, cooking utensils, twbj-?t single bed. Hy, 3506 . 1. -M0 FU it NTTUJtE for sale; just what you are locking lock-ing for; reasonable. Call 46 Wesl 7lh S'u;l.. CHAIRS, baby carriage and chair, dishes. net . of draw-rs. Was. 4465 ,1. ' f'"-'7l BRASS bed. springs and mattress; good aj n-w. $18: fcize. 314 So. 7Mi East. No. 2. 1 n5?;o BEDROOM set. dining set. library table, chair. stand, sanitary couch, portieres, lawn motvr. wliwlh?rrnw, fruit jars, etc. Call today at 311 Tenth East. pWI LATEST make steel range, fruit jars, fat for soap, etc. bOl E. Parker lane, 7th East, . r8th South. J5 iyi FURNITURE and household goods. Cull 404 E. I 2nd South. "-''St7 FOUR rooms. g'od ns new, almost half price; j also fine pian-: house for rent if dcsjred;v-Ty reasonable. 1779 11th East, cor. Wilson, ii e. SECOND-HAND belrooiu furniture for t-ale cheap. 426 4th ave. Phne Was. TSU-J. FURNITURE, rockers. Uibles, heating sieves. j linoleum, beds, pictures, and garage. J-Jylnnd 3539-R. o5:;oo For Sale Piano, Phonograplis j $-100 KIMBALL, very late style $205.'" ! $350 Schiller, fine condition i .5,00 i $3"0 Rembrandt, same as new 105.00 $400 Kruuicii & Bach, fine tone liAt.oO i $55 Columbia Grafonola 37. 5o $00 Victrola, same as new 4" .fiO $20 Victrola 5 4. od Horn Victrola, fine tone . 12.tU FISHER'S MUSIC STORE. ,- 1 141 East Broadway. ??I ! SELL or trade equity in high-grade player pi- ' a no. Inquire 235 Belmont ave. -ft3376 $115 VICTROLA. mandolin, typewriter, win-el- barrow, floor brush, screens, kitchen uterwii. i 209 A st. Wasaah 2032-J. 12"! 1 FISHER'S Music Store buys used pianos J ing mncliines. records. Was. 5S71. K5752 ELECTRIC player piano, good as new. " Just the thing for restaurant and ice-cream par- : lor. A bargain if takeu at once. Address. .N -20. V Tribune. ."4453 UPRIGHT piano, ia good condition; $1S5 cash. . 570 So. 3rd East. 04591 LESTER piano, nearly new. Will mako good price for cash. 1125 Emerson. - o4.00 ! PIANISTA player piano and all equipment.' . for sale cheap. Call at 0o6 Center st. o473 Music Rolls jJS-SU. i USED talking machines, records aDd piano mils bought and sold. Fisher Music Store, 341. E. Broad w ay. .. kj745 For Sale Sewing JMachmes GUARANTEED machine, $6. Walker Elec. 159 So. State. Was. 4703. Rent one. 0197 i' GOOD drop-head machine, $8. Walker Elect rk-. 159 So. State. Was. 4703. o2l For Sale WashingIadunes NEW electric, $50; easy terms. Walker Wr- 1 trie, 159 So. Slate. Was. 4703. ' o20 ELECTRIC washer, $40 if taken at once. Hy-land Hy-land 2S65-J. o3810 For Sale Books DYKE'S Automohile and Gasoline Engine Encyclopedia. En-cyclopedia. 1918 edition, right up to the- min- i ute! $;i.50. Theater Botik Shop, 76 E. 1st South st.. opp. S. L. theater. - Dja0a For Sale Machinery 1200 FT. 6-in. steel pipe, $1 per foot; 1000 ft. 4-in. steel piH 60c per foot; 10x12 compressor; com-pressor; 7x10 hoist; 15-h. p. gasoline engine: 25-h. p. gasoline. Everything in machinery -and supplies. American Machinery Co., S10 Walker ( Bank bldg. Was. 1999. l4-': 1 TWO No. 22 Star and one No. 22 Keystone steam drilling machines, with full equipment nnd in first-class condition, near Greenriver, I'tah, FOR SALE. Address Box 218, Green- j river, I'tah. n402 STEAM well-driving machine. 42 h. p.. in good condition, cheap. 14S7 South West Temple. n3.V:'. FOR SALE 1 electric passenger elevator, complete com-plete with cage, 1500 pounds. Wilson hotel. m4I32 16-1 N. lathe, 10-foot body, in fine condition. 744 State street. "Was. 1114. -VM2 CATERPILLAR tractor, three 75-h. p. Holts, 21-10T. trailers, bargains. Wilbur 314 Coop- er bldg.. Denver. Colo. J52S 10-INCH lathe. 10-foot body, rapid 'chance chucks, etc.. in fine cond i I ion. used hut very ! little. A snap. Was. 1114 or 744 Slate. o53S0 Engineering Instruments SALE or rent, by day or month; reasonable. A. Duke, 435 Atlas bide. m5010 ForSale or Trade ONE high-class 7-passenger Chalmers, newly overhauled, and one touring Dodge. In. good condition: for clear vacant or house equities. Was. 23-19. o228l ONE vi-ton J. 11. C. motor truck for -pood farm team, harness, mowing machine and hav rake or heavy wagon. Call forenoons, W. S. ' McDowell, Oth No. and 14th W est, city. - . ooios ; FOR sale or trade A Studebaker 4-cyl., 7-pasi. : car; bargain. Call 519 Arctic court, even In a s j or Sunday. o.t3o.t Automobile Accessories !' THE WELLINGTON Auto Top ('-. Di7 Social Hall ave. ; W as. 7-14 0; manufact ure all styles of de luxe tops. pl.He glass lights, seat covers, trimmings, and tops recovered ; work done-, by expert workmen: material and workmanship the best. Branch shop at Pocatello. Idaho. 1 h5So Auto Tops ('. L. BECK, maker of high-grade top- and 'seat cov-rs : workmanslnp t he best. 246 Edison street. Phone Was. 5339. ol700 Auto Repairing" ! IF your Ford won't run, call us. We guarantee our work. I all Hy. 1 132-J. eJCj l |