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Show Friday, May THE 4, 1928. 1 This does more than ice and does it automatically TIMES-NEW- NEPHI, UTAH S, PAGE THREE Fountain Green 8 Graduate N ews From Seminary I AhlATION.WtZS rZ The Moron! L. D. S. Seminary Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Jacobson anGraduationg Exercises were held at nounce the arrival of a son born Founthe Latter Day Saints Chapel, tain Green, Utah, last Sunday eve- May 6th. ning at 8:00 p. m. The exercises Mr. and Mrs. Ivan E. Hamilton were conducted by Newell K. Young and of Salem expect to teacher and the following locate.daughter Seminary Mr. Hamilton is working at program was followed out: the barber trade and is at the Jones Vocal Solo, "My Task" Truman Curtis in Your tavingtare greatest 9 ' CO. past fifteen years OPERATE DO NOT at additional service. ' No matter where you live you can get these Ford parti at the same low prices as formerly and know they are made In the same way and of the same materials as those from which your car was originally assembled. Labor cost is reasonable and a standard rate is charged for each operation so that you may know in advance exactly how much the complete job will cost. Flat ere pa that ia washable, printed crepea. plain aad printed georgette and chiffon the size rang include frocks for women, mitsea and Junlort, Charge for Consultation regular graduate in Detroit, Michigan medic- ine and surgery and la licensed by the stata of Utak. He visits professionally the more important towns and cities and offers to all who call on this trip free consultation, except the ezpensa of treatment when desired. According to his method of treatment he does not operate for chronic appendicitis, gall stones, ulcers of stomach, tonsils or adenoids. Ha has to his credit wonderful results in diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels, blood, akin, nerve, heart, kidney, bladder, bed wetting, catarrh, weak lungs, rheumatism, sciatica, leg ulcers sad rectal If yon hare been ailing for any length of time and do not get soy better, do not fall to call, as Improper measures rather than disease are very often the causa of your long atanding trouble. Remember above date, that can sultation on this trip will be free and that his treatment is different. Married women must be acoou- panled by their husbands. Address: 224 Bradbury Uldg. Los Angeles, California. r Step on it! You'll have a hard time trying to kwp your rap within legal speed limits once you llttten to the power aong of I'arro under the hood. It's the befit balanced and the peppiest motor fuel on the market. Try It, You'll finl that that you are getting a quicker start, more power, more speed and more mileag. I'aroo panne every tent. VKKftOL and PAUCO oil for correct lubrl.i lion. Judd's Garage Nephi, Utah Hudson and Essex Cars G. R. Judd. "He Builds Wisely Who Builds Well" TO BUILD WELL NEPHI Ford Motor Company m Modish Fabrics 16 The specialist of Dr. Mellenthln ft Co. la a $3.98 A Wide Selection of ONE DAY ONLY No The Younger Miss will . tike this smart Black Patent One Strap for her graduation. Cutout motifs, on vamp and quarter. si Office Hours: 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. THE Ford Motor Company is making a new car, but it is still proud of the Model T. It wants every owner of one of these cars to run it as long as possible at a minimum of expense. Because of this policy and because of the investment that millions of motorists have in Model T cars, the Ford Motor Company will continue to make parts until, as Henry Ford himself says, "the last Model T is off the road." More than eight million Model T Fords are still in active service, and many of them can be driven for two, three and five years and even longer. So that you may get the greatest use over, the longest period of time at the lowest cost, we suggest that you take your Model T Ford to the nearest Ford dealer and have him give you an estimate on the cost of any replacement parts that may be necessary. You will find this the economical thing to' do because a small expenditure may enable you to maintain or increase the value of the car and give you thousands of miles of Graduation Each one is different from the next perhaps that is one reason for tht popularity of these new frocks. Tiny capes and cape effects ruffles, bows and pleats the mode is certainly more feminine I SPECIALISTS Will be Prices Show Distinctive Style Touches That Are New Coming to NEPHI FORREST HOTEL WEDNESDAY, MAY Every-Da- y A Score of Smart Frocks Tid-wel- in Internal Medicine for the Model T Ford in Our And New Shoes A New York Store ran an' excellent advertisement the other day with the caption: Vary Handsome Dollar Bills Were $2.75 Each Now Only $1.50 and the first stated that ifparagraph money were sold in stores no sensible person would buy a dollar bill for $1.50 simply because the storekeeper had once priced it $2.75. This is exactly what we have tried to tell you about our No Sale Policy.. Wa could, of course, mark our merchandise twice as high and later on mark it down to a normal price, but we don't do business that way. That would be selling you a Dollar, Bill for $1.50, wouldn't it? the Twilight Bell" Evenelle Anderson Benediction Thoma9 J. Davis The graduates are: Reba Allred, Geraldine Allred, Evanelle Ander son, Vera Bills, La Von Christensen, Elaine Coombs, Truman Curtis, Thomas J. Davis, Zola Ann Holman, Barbara Elna Jensen, Roen Living ston, Ilene Oldroyd, Verna Reese, Ona Reese. Anna Maurine Sorenson, Elmo w. Taylor, Rula Emma l, Helena Ann Thomas, J. Delbert Yorgason. 8 . Dollar Bills Marked Down From $2.75 to $1.50 FRIGIDAIRE MELLENTH1N VBaaaaaaaak Lw .Kendall Bros. DR. m Where Elmo Taylor Shop. Invocation Greeting to Parents and patrons Monday afternoon the Elite club Helena Thomas Barbara Jensen members tendered Lillie Oldroyd a Heading pleasant surprise at her home. An Chorus, "Selections from King All A is in good condition, enjoyable afternoon was vspent. If your present ice-bo- x Gloria", Directed by Ray Anderson dainty luncheon was served. it can be made a Frigidaire electric refrigValedictory, "Service" Ilene Oldroyd erator at very small cost. You will then have Vocal Duet, "The Rosery" Ruby Ivory entertained the memMr. and Mrs. E. I. Issacson bers of the G. B. club at her home all the health protection, convenience and on Thursday afternoon. The followPresentation of Diplomas economy of Frigidaire. Visit our display James L. Neilson ing members enjoyed the afternoon. rooms for a demonstration. Ora Mayer, Vera Millet, Emma Address to Graduates Livingston, Thora Nephi L. Morris of Salt Lake City Seeley, Sadie Anderson, Vocal Solo, "King of the Wind" Dorothy Oldroyd, Oldroyd and Tressie AnderB. L. Holdway son of Mt. Pleasant. An elaborate Reading, "Pioneers" .... Ilene Hanks NEPHI. UTAH rabbit dinner was served. Chorus, "Sundown" Short Talk, Pres. Soren M. Nielson LaMar Oldroyd and family and Musical Reading, "The Legend of Isaac Oldroyd of Glenwood, are visiting relatives here. MOTORS PRODUCT OF GENERAL to the land above described, before the clerk of the district court, at Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Jensen and Nephi, Utah, on the 19th day of June Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mikkelson attended the funeral services of Mrs. who, on June 22, 1921, made home- 1928. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Claimant names as witnesses: Christina Aagard at Moroni No. Lota for stead 3, the of 025134, Interior, entry, Department 4, 16, 21, 33 & 34 Sec. 7, Lots 4 & George F. Golden, T. C. Chappell, U. S. Land Office at Salt Lake City, 5, Section 18, Township 14 South, A. G. Irons & R. S. Golden, all of Mrs. Jes Stringham and daughter Utah, April 27, 1928 Range 1 West, Salt Lake Meridian, Nephi, Utah. ELI of Salt Lake are visiting with her F. TAYLOR, has filed notice to Register. intention make of that is NOTICE hereby given June 1st, 1928 parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Allred. May 4th, 1928. George O. Golden, of Nephi, Utah, three year Proof, to establish claim Protect Your Investment I PLASTER HAS NO EQUAL The Largest and Purest Natural Deposit of Gypsum In the World .1EPHI PLASTER and MFC COMPANY When Nephi People Visit Provo, They are asked to try Sutton's Cafe NO FINER EATING HOUSE IN UTAH. The choicest foods Cooked right served right priced. Ladies Rest Room |