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Show THE PAGE SIX TIMES-NEW- NEPHI, UTAH S, auction to the highest biddc--r for cash, on Saturday, the 12 day of May, 1928, beginning at 11 o'clock A. M. at the froi;t door of the County Court House, at Nepht City, Juab County, State of Utah, tho following described parcels of real estate situated in Juab County, State of Utah, NEPHI CITV Tax Sale No. 90. Hattie W. Bown; Part of Lot 4, described as follows: Beg. at pt. 10 7 ft. S. from N. E. cor. of Lot 4 th. running South 107. ft. 6 in. th. W. 107 ft. 3 in. th. N. 107 ft 6 in. th. E. 107 ft. 3. in. to beg. Lot 4, Blk. 29, Plat "A", Nephi Survey. Tax Sale No. 104, Walter ft. l; N. of Lot 2; Lot 2, Blk. 29, Plat "B", Nephl Survey. Tax Sale No. 105, Frank V. '1 S. Vi of N. of Lot 2; Lot 2. Blk. 29, Plat "B", Nephl Survey. LEVAN TOWN Tax Sale No. 123, Cenus Christon-sen- ; Lot 1. 1 sh. water. Lot 1, Blk. 16, Plat "A", Levan Town. Tax Sale No. 135, Alma Dalby: Lot 4. 1 sh. water. Lot 1, Blk. 4 6, Plat "A", Levan Town. MONA TOWN Tax Sale No. 147, Willard L. Ellertson; Com. at N. E. cor of Lot 3, situated in S. W. V oi Sec. 32, Twp. 11 So. R. 1 E. th. S 12 rds. th. W. 13 rds. th. N. 12 rds. th. E. 3 ros. to beg. l ot 3, Blk 4, PIt C" Mona Town. Tax Sale No. 143, John L. Ellertson; Beg. at S. E. cor. of Lot 3, th. W. 13 rds. th. N. 1 rd. th. E. 13 rds. th. S. 1 rd. Lot 3, Blk. 4, Plat "C", Mona Town. JUAB SCHOOL. DISTRICT Tax Sale No. 153, Wm. Arthur exJones; The N. lA of the S. E. 2 acres cluding R. R. right-of-wawaste. Sec. 28, Twp. 10 S. R. 1 E cont. 80 acres. Juab District. Tax Sale No. 154, Elizabeth C. of Senn; S. E. Vi of N. W. V ; W. N. W. V ; N. W. of S. W. Vi ; Sec. 28, Twq. 10 S. R. 1. E. cont. 160 acres. Juab Distict. Tax Sale No. 155. Elizabeth C. of ; S. W. Senn; E. Ms of N. E. to-w- a o Your Worli Ttoe Modern Way The application of "CATERPILLAR" TRACTORS and plows, etc. attachments, such as disc harrows, make your work easy. "Caterpillar" Tractors like to plow when it does the Work the ground properly, at just the most good. right time without delays, with plenty of power, and at Join the ranks of the successful and the lowest cost. A size for every farm. buy a modern "Caterpillar". See our representatives in Malad, Idaho; Salt Lake City, Logan, and Nephi, or write to us and we will send you detailed information. sub-soiler- s, Landes & Company 236 West South Temple NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALK OF REAL KSTATE Whereas, Juab County haj received tax deeds for the real estate hereinafter described, which said estate has been heretofore sold to said County for delinquent taxes, and the time provided by law for redeeming said real estate from such Salt Lake City, Utah Tid-wel- y. tax sales has expired; Now therefore, notice is hereby given that in pursuance of Section 6056, of the Compiled Laws of Utali, 1917, as amended by Chapter 140 of the Session Laws of Utah. 1921, the undersigned, the Board of County Commissioners of Juab County, State of Utah, will offer for sale at public Friday, May 4, 1928. N. E. N. ; N. of of S. E. W. Vi; Sec. 29, Twp. 10 S. R. 1 E. cont. 280 acres. Juab District. Tax Sale No. 156, Elizabeth C. ; N. E. ,i of Senn; E. M of N. E. S. E. V; Sec. 31, Twp. 10 S. R. 1 E. cont. 120 acres. Juab District. Tax Sale No. 166, Jas. Albert and N. Lynn; N. E. M of N. W. of N. E. M; Sec. 22, Twp. 11 W. S. R. 1 E. cont. 80 acres. Juab Dist. Tax Sale No. 170, Orson S. Williams, Orson Williams, Jr. and Eliza Williams Jensen, ejo Utah Valley Land and Water Co.; Beg. 49 rds. 2Vz Iks. N. of S. W. cor. of the N. E. i of sd. Sec. 31, th. E. 478.3 ft. th. N. 7 deg. 23 min. E. 71.5 ft. th. W. 487.5 ft th S. 70.9 ft. to pi. of beg. Sec. 31, Twp. 11 S. R. 1 E. cont. 1 acre. Juab District. Tax Sale No. 171, Orson S. Williams and Orson S. Williams, Jr., c!o Utah Valley Land and Water Co. Beg. 5 3 rds. 10 Iks. N. of S. W. cer of N. E. th. E. 487.5 ft. th. N. 7 deg. 23 min. E. 71.6 ft. th. W. 496.7 ft. th. S. 71.0 ft. to the place of beg. Sec. 31, Twp. 11 S. R. 1 E. cont. 1 acre. Juab District. Tax Sale No. 172, Enlza Jensen to Utah Valley Land and Water Co.; Beg. 4 4 rds. 20 Iks. N. of S. W. cor. of N. E. V of sd. Sec. 31, th. E. 4 6 9.1 ft. th. N. 7 deg. 23 min. E. 71.6 ft. th. W. 478.3 ft. th. S. 71.0 ft. to beg. Sec. 31, Twp. 11 S. R. 1 B. cont. 1 acre. Juab District. Tax Sale No. 173, Orson S. Williams and Orson S. Williams, Jr., and Efliza Williams Jensen; Beg. 14.90 chains N. of S. E. cor. of N. W. i th. W.. 848.8 ft. th. N. 3 deg. 19 min. E. 50.9 ft. th. E. 845.9 ft. th. S. 50. 8. ft. to place of beg. Also beg. 12.00 chains N. of S. E. cor of N. W. Vt, th. W. 847.0 ft. th. N. 32 deg. 07 min. W. 23.5 ft. th. N. 3 deg. 19 min. E. 8 2.5 ft. th. E. 354.7 ft. th. S. 102.3 ft. to place of Sec. 31. Twp. 11 S. R. 1. 15. beg. cont. 3 acres. Juab District. Tax Sale No. 174, Eliza Jensen, cjo Utah Valley Land and Water Co. Beg. 13.55 chains N. of S. E. cor of N. W. M th. W. 854.7 ft. th. N. 3 deg. 19 min. E. 102.5. ft. th. E. 0 i tough, durable finish for floors A Kitchen, bathroom, and hallway floors need an enamel finish that 1b extra toug;h and For these floors we recommend LOWE BROTHERS FLOOR ENAMEL. It i a finish that is easy to clean and one that will last. It has unusual spreading capacity and is very economical. It dries hard and smooth overnight. Also makes an excellent finish for kitchen walls and woodwork. Many colors from which to choose. wear-resistin- g. Before you paint, see us We Can't Sell All the Paint So We Sell the Best. Kendall Bros. " acre. A few of our exceptional Used Car values "with an OK that counts" CHEVROLET COACH 1927 in gotting an unusual bargain in thlH tar; baa had the b!st of care and only driven Io.imiii miles; you will have to hp; it and drive It to appreciate what we mean in stiitltiK it's fti unuHiial barKaln. What's more you get a guarantee of good running order. Only $525.00 fully equiped Someone Turns. OK THAT COUNTS OLUS.MOlilLK KOAltSIKK 19 25 An exceptional bargain for someone who needs thiB type of automobile. It has Just WITH AN been refinlnlipd in Dupont Duco; motor completely overhauled. Good tires with a dpure; bumper front and rear, for only $325.00. WITH AN O.K. THAT COUNTS FORD TOURING 1925 In very ffne condition; has two of its It Is In good condition original tire. mechanically and has the regular guarantee. Only $150.00. Terms. WITH AN O K. THAT COUNTS DIRANT TOURING 1925 This Is an exceptionally good buy for anyone who wants a used car. It has Just boon Ducoed; motor overhauled and has five good balloon tires. This car is sold with our usual guarantee for only $275.00 Terms. WITH AN O K. THAT COUNTS CHEVROLET 1 TON TRUCK 1925 For fruit, grain and other hauling this truck will very Boon pay for Its nelf. Good rubber with extra tire, only $250.00 terms. , WITH AN O.K. 1 HAT COUNTS MAXWELL TOURING 1924 This car has Just been reflnlshed with Dupont Duco, and the motor has been checked and all bearings taken up. lias five good tires and is In first class running condition. For only $250.00. Terms. WITH AN O.K. THAT COUNTS KKMEMUIiR YOU GKT A FKKK RIDE WITH THE RED RAVENS WHEN YOU BUY A CAR FROM US. We finance all paper on G. M. A-- C. plan. Our rate are lower. 11 Ut shs. water, $300. Sec. 36, beg. Twp. 14 S. R. 1 W. cont. 32 acres. Juab District. The Board reserves the right to reject any bid in a sum less than the total amount of delinquent taxes, costs and interest, accrued on the property covered by such bid.' Dated: April 7, 1928. Board of County Commissioners of Juab County, Utah. By W." G. Orme, Chairman. Attest: J. H. Vickers, Clerk. LEVAN NEWS ITEMS - lT.W Bylnip y 84S.8 ft th. S. 102.3. ft. to place of beg. Sec. 31, Twp. 11 S. R. 1 E. cont. 2 acres. Tax f.ale No. 175, F. A. Keyte, cjo Utah Valley Land md Water Co. Beg. 254.1 ft. S. i nd 415.8 ft. E. of the V Sec. cor ou N. bndy of Sec. 31, Twp. 11 S. R. 1 E. S. L. B. and M. th. S. 1 deg. 44 min. W. 546.3 ft. th. S. 4 deg. 24 min W. 408.8 ft. th. S. 19 deg. 40 min. E. 118.4 ft. th. W. 404.8 ft th. S. 285.8 ft.th. W. 845.9 ft. th. N. 3 deg. 19 min. E. 245.5 ft. th. N. 0 deg. 32 min. E. 529.1 ft. N. 23 deg. 51 min. E. 495.3 ft. th. N. 26 deg. 07 min. E. 137.9 ft. th. E. 978.7 ft. to pi. of beg. Sec. 31, Twp. 11 S. R. 1 E. aont. 24 acres . Juab District. Tax Sale No. 176, Flossie R- El lertson; Beg. 40 rds. N. of the S. E. cor of sd. S. E. V of Sc. th. W. 86 rds. 4 deg. E. of N. 40 rds. E. 81 rds. S. 40 rds. to beg. Sec. 31, Twp. 11 S. R. 1. E. cont. 21 acres. Juab District. Tax Sale No. 177. Lula E. Jer- and main, Margaret M. Chatwin James A. Jerman; Beg. 57 rds. 17 V4 Iks. N. and 496.7 ft. E. of S. W. cor of sd. N. E. 4 th. E. 823.3 ft. th. N. 70.9 ft. th. W. 814.1 ft. th. S. 7 deg. 23 min. W. 71.5 ft. to pi. of beg. Sec. 31, Twp. 11 S. R. 1 E. cont. 1 acre, Juab District. Tax Sale No. 178, Eliza Jensen; Beg. 4 4 rds. 20 Iks. N. and 469.1 ft. E. of the S. W. cor of N. E. U sd. Sec. 31, th. E. 850.9 ft. th. N. 71.0 ft. th. W. 841.7 ft. th. S. 7 deg. 23 min. W. 71.6 ft to pi. of beg. Sec. 31, Twp. 11 S. R. 1 E. cont. 1 During the last ninety days more new Chevrolet cars were delivered in this community than in any similar period in Chevrolet history and most of these new car sales involved the trade-i- n of the purchaser's previous car. As a result, we have at this time a wide selection of used cars that have been thoroughly reconditionedand which may be identified by the Red "O. K. that counts" tag. Come in and make your selection while our used car stocks are complete. J UianiiMRBj NEPHI, UTAH my with Confidence Jbr Economical Transportation 1 S. (5B)o ;:cndability, Satisfaction and Honest Value Juab District. Tax Sale No. 179, Thos. II. Garfield; Com. 38.30 rds. S. of N. E. cor of S. E. Vt of Sec. 5, th. S. 121.70 rds. th. W. 80 rds. th. N. 80 rds. th. E. 2 rds, th. N. 38.39 rds. th. E. 78 rds. to beg. 7 uhs. water Sec. 5, Twp. 12 S. R. $210.00. 1 E. cont. 63 acres. Juab District. Tax Sale No. 225, Abner Bigler; Coin. 52 rds. 21 Iks. N. of the S. W. cor. of the N. W. V of sd. Sec. 1, th. N. 52 rds. 22 Iks. th. E. 112 rds. th. S. 52 rds. 22 Ik, th. W. 112 rds. to beg. Sec. 1, Twp. 13 S. R. 1 W. cont. 3 7 acres. Juab District. Tax Sale No. 230, John R. Sperry; l E. V4 of N. E. 4 ; E. ft of S. E. Sec. 18, Twp. 13 S. R. 2 W. corn. 160 acres. Juab District. Tax Sale No. 256, Alice Lila War-wooIteg. at a pt. on the S. side of the public road to Chicken Creek Canyon which Is 170 2.5 ft. N. and 1335 ft. W. of S. E. ror. of S. W. V of N. E. Vt of Sec. 32 ,th. W. 642 ft. to the fence line, th. S. 0 deg. 45 rain. K. 706.5 ft. to the old fence on tho S. side of Chicken Creek, th. following sd, fence N. 88 deg 57 min. 7. 634 ft. th. N. 648.9 ft. to place of 8 shares water, 240.00 Sec. beg. 3 2. Twp. 14 S. R. 1 E. cont. 10 acres Juab District. Tax Sale No. 270, Niels N. Lund-steeBeg 79 rds. 16 ft. E. and 41 rds. S. of the N. W. cor. of the SV4 of the N. E. V; th. W. 644 rds. N. 12 ft. W. 15 ft. E rds. S. 39 rds. 15 rds. th. following the Creek In N. pt. opposite the E'ly. direction to starting place th. N. 5 rds. to ben. Also beg. at th S. E. cor. of the 8 Vt of the N. W. VI th. W. 78 rds. N. 40 rd. E. 78 rda. S. 39 rds. 9 ft. to Mr. Herben been employed Malmgren who has at Los Angeles the past winter returned home Friday. The Gleaner girls class In mutual were entertained at the home, of Ruby Rosequist last Thursday night. Mr. and Airs. J. A. Bosh spent last week in Salt Lake City visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ferrln Bosh and Mr. and Mrs. Eric Peterson. Miss Pearl Petersoiv of Ogden is visiting with her parents, iMr. and Mrs. E. W. Peterson. Mrs. Alex Peterson . entertained a large number of friends and relatives Monday afternoon In honor of her birthday anniversary. Mrs. Joseph Bradfield was called to Salt Lake City on account of the serious illnesg of her only sister. Mrs. Pearl Ault of Cedar Tort Is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. o. II. Pierce. Early Lamp Filaments Cotton hutting burned down to carbon was used as filament In r)y electric lamps. Bamboo, psper and silk served the same ,urpos. Good Road Facts Henceforth, civilization can t 00 better than Its highways. Mora than $1,000,000,000 was spent In improving highways of tbs United States last year. Good roads ars a 0n thing, but tt is well to remember that they lead away from the farm as well as to It s All roads leading to the four of Yellowstons National park ars reported to be In excellent condition. The national parks, sevsn In tns United States and thres In Canada, are now linked together by Improved highways. The Defenis highway, shortening the distance between Washington and Annapolis, Md., by eight miles, will be completed this year. Twenty times around, the world! Such, at any rate. Is the distance American motorists could travel on their 600.000 miles of surfaced roads. The Arizona highway department has taken consideration of the pedestrian on the roadway and bag mads official recommendation that he walk on the left side. gats-way- |