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Show THE Friday, May 11, 1928. TIMES-NEW- your nest caxsesvAist (General Motors I ADS CLASSIFIED bftsyow select NEPHI, UTAH S, LOCAL PAGE FIVE HAPPENINGS EE- - TO MY MOTHER Mr. and "Mrs. T. W Allred, Sr. of PLANTS for sale at Jacob Fountain Green is spending a month phone 2 6 3Gibson's, in Nephl, visiting with their son Dr. T. Warren Allred. I have taken the Agency for the Sprlngville Floral Company and will Judge Joshua Greenwood was in have Potted Plants and Cut Flowers Ernia Nephi Monday attending a meeting for Mother's Day, May 13th. of the board of directors of the Juab Lunt. Mill and Elevator Co. He also Mrs. ICE 2 cent for quantities over 50 visited at the home of Mr. and lbs. otherise lc lb. at E. Tanner's. Hyrum Brough while in this city. TOMATO -J "All that am or hope to be my angel mother. Lincoln. I owe to More and More we all realize that Lincoln's tribute to his Mother is true of every Mother. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Garrett of Provo was in Nephi Monday visiting with relatives and friends. While CHECKED EGGS at 15c Doz. at Mt. here Mr- Garrett attended the meettf ing of the board of directors of the Nebo Produce, T. W. Miller. Juab Mill and Elevator Co. SALE. SEED POTATOES FOU Mrs. Ray Brough has returned Seth McPherson. home after having spent a couple of Auto weeks In the Salt Lake hospital FOR SALE CHEAP Four where she underwent an operation mobile Tires, nearly as good as renew Call at Silver .Maple Servico for appendicitis. She is rapidly from the operation. covering Station. Edward Kendall ICE FOR SALE 1 - was organized GENERAL, MOTORS of that a group strong companies, working together, as a family, could serve the public better than they could separately. The public has approved this principle. In 1924 one out of every six cars chosen by the public was a General Motors car. In 1925 the proportion was one in five. In 1926 it was one in four. And last year it was one in three. The improvement in General Motors products is continuous. Great Research Laboratories are constantly seeking new paths for betterment. A 1245-acr- e Proving Ground tests all that science has discovered and proves each new design before it is offered to you. Each year there has been a steady advance in the quality, performance and beauty of General Motors cars, with no increase in price. 7 famous cas-- 8 6 models 495.tO $5500.(fgb Factories) and the low co$t GMAC Purchase Plan The General Motors cars are listed on the coupon below. They include a car for every purse and purpose passenger cars and trucks models of every land fours and sixes and eights. You may select any model with full assurance that by every test it offers the largest value per dollar in its price class. The passenger cars include 86 models, ranging from $495 to $5500. All in All cars have Fisher. dosed bodies are by brakes. All have quality where quality counts most in long life and high resale value. All are backed by service organizations which are permanent. price-at-the-facto- M OTHER'S WAY Mrs. T. Warren Allred left last Bantam and seea k. v. Saturday for an extended motor trip d States. Mrs. a27t3p through the Eastern accompanied Mr. and Mrs. James Miner of Salt Lake City. They are LET C. J. Pyper, do your electrical making the trip by automobile, and work and repair your electrical ap intend to visit at Kansas City, St. com most pliances. He also has the Louis, Washington, D. C, New York, plete line of electrical fixtues and Boston, and other Eastern Cities. supplies In Nephl. They also intend to return by way of Canada where they will visit FOR SALE Gladioja Bulbs- Frank some of the interesting scenic 16t4 Warner. points. FOR SALE Yellow White Sweet corn Russell. All-re- M ay 13th -- BEFORE YOU Buy a A nice box of Candy with a tribute to your Mother attached will surely make her happy. tractor, see James Chase, he sells the famous CLETRAC TRACTORS. FOR SALE Table, Ice Cream, and Pine Salt Co. Sheep SALT--Lon- e tf. Phone 204R3. Flowers will add to her happiness. Come in and select your boxes of candy Notice To Water to-da- y. users IT PLEASES US TO PLEASE PLACE YOUR ORDER now for your Information concerning changes Mother's Day gift: Carnations of water In June, must be given in $2.50 doz; Roses, 3.00, $3.50, $5.00 writing not later than May 15, 1928. Snap dragons, $2.00, $2.50; Sweet Telephone or verbal information peas. 75c Der bunch. Evans Foral will not be accepted. Co. Bertha McPherson, local agent Jas. H. Ellison, Watermaster FOR RENT 3 room house, garden YOUNG CHESTER WHITE PIGS Phone 69. for sale. James lot, good location. Christensen, Phone 99R2. Ml3t3p FOUND Strnig of Pearls, call at Times-New- s office and pay The NEPHI WARD PRIMARY is The 30c for this add and receive the giving a Matinee Dance, Monday, beads. afternoon at 4 o'clock in the Armory Hall. Candy served. 10c admission. FOR SALE Young team, well All children Invited. matched, good wagon, hay rack, and practically new wagon box. For FOUR 31x4.95 TIRES at One Half Price Silver Maple Service. quick sale, $300.00 good buy Sevier Bridge Dam C. D. Billings. THE CLETHAC TRACTORS, a size for every Job 12 to 100 H. P James Chase, Nephl Terms Easy. DECORATION DAY IS CLOSE at Put new headboards at the hand. graves of your loved ones. $3.50 and up per set Samz Paint Shop. 33 Pays To Advertise It 'sweetXrunMing ry four-whe- el CLIP THE COUPON pay you to see what General Motors offers before you select your next car. Compare General Motors quality and value in each price class. Learn about the tests General Motors applies to all cars produced here and abroad, at its great Proving Ground. Consider the importance of a time payment plan which gives you low rates, because of the volume of business handled. Remember that you are assured of service, because General Motors dealers are everywhere. By using the coupon below, you can bring into your home immediately full, illustrated information about any or all of the products made by General Motors. With this will come a new book called "Principles & Polities. You will find it unusual reading, for it takes you behind the scenes and shows just what General Motors is and what it is doing to continue to merit public goodwill. It will CALL ME for Wall paper, and Wall paper Hanging, Great May Special Let me tell vou about it. Samz Paint Shop. LET A1E CLEAN YOUR WALL PAPERt Satisfaction guaranteed Munro Pexton, Phone 38. J. Alexander who has been making regular professional visits to your town ofr many years to care for the eyes. Will be at Nephl; Forrest Hotel,, Monday May 14th from 3 to 8 P. M. Levan, Herman Christenson's Residence Tuesday Dr. F. May 15th, from 9 to 11 A. M. A BARGAIN Atwater Kent Radio Set. All com plete. Set, 6 tubes, A battery, 2 B batteries, 1 speaker and antenna, complete for $70.00 Sil Ji feature the of NEW Mautaq aluminum washer ver Maple Service. WE HAVE plenty of Idaho Russett Potatoes at $1.00 per bushel Silver Maple Service, Nephi, Utah. FOR SALE Young PIGS-F- or ticulars See Owen Boswell. WANTED frigerator. par- 2t Good Second Hand Re 16t2 Phone 181R2. the remarkable absence of vibration, astonishing smoothness, characterize the movements of the NEW Maytag Washer, THE evidence of are silent but engineering. As th perfect striking automobile mechanic would say, it is "Sweet Running." clothe with perfect safety to dcBcata buttons and filmy laces. It it the safest, most effective method of water removal known and is obtainable only with the NEW Mavtas The Roller Water Remover of the New Maytag mark another advance la washing machine construction. Its never crush roll thoroughly remove the aurplua aoap and water from the -- GENERAL MOTORS a YOU. a -- CLIP THE COUPO- N- General Motors (Dept. A), Detroit, PONTIAC LJ illurted literature describing each General Motor product I have checked together with your book let i OLDSMOBILB "TheProvingGrou0d"d"Principl.,acPlicie. OAKLAND Name 3 lbs Raisins, seeded or seedless 10 pkgs. for . . . .25 Catchup, 16 oz. bottle .19 Macaroni, per lb. .12 Cheese, full cream 2-2- Hi 05 . 10 194 for a NEW Maytag. Uie it (or a trial washing in your own home. If it doesn't sell itself, don't keep Is. 18 10 Pancake Flour 176 e. ist So. IPHaoimes 0c Per lb Addre$$. 25 BAILY GROCERY CADILLAC . FRIQID A IRE AaHMik Fousded Rice, fancy blue rose Milk, Large can Small can Post Bran Flakes Pmytnmnf Yum'U Nmr HUm MAYTAG COMPANY, Newton, Iowa 2 BUICK LaSALLE THE SATURDAY SPECIALS p5?? Mich. PtM rnd,withoutoMiKion Iniw, CHEVROLET all (J DFTro-- f V. " r- - JllummumlVastier sg |