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Show THE PAGE EIGHT TIMES-NEW- NEPHI, UTAH S, Local News Happenings WE have Just Received another Big New line of Humming- Bird and Blue Crane pure Silk Hose $1.00, $1.50, and $1.95. in all the - season's newest 'shades. See them. BIG DOLLAR SPECIAL A complete line high grade Rayon Silk $1.00 Underwear Big line Women's and Girls Wdsh Dresses $1.00 Large extra heavy Bath Towels 3 for .... $100 9x12 Linoleum Rugs $12.95 9x12 Floor Tex Rugs Newest Patterns . . $9.50 2 yd. wide Linoleum Newest Patterns $1.69 yd. GROCERIES Bag Sugar .... 77c 25 lb. Bag .... $1.89 8 lb. Best Lard $1.65 4 lb. Lard 85c 21b pail 45c 25c lb. Smoked Bacon Squares . . . 3 lb. Soda Crax . . 42c Barrell Snaps . . 29c No. 2 25c can Tomato 2 for 25c No. 2 can Pineapple 5c Matches 3 boxes .... 10c 6 boxes .... 19c White King Washing Machine Soap large 45c 10 lb. 1- Special Mother's Day Programs will be given in each of the three wards of Nephi Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. All of the members of the ward are cordially invited to at tend. An excellent Droeram has been arranged to be presented in each of the wards. te business block. DOG. WI9E -2 1- -2 Compare All Our Prices and SAVE. MOTHER'S DAY CARNATIONS We will have them Saturday the 12th. FA9TUS KNOWS THAT CAN-'GST WITH HIS WIFE OR WITHOUT HS "HE FOOTE . Mr. and Mrs. David Stoker from Clearfield, Mr. and Mrs. Roy B. Smith, and Mr .and Mrs. Christian Graves, of Ogden spent Sunday visit ing with Miss Bertha Stoker. FOR A BANK ACCOUNT THERE IS NEITHER SUBSTITUTE NOR IMITATION I "Whatever You Earn Spend Less" FIRST LEAGUE kmc Gardtnira uu neve their ova cardena, where they tend what rtfht fct called pumpkla patens Tfceae Insect gardes rs rals mlcro-eeplpellet like pampklaa, mad ef rt af fungus, somewhat similar to ! aa stale bread. A sec cm Ue alatiag ef fragments of leaves sad grass Is prepared and weeded by These they cbew Into flae ess lerial late which they place the term of fuafua. ( Indo-Chla-s e Mukrat$ Dttroy Carp Muskrata sometimes eat Qsh, bet tbey capture sluggish kinds mainly and seldom hsrni game fish. When carp were Introduced Into many parts of this country It was found that the musk rata sometimes ravHded ponds and destroyed the carp. This would not now be regarded as s serious loss. Mimkrats cause some loss to the fish rulturlst by Injuring bis ponds and possibly by destroying the food of Wednesday, May 23th. Pleasant at Nephi. Moroni at Ephralm Fairvlew at Manti. Mt. GAMES Our PROTECTION Auto top Dressing will prevent your car top from drying out in the hot tun and from pulling loose around the edges. Take this small matter seriously and let us do your car top for 51.50. Phone 246 GHLVER e, i Address.. SPECIAL OFFER New colors new beauty for faded furniture To prove the remarkable ease with which you can renew a worn and faded piece of furniture with Acme Quality Enamel-Kotwe make this special offer.for a limited time. Look around you now. What small piece of furniture have you that needs refinishing? Make up your mind, then tear e, out the coupon above, sign your name and address on it in pencil, bring it in and get the special 55c combination of Enamel-Kot- e ai.d brush. We make the offer only because we want you to get acquainted with the wonderful finishing qualities of the world-renown- ed ACME QUALITY A birthday party was given May 8th by Mrs. E. M. Claridge in honor of the 10th birthday of her daugh ter Phyllfs. Games were played and refreshments served to the follow ing boys and girls: George Pexton, Marjorie Jackson, Norma Evans, Wilson Foote, Clemet Richardson, Celia Richardson, Thelia Richard son, Jerry Woodbury, Virginia For rest, Afton Ellison, John Goble, Marjorie Linton, Reid Black, Eeth Carter, Jack Vickers, Melba Jenkins Grace Golden, Margaret Lunt. Norma Golden, and the guest of honor Phyllis Claridge. Paint adykrnish Sign the coupon and bring it to our store. New and complete stocks of Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Kalsomines, Brushes and ' other accecssories for home decoration, at the A MODEL CITY Nephi Merc. Co. CLASSIFIED ADS FLOWERS FOR MOTHER'S DAY GASOLINE LAWN MOWER ready for use. Prices right. Call Carlos Boswell. All Q of Cut Flowers, TRY .our ICE CREAM. Yes, it is Q. Tavern. Electrically Cooled. FOR SALE Harness, new Clinton Price. kinds and Potted Plants. Carnations $1.50 Phones 59 per dozen. Bread now sold at Tavern, 109 No. Main St. BUTTER-KRUS- T and 182. Erma Lunt practically removed and put up low ones so the people RAGS WANTED will pay 6c lb. for can see your flower gardens with good !Clean, Soft Rags Central out having to climb a latter, or a Motor Co. tree. There is not any thing I know of which disgraces a town FOR SALE Month old roosters J. W. Barnes. more than old worthless .buildings. xear mem aown ana put some thing respectable in their places. What will be our profit? We will have more tourists, and be recog nized aa an outstanding city of beauty, and Nephi will be recog nized aa "A Model City." a Two Big Airplane Nebona Gard ens Thus. Mdy 17th Alumni Ball Sat. May 19th Red Raven Dance MAPLE FT q To acquaint you with Acme Quality, we are making a special offer for a short time only. The. marriage of Richard Salis bury, son of Mrs. Richard Salisburv of this city, and Miss Zelda King of Manti, Utah, took place last Satur day, the ceremony being performed by Bishop Thomas Bailey. fences Thii coupon and 25c entitle the undersigned to one 35c can of Acme Quality Enamel-Kotany color, and a special 20c Paint Brush. fishes. PROTECTION fk7a?1:'3 . Vermeil Beck, returned to Nephi last Saturday and will remain in Nephi this summer. Mr. Beck has been living at Clear Creek canyon the past two years. (Continued from page 1.) rest during the heat of the summer For summer picnics the days. parks is indispensable. And for such celebrations as the 4th and 24th of July the park is very desir able. In order to make Utah a beautiful state each town must cooperate, and in order to make Nephi beauti ful each citizen must cooperate and do his or her part. Without the cooperation and interest of the citizen of Nephi we can not make our city an outstanding place of interest and beauty. If each citizen took it upon him self to do some little task which would improve his home, we would not have a hard job, but we would have astonishing results derived. - Name.. Miss Clela Have your old Whit I r- i At-ON- BASEBALL & NEPHI NATIONAL BANK X Bailey returned Thurs day morning from Salt Lake City. Miss Bailey has ben teaching school H. B. Waters, general manager of at Junction, Utah, during the past the Telluride Power Company, stop- winter. ped in Nephi Thursday, after making a business trip to Richfield and Mrs. Henry Knowles and daughter Southern Utah. Mr. Waters is very Miss Elece Knowles of Salt Lake enthusiastic over the scenic attrac- City spent a few days in Nephl this tions of Utah's wonderland, and Is week, visiting with relatives and a real booster for the great friends. Fixtures are arriving this week for the new O. P. Skagg store, which will be located in the Whitmore building on the West side of MaTn. The exact date of the opening of the new store has not been ascertained, but it Is reported that the store will be opened in about ten days. The work of remodeling of the old bank building is now under way, and when completed will be another 11. 1928. Friday, May IS Music By "The Bluebirds" Off Go "The Felts" On Come "The Straws" New Styles New shapes new bands in assortments that make it easy to fit your face with a Town-send-Gra- cc Straw 1 The Toggery -M |