Show F funeral services of J E flynn sunday july 3rd ard in the tha chapel where he had offered consolation to many folks who had cause to mourn the loss ot of kin or friend services were conducted for james E flynn formerly or of park city chose whoso sudden death came as a sur surprise to his legion lealon of friends throughout the state of utah it Is questionable it if there has been a greater display of floral offerings in the funeral home at price representative as they are of respect and este esteem ern jim had made friends in every home where he was called or known I 1 and to say it with flowers was their silent message of love to him who was a friend to most everybody the chapel was much too small to seat the many who would like to have listen ed to the simple yet beautiful service conducted under the auspices of price lodge of elks of which he was a charter member having transferred from park city when the former was instituted mr frank averill presided as exalted ruler A quartette composed of mrs E K X olson mrs murray mathis and willard harmon feelingly rendered lead kindly light followed with a vocal solo by mrs olson the eulogy was given most effectively by brother ballinger BaUl nger and the fitting tribute spoken by judge J W hammond of price conveyed truisms known to every one present sent whether of brief or a friendship of long standing there was no attempt or need of false praise he did not hesitate to quote his virtues nor did he be soar beyond the heights of reason in his word picture of deceased who in life merely so sought ugh t to 0 practice what he craved to be and b best et outlined by foss foes in his bla poetic lines let me live in a house by the ride bide of the road and be a friend to man being human jim was not faultless but his weakness never reached beyond his physical self and no one eldr suffered from any malicious thought word or deed as a result of any imperfection that may have crept into his lifes story the closing number by the quartette abide with me was a fitting appeal to the master who in his goodness and mercy will forgive the shortcomings and judge by the many acts of unsolicited kindness cheerfully bestowed to the needy the weary the disconsolate the downcast the sorrowing the heartbroken one hundred thirty five cars made up the cortege going to the P rice price cee cemetery r Y and the goodbye good bye jim as pron pronounced ce by his brother elks at the grave was affectionately echoed by the amen that re sounded from those who bad assembled to pay reverential homage and convey to the family their genuine sympathy J D |