Show j twenty five years ago I t the park record files july 1907 j VS M maraat A AAI t l I 1 in an interesting letter from S L idon he writes of the sights scenes pis irl in boston and new york city he arriving at boston by boat from norfolk virginia alter after telling of the many places pieces visited in and around boston he tells of his stay in new york city and tho the sights on broadway Ero adway the largest and busiest street in the world his visit in the bowery chinatown the battery the status statue of liberty wall street and the stock exchange tammany hall central park the bronx zoo and Bat anIcal gardens glants giants tomb soldiers and sailors monument the obelisk riverside drive the bridge of sighs a day boat ride up the hudson to west point and albany two days at coney island a ramble over the big bridges his midnight visit at Fleish fleishmann mans bakery where many hundreds of unemployed stand in line nightly to receive a loaf of bread a pathetic sight to one unfamiliar with poverty in big cities and then of his bis visit to the offices of walter G dark clark a former park city boy now one of the leading electricians tri ians clans lie he occupies an elegant suite of 0 rooms in r one ine of the big skyscrapers on lower broadway etc 0 0 01 0 in provo recently a hearse heading a funeral procession ran over a fire en alne which was responding to an alarm park city quite that slow yet but unless it livens up pretty soon oon it will be in the same class as Dipp this was 25 years ago demonstrating that park cites present depression ls is not the first one for our camped camp ed ap 41 aw mr and mrs airs J C thursday for altmont canada mrs boharas oH aras former home they expect to be absent three months frank A shields was in salt lake the tore fore part of the week s 0 postmaster peter martin was in mantl the early part of the week in attendance at the annual convention of postmasters 0 0 0 O 9 finlay watson the genial manager ot of the tha P mcpherson store left tuesday for seattle washington where he goes for rest and recreation combined with a little business billy mclaughlin clarence clarance carty harry van alstine and H S allen alien left monday tor for a months trip over on the uintah reservation they took along A a complete outfit and intend to rough it in the true sense ot of the word john J daly the well known raining man was over in snake creek district this week sizing up the bogan property in which he Is planning to become in terest te rested cd lee had the tips of his fingers nipped oft off thursday at the daly judge by getting them caught between a 96 car and a mine timber 40 ae 0 2 r bango descel Is in charge ot of the daly judge mill during the absence ot of jim sweeney ney P 41 superintendent M J dalley dailey of the silver king went to the city monday on oil a bilet business visit IA 40 0 W mont ferry secretary ot of the wabash and interested in other properties of the camp was in the city yesterday A 0 0 0 0 o C W hodgson hod son 0 of this city was one ot of tho the sixty nine state applicants to receive the past week cek a certificate to practice the fitting ot of eye glasses 0 1 0 0 oro ore shipments tor for the week were pounce CAN GIE LEASES LEARES on gold ore near baker idaho to miners with grub stake inquire felt bide salt lake city at once 24 |