Show HOT WEATHER SPECIALS I 1 here they are at prices you yoa can afford thin bilings to mate make your work baier easier and keep heep you cool and comfortable electric hot plate vacuum bottle one burner 1 pint size keeps liquids hot or cold orcen green and waterproof full size heatproof 1 9 porcelain plate green pebbled finish with large size enamel finish complete M with cord lilu aluminum minum drinking cup a camp stools garden hose 0 E H folding camp chairs made from heavy corrugated rubber heavy weight cotton cord J B selected hardwood rigid construe between layers of fresh live rubber H tion strong canvas seat 50 feet complete B window screens ice fee cream freezers steel frames sturdy construction easy churning quick freezing cannot warp adjustable improved dasher 2 quart size john F sons 93 itt REPORT MADE TO THE TEE SANK BANK commissioner OF THE STATE OF UTAH OF THE CONDITION OP OF the state bank of park city located at park city in the county of summit state of utah at the close ol of business on the day ot of june 1932 RESOURCES loans and discounts overdrafts stocks bonds and securities etc banking house furniture and fixtures other real estate owned 3 00 due from other banks 84 total cash on hand TOTAL 29 liabilities capital stock paid in surplus fund net ket undivided profits rese reserved ed tor for taxes and interest 68 reserved ved for contingencies 1 I 00 due to other banks total demand deposits total time deposits bills payable N NONE ON E TOTAL 29 S TATE STATE OF UTAH county of summit I 1 H fred egan being first duly sworn according to law deposes and says that he Is cashier of the above named bank that the above and foregoing report contains 9 a full true and correct statement of the condition of the said bank at the close of business business on the day of june 1932 H FRED EGAN correct attest G W LAMBOURNE GEO S KRUEGER 0 N FRIENDLY directors subscribed and sworn to before me this ath flay day of july 1832 1932 seal E B TOBIAS notary public state of utah office of bank commissioner 1 I W H hadlock bank commissioner of the state of utah do hereby certify that the foregoing Is a full true and correct copy of the statement of the above named company filed bled in my office offic a this ath day of july 1932 2 W H HADLOCK bank commissioner LA aam re x ac EQUIPPED WITH WESTERN ELECTRIC SOUND SYSTEM the magic sign ot of a wonderful time JULY 1932 TONIGHT and SATURDAY 2 shops dally daily july isali lath open opell feature 9 P IL warner wamer bros presents C the pals of THE STAR WITNESS in another great I 1 human interest drama for everyone who is from 4 to 80 years of age MELODIE MELODIC CARTOON PARAMOUNT SOUND NEWS SUNDAY and MONDAY 2 shows dally daily july open opel feature P 31 TWO LOVABLE STARS i D E ly E D R I 1 C TV E 60 TO HELL C with 1 ALLEN i two young lovers their memories their hopes their pleasures and pains A drama ot of life ilia that stirs the heart 1 0 KAT KARTOON 11 PARAMOUNT SOUND BOUND NEWS n PARK CITY to DENVER COLO by TELEPHONE after P M only station to station rates plus federal federa I 1 tax on amounts ov over er 1 1 1 TELEPHONE mi amli try and find a lct letter vau vaud n SOAP i 6 anywhere anytime cocoa almond I 1 or savon hard water soap 6 cakes for and royal palm ae a cake all AH made with Wood burys facial soap base E CENTRAL DRUG j main street n m 8 I 1 LADIES sila mr WEAR I 1 sketchier chies in silk and mesh the latest thing out I 1 chemises regular V special oil I 1 tv I 1 I 1 I 1 band bottom bloomers yoke front values at i ili 8 4 ladies wear silk hose 41 I 1 I 1 11 service weight and chiffon at 0 a pair i 20 per cent off on all bucilla stamped goods including infants dresses luncheon sets and M one lot U u s rem 01 1 5 c one lot 4 I 1 house dresses I 1 oil J one lot of 1 I 1 DRS tra en SF S ai 11 t 44 4 4 to 0 I 1 I 1 boys corduroy Gor duroy trousers n sizes 10 to 17 I 1 mens khaki trousers values 0 01 I 1 1 mens straw hats 33 13 1 3 per cent off I 1 boys overalls lihi ia GROCERY department A full line of fresh fruits and vegetables 11 0 for your sunday dinner j also hens and friers fresh in saturday 1 0 let us supply your wants in hams bacon and lard the mar I 1 ket on these items would indicate an advance in price fl ia d I 1 WV ar 7 i I 1 1 i fe V pt |