Show unveiling of monument I 1 at henefer tomorrow I 1 I 1 I 1 9 saturday july at 11 a m the following 1 1 irig P program will be given in connection with the unveiling of pioneer monument at henefer He neler utah the monument me n t w will III mark the spot whore where the pioneers aers a c camped july 1847 before entering the salt lake valley july 1847 after the program the entire afternoon n con will be turned over to sports and entertainment of various kinds A good ioime time Is assured everybody r that attends ads A invitation Is extended to all I 1 program hymn come come ye saints old i I 1 morman hymn sang by pioneers crossing the plains by assembly i invocation A H woodruff son of president wilford woodruff one of the original pioneers music north summit high school band george albert smith president ot of utah trails association master of ceremonies address ot of welcome W 0 0 stephens president summit stake result ot of pioneer work howard bandall ran president morgan stake musio Music north summit high school band story of travel of pioneers andrew jensen church historian unveiling of monument mrs jane B judd 87 years old what we owe to the pioneers henry 11 blood president north davis stake roll call of pioneers and defendants america by assembly benediction grant Y bullock sort son ot of one ot of original pioneers copy ot of the park record will be filed with other papers in the recess ot of monument also names ot of those who would like to donate to the expense ot of monument will also be died in monument |