Show SOLDIERS fihe ON gehman CROWD GENDARMES KILL PRISONERS implicated IN SLAYING OF OFFICER AND DIRECTOR premier poincare and staff leave for brussels to participate in conference on ruhr situation aeida ao 80 ea german ceman two toileted to be ile the assassins of I 1 lieu fau tenant colonel tin and JJ joly joiy were hot shot and killed by frech troop troops at liner according to die patches from that rity city the two germans impeded of having been implicated la in die the murder of the nuth official officials saturday night were arrested they attempted to c ex cape gendarme Gendar shot them dead A big crowd then in front of the police pollee station and threat ened to storm it I 1 root benh h broor a or dered the mol away it to disperse whereupon the soldiers fold lers fire killing rise 1 germans |