Show SWEPT I 1 VILLAGE IN TAT TATE COUNTY WRECKED WITH HEAVY TOLL OF DEAD AND INJURED ile relief alef bartles head Het dror for stricken area ai As report reports of destruction are ac received wire wires down vie vic time hurld hurled into river memphis tonn right berone war killed and fifty or more anju rd in a storm which wrecked the illdage ol 01 0 bainie in ta tate county allen 1 beitl Thu and wept swept through sections of lanala and quitman counties count lee no cording to word hecth cd I 1 from the tonn atom ewel t area chicago the ile dorthea northeastward dward march of the two storms from the fact est one from the northern mountain radon ration and the other from the uth ern irocky rellon brought lirou fht relief to the apler mississippi hut but to the lower midi ippi i alley friday ahe I 1 ho turm storm centered oer biow w alexica thursday Thu on atit eastward weep sweep waa was marked by death and dee des truc tion as it t crossed northern illas b thursday highl at lambert ilion four names carro were reported killed virtually the entire town of at mio UNs wai was reported destroyed where twenty five persona persons were blown into the colder Cold river riser some till were for friday other towns la ia the vicinity were without ila HIM of at communication and the damage in that lection section for that reason bad had bot sot lon teen checked early friday |