Show SEItE li 11 1 DEAD Pioneer Resident of Logan Yields to Old 0 A Special to tho the News NeW Logan April Auril L one ono of or the th oldest most highly esteemed citizens of ar Cache county count died nt tit hi his home in lit this city at nt about last evening He lIo was possessed with more than titan average ability and for tor many man years conducted a Il store In Logan He Ito was respected by all who knew know him bun because of or the tho straightforward course he always followed Ho lie dealt honestly Justly by his follow fellow men and amI sin sincere sincere sincere cere grief is felt fell over ayes his demise lie He lieas lIethe was as the of ot Robert 8 a Campbell of ot Salt Stilt Lake Ilce John T Calm Caine Jr df r the Agricultural college and Aaron aron D Ii Thatcher gf f Logan S Campbell and family will leave lovo tar for Logan In the morning to at al attend attend tend the funeral |