Show lt I CUgA AN S DISCUSS II THE HIE AMENDMENT II With Secre Secretary Question Option the Over Go I o tary Root Boot i S Oi d f Mr Ir 1000 Hool tj l 1111 III u 11 ua s IU U d al el elt I a Cuban t rid P D Dram 1 ton n from tram ram o Island tor r the new I A I of or the then The the early part once ln tn expressions of or 1 were Iff ben n there I again Oguin nt III night when h p slid and delegation were the theat bP f the tI at a 11 state stale dinner I If at nur f 0 l I tit t House luUle which brought tho thop T h p r real al busineSS b waS not transacted the tho thoi J e tW i bere I forenoon for noon Interview uX lit atthe Int in th 10 lJ to the dee 1 I III the lit bite Houfe would cunter confer with the tho he II J lYhl lb net act as ids his hl Cu CuI Cue Culli tho Iho et f nets over conference e I In n The file delegation and n f closeted for tor some e crt 1 ere re In o II discuss on h fe uY 10 tM afternoon cf ct f the tho Island to the boone n tum Secrecy was observed fatted the statement be beet U et t II the k r after after results were leg keg Ie d J B roe me news us os to the rl be made public Hors T were not nol ino r importance 1011 between Vh In iho Interview I Eats II upon the i and ana the 1 the Ibe ft DI almost sl wholly heing aRrener ton er n address to tu tenor apt p tf I in III his hist met md of ot the desire of or It t spoke the closest possible have hae Ih the v cuba s to He United States Stull S the tha with s with States soldiers and ond that pd f had bad fought side fide by side aille and 1 driven uban tiBi Spain from the tUc lI island a and that thattie een n the Hie two lw a countries were tie pee belle bet in blood The nJ b mr therefore between the countr countries es al RI aly alway should be most amicable and way ISI y than Ihan that which usually exists tinier Haler nations lie He also spoke of ot the which Cuba felt for tor the halted SIllies Elates for the assistance ren run rendered dered In la her liberation la In response the expressed Mi hI pleasure at meeting the thu delegation ard through them to extend hu hi kindest t wishes to 10 the people of or the Island lIe He said that his Interest In Cuba al always allas hall hail been great and he hIJ 1 made reads reference to messages menages sent to 10 toJ concerning the Itt III J welfare clare Welfare always would bo be the subject I cf ot his most earnest consideration lIe He congratulated congratulate the members of ot the dilation d upon won being members of ot the Isle I uban Cuban constitutional convention COil venti on onlie lie laid It Il wits was a high honor and It Ii fell tell to the lot let of but few tew men mento to have havo havethe havethe the opportunity to 10 frame a govern government ment IT fer a n republic Concerning coe the object abject of or the th delegations dell a ai i dons lion B visit the President said laId he would 10 11 Y confer cunter with the secretary of t war ana a athe no norO t the tUe secretary having hasIng an as knowledge rO of the fe fn would o non con g b a fee nith the delegation Tic The most cm meeting of or the Ih Ihas e day BY w as a I conference In f n J fiery Secy efy Roots d Ice lasting from 1 3 to t 6 c y This rids ws Was tile tie first business In rig the I oth 1 ers er heing belog social and Informal Those present were the four tour Cuban a delegates t their 1 toi Interpreters P t rt Secy sec loot Hoot Oen 1 rood Secy Sec Sanger er and Senor Sang e les general secretary I who ted ac ao ted fled os as inter Interpreter prete r The e army of ot gg ns escort er rt t tor or the thEl Cubans were Im also I th the was OS adjourned no i t was lIas fated glnn ol of the It be can slated Ihal the meeting was satisfactory to both la the h Cubans and Sec Rot aunt The rue business Was seas not I compiled and the th can conference 58 will S re reo The fart That the entire business had t 10 bf dOlne th Ugh Interpreters It was wase thought e Ear er t to en 11 b heat best the st Cabana to go lI lIOb Ob b It Sec Was made Hoot ot of the Ihl Platt t 1 bon could rould be e made by b the ex exand d o of the and t u ans th them that h lu IS little tittle at I possibility of con the th e tte th that t direction So enre wo was devote the r h largely to toJ VEe Ihl has teen been J the Im placed f e In r In Ia the la es amen II tn n taMIl dm my shall b ban be belei e lei an and the a greed tu b the Cu CI chien ar and Jund What be reole eed erell ered a II substantial aub agreement to the line Ih Platt amendment requirements There was WIB some tine line Un legal sparring between Secy Seey Hoot and Senor Capote the Iho president of or the convention and chub chair chairman I tram man of ot the Iho delegation as to the mean meaning ing 1111 of ot the amendment und and the meaning of or certain proposed drafts of ot the prep preparations that were considered Doth lolly the secretary old and Senor Capote expressed their views most freely und and the tho of lit suggestions and replies replica was very Vcr Interesting to present The rho Intervention proposition caused the most discussion and as s this thin hall hail re received received much discussion In the conven convention tion tinn at nt Havana tho the Cubans Cuban were fa ta familiar a with all nil phases of ot construction that might bo be placed upon It The dile dehe rates gates ga tes of or the convention took look more or oress orless orless less ess part In iii the discussion and amI their views were careful consideration by iy Secy toot Hoot It IL Is hI understood that the Cubans are with the tho desire on the part of or this government to deal fairly by Cuba nod and the belief belle Is 18 expressed that the Iho delegation will take ho h lU favor favorable favorable able reports of ot our Intentions The delegation made no complaint of ot the he present military government of ot Gen Wood After Arter the conference th the hu delegates called on el Gen Geis Wood at III atho ho tho tho Tomorrow Secy Root loot will entertain the delegates at al luncheon Gen Wood expects to heave eave here hero tomorrow night going to New Jew York thence to Cuba It Is n t known when the Cubans will return but bUI tut the belle belief IH la expressed that the tho which brought them here would be concluded at a the meeting to 10 tomorrow tomorrow morrow DINNER AT WHITE HOUSE Washington April 25 Tho members of ot the Cuban constitutional committee were vere entertained nt It n a state slate dinner I Ien en In their honor by the President at lit athe atthe he the White While House e The guests Invited to o meet them were thoroughly representative of or the tho executive legislative and Judicial branches of at the lire govern government meat ment and Included members of or the cab cah cabinet cabInet inet senators and representatives who have been prominent in their discus discussion discussion sion of or Insular affairs Justices of ot the supreme court and officers of ot the army arm and navy na The lIle dinner was limited exclusively to gentlemen and covers were set for tor The guests assembled n In Inthe inthe the tho east eRst room where the formal Intro Introductions Introductions were made utter after which the tho party pari proceeded to the state dining room where dinner diner was WIlS served Here lIero the table tuble set Bel In hr the shape shalle of a double doubleT T was handsomely decorated with a profusion of ot cut Mowers lowers and ferns terns lied was the predominating color coler The Tho cen centerpiece was a basket of or red hyacinths and two Immense vases ases of or liberty roses ropes Large e baskets of ot tulips with a II wreath of ot ferns and carnations were prominently placed At the tha plate of or each ellch guest was n II of ot carnations Potted plants anti Immense Cuban crotons were the IIII main decorations of or the room Itself The Moral display In the red blue and green reon parlors were confined almost entirely to palms crotons rub rubber rubber rubber ber plants colons and maiden hair ferns String orchestras furnished the tho music Among those who sat at down to din dinner nor ncr were The President secretary of ot state secretary of the Ih treasury secre Beere secretary secretary tary of or war attorney general post muter muster general secretary of or the Inter Interior tor lor secretary of ot agriculture secretary to the President Dr Cap apple te president of ot the lh Cuban constitutional committee Dr secretary of at state and government Senor associate Justice ju of or the supreme court of Cuba civil governor provo pray province ince Inca of or Gen of ot Santiago de tie Cuba Gen den Leonard Wood Mr Allen lIen Justice Justice While White Platt Conn Morgan Foraker Hanna llama Lodge Depew Cockrell Daniel Fair Fairbanks banks Burrows Wetmore 1 and Hepburn II If A Cooper Burton Moody Mandy Mandyam am Adams Adana the assistant secretary s of ot war William IS g 1 Chandler Gen Mlles Mlle Gen den Corbin Gen Oen Young and Ad All Admiral miral Bradford The rise guests remained at nt the thu White Whit WhiteHouse Whitehouse House for tor several hours It being after att r 11 II before the tho last one had do du parted The fhe Cubans were delighted with the cordiality with which their views on the tho questions of oC moment to tl them were received hed The Tho party re remained reo j I In hI the state dining rooms and arId andIn In tn groups of or twos 1011 and threes thres discussed e ethe the situation This Thill gave but hut few CeW of or the tho Americans un opportunity to talk lalk with nil ell the visitors and for tor this rea reason sun son they were unable to 10 ascertain with any un degree of ot satisfaction the Iho probable outcome of the committees visit Isil Enough developed 11 however to 10 show that the Cubans are Ille not a IL unit In their opinions as to the best step stell which should bo be taken laken to bring about entire harmony harmon between bellon the United States Stales and the people of ot the Island The fhe ob oll made convinced some of ot the guests gUI at nt lent that the tariff Is le the key ke to toP the tho situation and the opinion Is ex expressed expressed pressed that If It concessions are made by this government nl in III the duties on sugar and ond tobacco the main maul features of ot the Platt amendment play may be adjusted to 10 the common satisfaction of ot the United Suites Slates and tho the Cubans At tho the same time there Is la l a It strong element clement In the Cuban delegation which Is us for tor absolute Independence and con contends tennis tends that Ihl t Cuba should be placed on Oil onan onan an equal footing with this country co and receive diplomatic recognition from the nations nu of ot the world of ot KB lIa existence as asa a n sovereign nation It 11 was sous evident however from the talk of ot one of or the visitors that thal Cuba would look loek to 10 the United d States Slates for moral support In the event of ot unfriendly a ly Iy manifestations by b European J countries coun countries tries Notably was wall the opinion to this tills effect In iii case casl those European l nations holding the obligations of ot Cuba Issued to defray the cost of the tho Insurrection against Spain should attempt a to 10 collect the thu money guaranteed by them then Tomorrow the delegation will have hn ve what whal Is expected eted to 10 be a concluding In Interview Interview with willi Secy Rec Hoot nt ut which lea Gen Wood will be present If It Gen Con Wood Wend completes his labors here tomorrow he ho will scull leave night or Sunday for tor Havana going by way ay of or Miami MIRml He lie still expresses ex expresses presses the opinion that the Platt amendment will viii be accepted by tine the constitutional convention TING TI O FU IoU EXPEDITION Called Off OR and Troops Or Ur Ordered tiered dered to 10 April 25 The expedition from rota Pao Iao Ting Fu Pu has hns beers been entirely Milled called off Ott and the French troops have havu been ordered or erell to 10 return to their original orl station The only casualties offered b by jy the entire expedition were two Ocr Ger German man luau soldiers killed With the exception of ot the formal Cormal ordering or ordering dering off ort of at tho the Chinese e troops the only comment nude made by this tha court Is a n brief notice In III the Official Gazette to the effect that had strong enough manifestations Lions been manic made through the plenipotentiaries the troops would have been ordered to withdraw before This Tills If it considered a n censure would be e manifestly unjust because LI 11 Hung Chang hang and 1111 Prince Chin had been urging ing ng the tho withdrawal for tor a n month How flow However ever the notice Is so co brief that neither plenipotentiary regards It Il as a u lon upon his notions thinking that the he court means that the powers did didlot not lot make mike strong enough represents As a matter of fact It If any an reflection upon the plenipotentiaries were Intend Intended ed LI JI Hung Bung Chang Chan and Prince ling Ching would be humiliated before the foreigners and could no longer be con considered cond representatives The Germans killed In III connection with the expedition were members of or a scouting party purly who went far tal beyond he the border Sicily Lemons In n New e York New Ness York April 26 The Journal of ot Commerce says The arrival of ot the till Pocahontas brings the tho total quantity of or Sicily lemons Ie mOils at al the wharves un old acid to 10 boxes The total quantity due Jue to arrive from tram the other side attic num numbers hers bers jers boxes the line bulk of or which however cannot be available a until well along In next month So tar tur this month the he receipts have hae been boxes from rom Sicily and boxes from tram Call forma ornU compared with boxes boxeR from rom Sicily last year rear for far the tile same samo period that quantity representing the tho total receipts for tor the whole month of ot otA A April In addition to the receipts here there them Is a total of 0 boxes destined for tor or the Montreal market marlet a n portion of or which has hM already reached that port pori |