Show of nl Conveyed Location t I ii a Near ea c lul ii Point Poil lo I mm t Special Correspondence Provo April Apri 26 The deed from Crot Jesse Knight and ant Amanda M 1 Knight convey coney conveying lug hug a 1 part of ot the th Humbug and a n part of Humbug No 0 2 mining mInInG claims to toK toR toE K R W Genter trustee fur for has b bl been m Iliad filed le with County Recorder 1 ne neThe The description of tile the ground conveyed Is its nn ni n follows Time The north Irth of or the Humbug lode mining claim lot jot No ulso uio all that portion of if the Humbug No 2 lode lotte mining claim survey lure No u which lies tS south louth and west of the Ilme southerly end endline endline line lne of oC the May IA Day Da lode lotte mining claim survey No 0 RG reserving however hoeler to the said grantors and their heirs per ver personal sonni representatives and assigns and an exclusive right of ot way In for alt all al mining es through the tiu tunnels nt at or near smear the renter center line lne of or said Humbug lode lodo mining taints claims lot lut No known as an ni anlie the lie upper und anti lower Humbug tunnels and likewise reserving ull uli such exclusive exclusive sive rights tIghts of oC way wa through the tho wester westerly ly part par of the of or the time salti Hum lum hug bug No 2 lode lotte claim survey sure No 3 3 above aboe described which grantors may mil dem necessary for tor the time working of or ad adjoining adjoining joining proportion belonging to said Bald grantors and In antI and through h excava excavations eXCIa anI lions ton now existing or hereafter r made The he deed carries carIes 50 In revenue stamps Carnegie Nos Non 1 to 7 both Inclusive mining claims situated In Hel Hitch Kitch on n canyon about abolt three thre miles malice from Pelican Point have hare hlll been blen located locatell by hy Hnry Aston John Aston Anton A ton John Morton torton and Alfred Aston ston locators be believe behove hove lieve they lre have secured Tlc some valuable property the tin ore oro Is gold The Time Copper King and Copper Queen muting claims situated In canyon about three thrle miles mallen mies southeast of or have hae been beers located by ty 11 n J Armstrong et al nl |