Show SHOUT ShORT LINK LINE GlIM Gil A Da Secretary of Interior In Ii Us lis Favor Washington April 23 The railroad right of at way wa contest between b tween Utai Nevada California Railroad nn fin auxiliary of ot the Oregon Short hort Line and the tho Utah California company compary which belongs to the San Pedro Los Angeles neles Salt Lake ln which several St SI Louis people are was decided by Secretary of ot the Interior Hitchcock today In favor tavor of at tho the first t named company time the Utah Ulah Nevada Novada 8 California road The right of way In contest Is about seventy miles II os long and extends southwesterly from the tue Utah Nevada state line About eleven years earll ago the th Oregon Short Line Utah Northern obtained a n right of ot way over this ground and at a n cost ot of half halt a mil mu million million I lion dollars constructed a II grade rude for a II distance of ot seventy miles which Included ed Id six tunnels The conditions at that time did not Justify prosecuting the tha project further and It Is only recently that Interest t iouS has been resumed In the undertaking |