Show r r S dorn Donn donnita ITY at kanosh millard county june of pneumonia martha eliza I 1 i beth berry wite wife of denis dorrity born bora in tennessee november 22 18 6 she was the eldest living sister of the lately martyred marty red wm lvin S berry kerry erry she embraced embr aced it the ie gospel in her native nativo nat ic state att e gathered adhered to nauvoo emigrated to salt 1 lake at ili in 1848 1818 was amons among the pioneer settlers lers of southern utah and atter after having passed through all the hardships incident to the life of the early faiths ful fal saints sainte has gone to rest loved lovel and respected rl 1 ted by all who ho were acquainted n ted with I 1 her i 1 re having kept the faith she h has as gone to neet meet the reward of the just and nue hue leaving a husband family and friends to mourn her lier departure COM BOWLS at kanosh june lath 1883 1885 alexander son of alexander reay reny and mary C bowls born jely july issi win wix in salt sau laue lake city june 26 irs myrtle winegar daughter of william ciui im and roe kosc winegar born august isi i funeral at residence of p 0 1 ji shaw irth ward at 10 or 0 Jock lock saturday lorsung mor mo rung sung Friends invited |