Show PRODUCT AND manufacture A NEW USE VOR VOR rob SEED TO UK BF rut PUT TO june 22 2 2 1885 1883 editor deseret neuss netos it is somewhat surprising to me that so little attention is given to one of the greatest if it not the tile very greatest of the arti artl articles cies of 0 f product product and manufacture that utah can yield I 1 refer to lucern seed capitalists of every everl grade orade go wild over stock because there ls Is money in it yet here is an article that wall discount stock raising for prot lt apparently ed led except by a very few jew in the tile raising of grain and block we have comparatively the whole world to compete with but in the raising of lucern aced seed we can cari take the front rank aa as but little of our globe Is 18 adapted to it utah la is preeminently pre eminently fitted for forit lt thousands of acres acrea now barre barren n can c an b bd rude nude to yield gold sold in abundo nm there is not one thin to which utah is so well adapted adante d there is not one thin thina that can be so easily and cheaply r alsed raised there is not one thing thins thal that will bring the same interest for the capital invested then let us raise lucern seed let us stop exporting what we do raise and build factories to make it into oil comparatively little capital is required the chaff makes an excellent winter feed the oil cake is number one and the oil will brinz brine the cash no waste but all ail gain galu you that are in search of the filthy lucre luere here is your eldorado you that have the interest of the whole at heart here is your theme this looks sensational but it is true nevertheless only I 1 have not told a tithe of it I 1 have been waiting a ion lon long iong time for someone else to agitate the the but as no one has attempted it is the reason of these few lines from your humble servant JOSHUA |