Show 1 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMBERSHIP DRIVE STARTS sims NEXT MONDAY Chamber of Commerce Activity 0 0 If there is anything in the start the Cedar City Chamber of Commerce Commerce Commerce Com Com- merce will be successful this year President K L. L Jones has alread already demonstrated his Ills ability and leader leader- ship His standing in the community i y will demand the support of all factions factions fac tac- lions and individuals A few of the committees have ben been organized as follows Membership Membership- John P. P Fuller Chairman F. F W. W Middleton H. H E. E Petersen and nd James JamesSmith JamesSmith Smith as members with the understanding understanding under under- standing that the chairman has the right to call ot members t to h in the drive Publicity Publicity Publicity-Maeser Dalley Dailey chairman Alex II H. Rollo and Reed Jones Streets and Public Improvements Improvements- Jake Smith Chairman Dr A. A C C. C Johnson and Moroni Corry Business Relations Relations- K H. H Spencer Chairman Chas R. R Hunter and John P. P Fuller AgricultureS Agriculture Agriculture- S J. J Foster Chairman E. E Ray Lyman and H. H L. L Jones Entertainment M. M J. J Urie Chairman F. F W W. Middleton Middleton Middleton Mid Mid- and John P. P Fuller I Transportation Transportation- Fred Biederman Chairman Drs Dra 0 O. Anderson and F. F H. H Petty Other committees will be organized soon It is the policy of the Board Doard of Governors to serve the best way possible possible possible pos pos- sible all interests of the community Many workers will be placed in the service weekly Tri or monthly meetings meetings meetings meet meet- ings of the members will be held At these meetings chairmen of committees committees commit commit- tees will make reports Projects willbe will willbe be brou brought ht up and discussed by the to U a Jd ref fi the proper the proper committee for action Th The m membership m drive dive will begin at eight ock oc Monday Nonday morning January Buttons will be distributed distributed distributed dis dis- to members Every man inthe in inthe inthe the valley with the interest of his own piece of sod at heart should be bea a member If you are not c called onby on onby n by the committee dont don't think you are not wanted Come to the office and take takeout out a membership Interest inthe in inthe inthe the home hom town is the only tion It is up to the individual as to whether he is or not Yo Your r support is earnestly solicited by the Board of Governors notice lol- lol Did you ever notice that the average average average aver aver- age age person who drives up a service service service ser ser- vice station has but one word of greeting for the operator and lets that out with a snap 1 That word is gas M Pep up you clerks clerics some of of you and hand out some service for that salary you are drawing down own lot Mr and Mrs Rountree Hunter are rejoicing over the arrival of a a son Sunday morning at at- atthe the hospital lel lol- lol |