Show Z X X X X I X Zt Zi X X X X Z X X X X X X X Z x rZ Exact Time of Dawn Important in East Earliest careful studies of ot twilight duration were made mode by the thu Arabian astronomers and there was a special flO reason The M Moslem J religion pre pr scribes daybreak the daybreak the beginning of ot dawn or morning twilight twilight us as one of ot the live five dally hours of ot prayer Moreover er during one month in the year a n strict fast is observed from tills this time to sunset says Nature Magazine Mug Mag mine azine of Washington Hence ns as far till hade hack ns nl the 1 Eleventh century the tho time of ot daybreak at various seasons of ot the year had hind be been n determined considerable con a accuracy curacy The same authorities distinguished between true dawn duwa and an un curlier faint Illumination of or the eastern f sky ky known us liS e dawn frequently mentioned la lu the literature of the Orient The rhe line In the Before the phantom of or false died refers reters to this phenomenon It Is the zodiacal light supposed to tobe tobe tobe be due to sunlight reflected from fine particles of ot mutter matter entirely outside the earths earth's atmosphere it is b best lIt seen In ID low latitudes latitude especially Inthe In Inthe the tho pure air of ot tropical and Ical heal deserts In the United States Statts It Is vIsible at certain times 9 of ot the year but not where city lights prevail |