Show w BETTER HOMES DM S IN AMERICA 10 The Detter Better Homes campaign launched a few weeks ago by Secretary Sec Sec- Secretary Hoover is fast gaining ground and already more than fit t m n hundred communities have started their ther programs which will ill culminate in the observance of Bet Bet- ter er Home Week April 24 2 to May 1 1 1 1127 27 This is the sixth nation wide wid a cam cam- is sponsored by Better Detter Homes In n America the educational organization organization of which Mr 1 Hoover is ts pres pres- Ident dent Pl President Coolidge heads the tho advisory committee which is composed com coin posed of heads of government departments de and national organize ions interested in improved housing conditions and in home and community community life Dr James Ford of Harvard Har liar vard yard University is in inactive active charge of the work of the organization ns as executive director The purpose of the Better Detter Homes movement is to encourage and stimulate stimulate stirn home improvement Headquarters activities are are made possible through public and private gifts and the program is carried out in local communities by volunteer committees commit tees of citizens whose chairmen are appointed by national headquarters Through this organisation home homemaking homemaking homemaking making practice houses are being built in connection with schools and colleges the country In these houses houses girls in home economics economics econom econom- ics classes are receiving practical experience experience ex ex- x in home making and home management Programs for the work are being sent from headquarters of Better Homes Homes' in America to Chambers of ol Commerce Teachers' Teachers Associations Associations Women's Clubs and Civic organizations Better Detter Homes in America acts al also also al al- so as a clearing house for sources of ol information on all phases of home homebuilding homebuilding homebuilding building and home life o 0 Pinto N Notes o s. s le leWe We all join in wishing the Record editor and his staff a rl happy am and prosperous year o 0 Murry Harrison of New Cast Castle e ewas was a visitor her last Sunday He Ite has just returned home from S Salt lt Lake City where he finished his course in barbering We wish him success Accompanying him to Pinto were his brother Albert Renald Kneland Knell Knel and Lewis Eldridge M MFred Fred Kammerman is here with his wife and baby and he is doing some house decoration for Mr and Mrs Walter Knell toJ lol Mr and Mrs Rulon Knell returned return return- ed to Cedar Sunday after spending the holidays here with their parents Hoi Hoi- leMr Mr and Mrs Karl Knell of Cedar City spent Sunday in Pinto returning returning return return- ing home Monday M 10 We extend our heartfelt sympathies thies to the wife and family of Pres Lunt in the loss of their husband and father |