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Show j' -- V'w v; ! I andTcd Store .,MEGEATH&,Co.i Gram A "i tApplJina was borrwei some time Ago, front my plice. Will 'the. .The iudcriignad keeiw'iwusWuy'oii hvd - REtlGVIS person regard the injuacticnv of Scrip , a supply .of Git AIN; o 0 DS-o- f lure, And return 'before 1c iig Vxp-sc- ! I tOANEB , ., d j , ... J. , . E- SALE CHEAP C-Fttf- t 'FEED'; JoIlNSOtf. - I i I i -i ,o -- and Enlarged, i NAilGSTARRk it th j'CtercfpoUdence ;u Market lUlcs.y; Sold at the' St . George Drug Store: :,f IITAII;. .j?- .MEXICO, v 1 : ? -- ; r Vj ALUUEA L,lNfL,B ALSAM, i For , Wm. .. ' DENVER LaJIQ SL George Jan. 15, Ut?8. 7 111 ESSENCE OF LIFE, For Diarrhaeii, (Jholeru Morbus, Choi ic. Whooping Cough, Pain in the teetn or fuco, and as a Soothing Cordi 1 for infants gives immdtliiiie relief 1 .y i v- - 1 t -- ; cankeii syrup, f c ' d Humors. i iH?! S; . - For. Canker, So se Mdufch,.'or Ulcerous i SALT LA KE CITY. j- - Restlessuess ar I ail , r CHARGES IlRAikOAABlll '! REFER T($ , . Uojighs,--Colda- Affections of the Lungs. WONTAWAf , Back 'OhargcS, Paid ib . Jt 9 BOUGHT ANp SOLD. BUSINESS MEN: GENEKALlYOF . - ;. ES VjAAUSH-T-J i - . . xtAcxua. St.. KiiKu c Utah. I QaDIrSA u-- r Good Stabling and Kraals. should h addressed STOCK : LoTrest anyquanmy. Ti l IIIKG OFFICE. I '&i&&lOVAVMltLCiSJ ... Teamsters and Emigrants supplied . tako4t ! ! ! yuhrais 2 wiil bftflsire Sat- 19 at the Times OPioo- - wrd-vReptnib- CHOP FEED. VEGETABLES father. i' ... ' at ? 1 . ;. t ;; 1 1 Evcry-bod- y Tprl-o- f . i PfiK ASVDM 9i,09 should ONLY . ? t'l:? Family-Medicine- s t ERJUffTS- ef. tSBtTTT. R. R . i V from fJii Two. wrought Iron prgum rollers; V: sj'piy .toon to ihn aud rtH?AKD E V EiRilKiN D! a i iU'-yALUABU- NERVE AND BONE L1NIMEMT For Rheuniatiqm and all diseases re We dQQt.ramciBfmbcixhrsNiglthKtl IjHa VB n f floering Bhrubs, bulbs, Mr. pirchcVed of. $. outward upnlicntion fur Man or AyrNO; betiiHiig plauts fprale vis.i ' uncffvided half of the quiring ihV va fnP P'wTi g t'vg iTuk.oi BMr the Beast. Tho very beet Horse Liniment. ; dosE.' Raitrbe as' IlamMiti & hlirf. "frrr. thTefofrj fdr IhV of the ' LILACS, in Riche .Valley, s it. of gptlnc Valley, I uuiiifted, w,e.give the following receipt SPIREAS, Yb solIcit itr6'iage f I Pixie stock grojwers. luve' o ft a waUsfall. STOCKS, mktng Being hrp'ight p ii Texs: I 'much no For we'.k, inflamed or troublesome Eye . VERBENAS, T4ko lour pound of rags and a better R arche s f,v on, own or ever; saw Lids, Sore Eyes, &o. ; ' KANeiHAO ! JJ : bi-ut-ti- Sa salve, l PE'UMAS, of Khingsf ,: i . BLACKBERRY, An old tin pan and a bunch of straw; JAPAN TTLVES; ' ' ' Then file d un .uljThat of soroebodv s WALL FLOWERi, f t 1 w. the ol and Irli. Tuberoses, jaany leavingVJ' And swearH; Toiir wii to get elm r nhera; also a choice collect! not Ciiincaa I Id 'locking and sniff it i. E. J: JOHNSON, with piper. Apd ifUs pp sibloy pat iu a moe: BLANKS ! ! BLANKS !! BLAMKS II china and a nui- f . 1 . : hatre-fii- 7 ; north of Mason & ; 3-l- m' Dixons line. . WILLIAM MOOqY. TONIC PILLS, . j i Chrysai-tliennnns- : . Jlhen-gVomfo- ' gniitr? ,tr Bfauk Times Office T)edH of rut. B'lida, Powefsalton ej Biila of a.ile,' Subpcenaa and many conveiiient ai.d usiful busines-blanks.- .. For Raia r,t the mil , Arid make tliFpi all up in a nice Tvr.'iii these tilings in Ift net o vrAn,J J.iteiiing be.idfi must li-ti- ltd cver them lr ad. . ad? r - bv. little you cn pnrpbse? the he&d.'' Dii? lie . " A 'CHOICE LOT OF 'hit " 4 ' ,1 i , ? part f m Kpnig.Lake Villa, Utah. PT1T1!BL lEHftiS City, tjliirka Tannery. i v. : Wasli-ingto- e ltf ' J. W let in i' first isahe of ju r Mm he:pcuni-ihoaA who loaii'-Tin and to nevaeo; bar 'her Copper, uifRu-ijran'- i gratinide St. , is iVo law in the Sta'c eiitorciiig iifaptiaon : -- -- JOHN EARDLEY. . m-n- t ! ; f r Fruit Trees J nd retail, at ST. GEORGE DRUG STORE 4 T- :.;PlfANTSl PL NTS .. ! ! I hare a choice collection o (, 1 - JA ftw I finq Cabbge, Toinnlo, Fg pffls f6raa.eiBlgo PH.tJT.; AND ORHAMENTAL jbi8 doz. sixe to GRAIN and other (EXCHANGE j Produce; consisting of of-'goo- -- d foT.-lrsnspUntin- , Quince, Plum; 'Apricot, Peach, Cherry, PnmfgniTiute, Al mond, Catnlp'i, Allanihus, AppHT, TRJ1 S for Pi'-iir- eta al Joi nsor.s garden St Ger. per, Uiah dt fcia Matches, wholesale 1 -- NIXON. Swet. Iron .Worker,; Gt-orge- for showing p -- : .th to no ehirge J. on-th- rr-nt- -si ' A pabltber of a l ewapaproct TVVt;l! rn- - tit hi n.U Look ?n Curiosities. IRE-OjKEESS- r i ns, I will hn prepared to 'supply the with All sorts of O R 0 G K B It Y . W. A U E . Good Clean Cotton and Linen Rsks wantii tile "intliille ' of pebru.ry, ' 18fi8. I at this oft! so. win take Com, When t, .Flour, .Butter, Giieese, Colton, Cotton-Yarn- . Storep iy, Cash rr Lead in exchange." Pdtiery is street-- ' running 'to xitudted for Findlay Agency celehralcd . A cni Nc-tio- mnr-kctfigti- rrs. ni-i- and trod onhU a G "odi. Tots, Confectinnorv, Bools Mdinnes. Stationery nd Yankee which he offers at tho lowest -- -- -- m Kee-r- -- ' ; ' pt, L-tn- WuB.J0HN.S0N, Sonih Tciusvlc Sf...Sf.LftUeriiv rf of. Fnmyf an ext ;isivo assortment ir tifnjftWrfor theii I viih ; to inform fif :rs in .the mfich nen? ns ihc as puhlio gjntriiljv wejl' the rebtllton. a regiment them, -- th u I have v.n mv neeJ srvieea, c( Arkana men were manhiug knee just received frim the New York labor , , Eclectic WhnVoef a'ca1 die refembl a f nth- good assortwenl-o- f la When a ba;,d for hu t It set i ltf stob1 Mrdicsnes. up m!a9raM old biahelor, who kiiOAR Ifui yeur, iy; If veil James craqt-'n-. Iiy. meer a vcm g lady w6u.li iioipcr Yi Je yoo had better he a iitllc fhy y urs r. Cnbinet M.ed n Maker and t, Gcprge Of all thA yo R? wrtnip.'i'. incr.tj her ?ill wi-in c h:i?line "dera .the BiMefR itH Rf'eis-i- ti have exeu' ears bl. Sh . ,J'i,ewffrt.hwirt;Uesor.'! puilaJ . I f. dirp clr (Wrlr'tf ! - PMYoaiR5 of the lea.scffa th-paypers? ILdy IieHMienoe in the theihing't ihy cad eydtt-rkMother of Moe dues t'e YanWe s two blocks w'e&t ' While lie, t.bcse and blink guard one atiihe-:bts-wrytef-ihe -- ;anr.(opte! , good sue i r o best, varieties; alsq .ornamental l'rer and Shrubbery, and other ' i plants, v oF IIARDY GRAPES. .A choice ;ich nsstand fu northern climate, and ; Fruit ubundantlv. BVF. JOHNSON - : Medicines.' thqr populariFamily . r v v j,. : i - ;i C. ITILKINSO aNo he Lit me on WAGON AND CARRIAGE MAKEI" I alf nuu of the PsR A lilnrk and Mfiin Srt'ot. God timber " on 3rA wom?n Ja'ely li oki 'g at r rk June ' and with neatness aud well Gorciot) pres, iu opTiition loo d up lea pa tcli. ift.lba.faci of her male companion. nni fit the raost.arnet m oner it qtured. S. G. HIGGINS. . Arrfth, iiml an them's the iMnu i ALSO ALSO - 4 ers Worm Medicines, Salves, Ointments for Ijch, Pile. Ac. Ilive Syrup, Compcsi-tinnyiSjfU- br ..JSawnpnrilia;, ond most - Blanks of any style printed t order Theft fdjsienit on the hick nt your lAn1 vou hftTe a luveol a w.aerf ilP'' nbort notice ; -- . Inter-mittentiFev- immediately. V.' Tho Uner signed offers a superior article of-- double wound wire fustened Bjopms, .at wholesale or retail; .Grain Hbd'Produoe received in pavment. 'f -- 1. WiR.cure.thq Ague, OhSlla and :l -- ..BROOMS- Snap-DmgoH-sj Y E Wf ' Several cows, Oxen, sr-- young ;Jock the oluer branded J. E J. mi h horn and most all with a 6 nh crclo wnh (J) ii.sido on left shoulder I will reward the finder Honey Locust yMul berry, enrds cVrk relUra Uat .a.a'yi-l- i AiVD etc. LARIATS. VIJTPS etc., ate., some lav i"ie: v Ti,. lyoiing Udkrqu.it'di-vJ. E. "ohnson. Also some New, Choice, as well as Pt. George Apr, 15 u vwas sli9.rnf"vrf il o.fTe jonSfx4ii9F.3rV Jkjlg vies of thi'. 'colbr. ''Bring: a iri' S?t. Gorrc.V!l. work, in bMtding. Ordinsny, "et.rb bv l die the'vari'iy, ie in enuo ily Native and i Foreign Grapes. r 7 CRAWFORD p? done with dispatch'. . . hi IIOUtfE. ' aahed ulifcii oniicfie fairs arc the ls- - die., A iso,.FlbWrifig,ii'nil Fruiting Shrubs, uderei!? Washington. U ah. Trav.leraand f X v Boarders aenmmodated with ihe best ; snail Wii marrM; hJost his wife ar.d " bad a a:ne erect d over her r?ve. 1 1 fxnect .to. in St. Uwjz and As tho above stock is .small, thoe t hie comforts t' mRTTed'8 acnhl wife,' and whn be M ejmarkt t nfiorda. ih l i h Bail., is of pJiinLjh ahould-.Le- . to seain .purohiSi desiring m thus d it ; z . he had d e gr veatonepit, W. H- - OKVV FORD. :T ; son. ig; &c...Tubs 3whiC wish ti . lie. prpesol in Cii ,f onowa olhis 'nv-- for the two departe leive -J EvJfillXSOlSf St --George. . toA third. and UU ! qulutlv tfinik-Ji- . tut present res ifhwce ,g'"t,TOsv I g .iu : i do. IJ believe th&t alone, vri.i split I iyll shArfly have en hsn a cornpht COMPOUND A rsfusal.tjCk of PaiatiOils, VaraLh, Ac., Sin. e nra - . . . ' . jr-m- sja - 1 !ec-r,.- M tlr ... n eanl sainan Indigt. tliiHIo-- a Hffe'ii pockf golf sbvt with gjiSw heo'e l'T hai . sin and wh-u.pulls.!'- - oatalia ci 'f-tM- s pic It -- ' I vihHirt 'aint t; i ii ennuento Inrsk f jGi'Wgs ll-i- - . Ui- - liari I ES UlalvApIil : t RUSSEL J. l6& . IS ZTTTm T? , nu-wwtr- v-'- . But oithuvi aim-- i ami lagi ard hick g ves Immedi ile relief-- uotbiug b 1 i habi; th tot ert; palce. tl;evern, Til a beggarly nsidenro where I m im ter can be d. If z. monarch were pivsect ( I tell yap so f&bL) at Si. George Drug Store. I rill should bo placed st the bead of the table gold AxftruA chair, 3F VT IPiHL'ILS ' ' w Will the Blood, remove Billious DRUG STORE, On m pielanse aims, stimulate the Liver, relieve 1. George, Utah, mav b fonD a good Dyepepsia, Hr. ok up IMiious and other Srock f. fevers, st Ue'diiche, drive uwav i)UUGSi M FD IQINESftPERFUMERY, Flatulency nd Lois of Appetite, h lj Bnd.C"lr-- , cure thoJnmidice, im1 feo.j thc right kind of Medicines for tho the Cliindtc, and the Diseases s ovc t be he beKtia&ily Pill inexis f the Country. Sold it ST. GEORGE DRUG.STOR Prescriptions put up itlth care, by an xperienoei! Druggist. GMonny rciundcl when eatisfuou Two duurs above Sx. George UalL ia act gins. HZ SvA . ! well-assort- r u--- f. iltf : - ed i 1 v. I It U pV , I JE. |