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Show il i vi i'i J . ies ,p Ur on i all v-- lfor rf .. - ,Si(i'iBqJ J?op jSnle .Seeds v? fresh-and : rlh-'- SMT, is re- 4- i .,t - L.i 1 fc. T ' 1 .' '. rml AlO !' A . ci-urjrto- ja 'r! i : to the past, memo jrTaS! b'lie .Tba p3St iWh-'bVitlifed and tri-e- i . ? I . - osi- - the SapUpi-rih- U&, J.rue Nor.FaiUiUsaand.f I sel .i - - B;c ;. ;r - chrf.p, o .. . pi3j:Ur m ui h .u7 u eiop , Ji ' a :' n " ek nwf '.- - To littii i.-- " I- - pin-- gr . h Sheri ly a tv l. .n 0051 c ir ?? m .ns-in-- g j'f fii it i i.hd oilman or ' .. f , : ' epa . tf -- S ' ' . 'J'js-i.i.g.ii- l.ang uii.g,ao. stiame? . d!, tt; t.izu fou-- a.l aioiH,e'f Joxu.and the, manlronj' and the ,. 'Nooa o'. vojt' Wiloor over if . wvlde rpo; the nlll r And jehali my derechyldejOlherbrsaBurpriapi'.pfc ijiicrud.aiwjirAr, IZoff-- 1 . m'1 looked ai'd all; calf Whore so yo thrm fynde, Rassall ye shall amorg tlwbuhesV Agifil iio'cue j them call. . .'I simor at that imy. CoA'an.-dm'- ou calf? J r V J " J I j; but .its cone o vour fcuji-ntA Sloaieut : i?'- ? For twenty-thre- o years, old Jake Willard 1 .i , bntil! .1 di-ro- rel r ol Gorior. ? A . c rt aii-und- . thsn thy atui' Flayi,g,with.harta ws Ik. smiles s? awe et. . .vti1'. Jirkcrf rool deeei XTDTrrtrfergeniiy tnbeatysofcuC a oc orirnaiii ivit Why,- - a. '.'! whPciadtVbif shboratItf . . 'SSvrr-f..- 1 I r -- tiii p vTij to ! . wI V'1 Und.ofaiiout fr uKirea in extent. in tha ceatrs . . 'Whvj I wase.'t qdi Vsure'that if wasnV ... wor a then f which wa3 a well, 2 or JO foot doop, that a to Ihir.gn.iss in? , 'Voh fteilge .7, th-in- furnished had some at Ybiire?a veiled tima, probably art A filsffvovr. by tliy pre'iYonecimiL of a liun'er KI!lTW4ixSUQJI?w mrtos of a deUpidatcd house ucar- - by wHSi ejoh.c'j HorTmiiCtu hoot at calf for a trust . win Tt my d L'O Dll SOUTH QF PRIXTINO OPFIOF. water. In pawing oy taw spot an ill .wind; der. hn-- rtWiftat tlfat- . .. op.c uij rat ,In 4 h 5s -f .i t k no- t-. Hart. thoq-naa-?- -. . p ? ? ronlie.1 fool 0'E sr- - V,, IN T1I E BEsV sTYLErAT ';e: r, P!7 tl iO ,w ni, S;. lit ,. "a-trQ- IJm. m BSA3SP00ING, tv : 1,1 I e J J ii, Citnii tifiiiij'ilrei - ) j" fiehl yj otlho jQhftfse. . Trifling with sou1 was thy plaRU-- A 2a " s:;r ftl ' ?BEAviic .BAX3.DSCS8V0;Urp J- - ' ,r in- - .i ; i l , i.a.,-- i wlac-e- o h euhj-o;: by Sir hlcUnu.-- n . to hbo.v the utjjioand quJv . . : i s: biii'Vfiin!dliifiirar iaH ' iw-'-d Drown thy akaa ither.at?rs wl-.eOvar me.rfi'eal on thea.i uiht.w in ?p "The tolies o'ra'ahispere.j row- ' t i.r; Plhdgingf thjeart Never to pare , f. prbm ttfe biiVihoii iitst broken mir.; ; lOSt d rt 'tHr.ariU'S J ; , A -- . ; for ' w end! fH.jiier ii ye the .The, undersigned 'zesution of Deeds,' Bends,. M;rtggfs, .Deads ,if. Trast Powers. of' Aorney, (J.tjntr.iieti,. and all Anther Official Busi-- ; neis required of a Notary1: Ptbl je, , 0.w afr Rto Virgen Times rooms, fit, George. " J: E. JOHNS ON, Notary Public. j - 4 V SIJRVE FDRS & ENIN EER8 1 NSTRU ' s MEN ry FO Its ALE-- . ' l 4iuia: -- r" ji''IPMhl!36i will attend to iter- - ?- Hinting mofctiH aocorrnniJi-r'- r ent. je O .rlliwkm : wldlt.au-- f-- pjiro in or E - , hi- set of urst-ra- tr Teat-- j ' V L--- I suit vie yoks. TO : frhrc v t. iT- - ? - - Jor;tb:arilft needed 2 Jftt .v f4 r - coitection of iFlower'&ed . Drug .Stbro. .George' J, ,r.. I veil? :' f,r aml'a-choic- e 1 I I fc?; r 7anatfLTeKet&blee ' 'i U, T'.'-- . a - - T I -.- ' ji eroas -- - mi i us:: ttaiuryh r: :' - -i fo & ilXA Choi- - teeth 'j M r: -- 1 riiiiJ -- 'jltJf.ttoil anJ--' Commission ."Will to end. dispose of a' ce; Afn-rwnt- H h h-a- rr-- OMW , ot s r I Sl5w . b -- , ). ,?-Tour- at ti . t.. ,i n .r j-i- .t cm ?'& practiMj tb. rirtao ! economy, and he immediaty" act about rs-- 1 iTurin: Ibm lot bst. . ilaTBD jnsfr1 i , tlm --COlt CSftW U!t Ct5. ted. G."ls, Waref, Akrctiundife, Gwn 8tnk &d.v upoh .Liberal term. -- yri:WV wipsEVatGRT;, .. Afi O'JS naiie qy 15,j ed .5. W rpainaT niVf.P! ' v cri i nr vr rir fieh i r e d. - u; ir -- r:- .a.wt - . in J St. George A nico ooll-cii- m i u'-- , IP. 'hn i; wp rea tUr 1 'ic frir.i ciro rv'i ' its :ne - iuicrl,it. bit Imp! - w W!0 srli by rli c p umiV' .'U- m slid-n.iT:i i. Jft h .pliant nat'ir ri t'i4 uii iv rJi on sub i' y u h ve m.v or ux- - 0hr -- 1 , ;r..i - ci eaves, ami oi rl-,.- jruiin - ivithiu a siiort ilialacco of the well. mfi T!ia devil himself, or soaio (iiicr wicked spirit,! ria" ic pnc! pat it into Nels cranium ihr .iigh the edii r',ivi an ig ii pr-- sng table loau ir wrn Or haro a liulo fast: ftci. AU :tfu,lv cliil-hc:li'ad to ps ; ? P.!.ch-- ,! cd S3 Sfh'x? .IS -- iih. unl fimlly tin-n-liu- i;r.a.,ur'-,- ; j, -- 1- -H c -- - 'y n" A F-i- Joniina Halilii. Pia"' res t cdo to the pr n-th- 1 a fcrilur . z'l Siu ! i ipled lemtyi'e x.)friic.e shall . CANE MILL: rnll rs fac-- tJce ti-ncou1steJoi' of i'.i& wil spe old horse! said Jake, he eaaiufj ing. ai.d !efi'! lu' GeVa Miv. In a l of tr ili-'- i iit:s ply. i f.,-ihe Ii c tiiiS'wiy, snre,aiidaiat jrit no irfre sonso uor! Mn-- . f i ., l J 3s Jjhnpn g', sacredni for so. the ch ldrcn acquire thcmitlr ii Ti wo . n, tu ti fdl hero. Whoa, Uall! 41' vorl r1 ' . ofCrfiUiiiucd the ling-a- P,ni ih; ? y,ery rrcilitub'e cuuiitr., Vi I, id ai d approach "ol.l a as iust sai.i. Master J. IVo u!v' wer npi.ii to I a com rr.li-.-words, that Lit. plainly QiM wouUu Mwhoa. Resides, old Jake wa l to no Rti W Iu,ht lorn &or-,ttffie bottom, rcating before trying to shin it vfn--,er ' !" U t U i.Mti1ivhe 01.! I i.rf the v, mp-sell ;, , .. '! Utltro of V, up e . he. "the old rns will Jemsalcm!" sail -:1 of uato J431 (treat 'ni wo k c 1 h i' i f .J)a i s.oar J K. Johnson: ' ? line a r I -vnt It 11 urr a tip o mo bafore I cau say Jack Robinson . , bj '!.o.i. At Mm cios uf lh3'etr:ies Bp dun I w writ.- h ic c !r.trt videH ' m 'rP v;ho i dan r: , whoa 1" ' Jn-V Hien Ned .'X-dn.w up t.i the edre of the fl J.ier t hi!1 eit a lvi-,,tue gv! liu.H-rn- ry wvll a d with lv.s fool lnscui'teJ. .11 iS ? dirt into it. dii ire;), and t i n th- mi i to i:.res-el)i,s,,,,d i' Oh! Tord!" carver. Hiij! cril is"i h Jak. fatin-- ' n- - h: , th-: i.f ko? neecssi-; knc"4 t hc w.d1: Ila cjono up f th bn a tK-e- . plg ap d Moral Gardens,: a pu o aid now!- "1: ui! Vow I lav mo dow:i I3- - Wlo'ii! lirr-Slide b not r.;atu.g tvih ra v- -i comiiiy, iid of be ulinjf di pot 1 'vav tli j Lord to Whoa! now Ob, i rii'fti g lifinscl . an or i;i cxehiingc Tor m A-p-t- Uno KUk fi trfiwrR,?T?nTTnnc,"pcktB t z f rih enri 4iu- - lounni, chanje. for " ... k- ; I ihe. fit George Drug Store - ! y-- : kkcl lt'c "'rl o .l - rx-Tais- b;r,-.u.nitlit- f y . - &- 1 -- Mt mv hnv before mv Mitv ! kiw or mv d '1 m II htd sO vpar S !siire. Tiheri1 4pr !ho zzr of a .'ir! wh-- h Alb'r. refused 2 the Mtiiorikh:n of h celehat.ed Bjk f iislO 2 1,88 1 i. Singly up a 91c, bat St Alban. Crt priuted at WestcUete? by r ol 'i f ir J HIM Bi en. 5IU-- S the Prior" o' SopaW' ll Xn nerv. nor S r - ! n'r danh-r- . i- ! mn'h.kf.':Ou.M var' fewijuns f.r 8klecr exchange f-j- . H ''" iiriiI nv . ri-- n I- - 1 i sihd 1 ? Inr- - "' e ior ac rei,.f it ton! ?hov mmtieii.oT, w laokat soit-.:- h s-- e s h-iv- e wi.h indiffsreoca aad 08 fe y |