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Show - m CHSRSLEYS BOXlKaBKBVAL; v JN'irf:-- " A stock of the best metal for box ing for machinery, mil! AeV for sale, groio laqiure at TWO SRENDII? 8IURIE8 : ;3fow publishing In the UTAH .MAG 3. ' POINT Of, RQCKS STATIQX j i AZINS! eatSO, The grand reauntts story, ! RDLP ne lut of the him Bings HA r thoTimeeOffiev . NOTICE 1 . MOHATB : RIVRQ hv ; ; WAV . . i bvBulwer, PROVISION ? ! and good acanoodatloni, fer P!L&7 i - J j. and tha latently exciting and ftrfltng of . to. Red Bclndle cow 6 or 7 years old story brockle fact, white under belly, brands;! 1 (F8!HHU on left hip Ml legible, crop off right) notch t Jaft.prodnved by thoee celebrate-- writers i .. In left ear. Cha. Reade and Dion Roeclcavlt. 17 3 tear old ball half oncer crop lit loft car, flit In right, white spot on tip or Hole. Any peraon sending word that reot of tail white under bally , tail mined ber .w'llpay ae seen ae pwelbU after sHATme. t- .. r m an Qs!i aii5ma3sj?J 6l) miles Eait, of, A DING, iiANSERNR ' -- AIL. with white. lirreet In cotton or wheat will hove d ha sold at Magazine forwarded to them. The abort If not daWd wflt CROSBY A CLARK, the ft. George eatray pnnd on Ik 9th Er LT, Harrison VuWUtie Salt Lake Gity Tanners end Curriers, Su Gaorgr. day of October 1893. as the law dfree a K. John Fyfcn Co, P. . B Rad. F. J. JCvdegg Jmi HnortX, ';PI . Bair JDrcaring, Sol.. Ferro-fo- The undersigned 1 eve for a1 24 acre of most rxcelleet tlllaole find it : Eglf rille attitable for any aaei of giain an vegetables wall fenced and In ?w h navel with two rooms each, on feta in town, with Kruli Tarda and pi dlea. LINFOUTH, KELLOGG,1 1 Jo Beeref. ' inpaoinj 0. Beecrwft AV A. . r Thv Vndenighed Is happy to aaaeuaee Jfos 9 and 5 Front Street, otbsCltievneof SJlJS FRA JVC IbG O. Southern Utah and Northern that h has a gsaaral Stock of solicited. . Orders respectfully 13-1- 1 - July 30 lbtft ir 4.' ff3w(ttds I grtev! nrsl Impl ment A Mining Tools. Twalre afar of Hay land near by are ta be sold together or fa.piel to anil pnrehagrra. Aprlr to the undersigned atEidoVilli. or to J, E, Johnses ft, Georpe. .1 k RAIL GOODS! GOODS! A Crjf (Sveieetere to A. JR Benekleg MFO&TK S AMD AOlVIll OF ENGLISH k GERMAN AMERICA ftab & Vw MeroliaiiCUSc . - DRY GOODS, Gardeners Club! Utotmi, Eflanuacrr The St !fi GROCERIES. HARlvrRE, , George, Gardenere Club, boots ' aad. meet, for has a fine Hall-wh- ere they SHOES, Let an w the LfedMnet that grow And sfl saeh GOODS ae ate discussions and Exhibiton, of frui s mid the Mountains and stop importation Citisens er TrarvUn, which he will Ihara a well fi ted Laboratory for dis- and vegetable every Tuesday even r evchanga for Grain, Umber, Bomvd it Stock, and Predecv of the eonntry.paying w tilling EaeenMal ollnnnd preparing extracts ng at 7 oclock. a libera) pree and selling geode at xadnul ill and incite all wbw bare large, fine ratm. .1' 3 if B. H. PAD DOCK; are HIDICINll HU'S. or ran a, and thoee who diveover new nil solicited also speeimeni of mineral, prodneng, orotherwiao rvleable peeimen nnimal, nr vegetable; curiosUei for Brown and Allen, cabinet. be Tanners A Carriers. Keep OB hl&dt! i to brine them to t&e and they shall be ait rewarded. a number one nrticlc of iefaetortly T IS ALSO pmaoaed to tend I. X Johnson. I'' Fine sole leather. seeds of rare wild flowers by mail, fit. Geo Jano 93, 1863. Oow-hld- e, fftj in exchange, for such aeds and Kip, cilf. A goat skin, $ sa are desired by tbo club. Ksrnesa Leather ee PeriodI have Slock aeetered'on the range . Catalogues. Which they ofier ta exchange foe it! Reports, settlements he' worn Cedar City and 1' icals and books aolici ed for the library grain and other produce. Parotvan Utah Ad! 90 1868. . heifers, ter J. E. on the Muddy; cow, Prst. Wm. Branch, fiecty. nd work oxen; all that is over 3 year ! Utah. May 90 1868 St. Ueorge. Id has a 5 inch droit brand on lef Seeds of all beautiful or desirable bowlder with J Inside, or branded on wild flowers, tor which liberal re V'4 i W. J. or (ho how J. E. J. or 0. ward will be paid, if accompanied b and horn flesh both have of may they specimens pressed leave and flew U on branded several and art the shrub or plant. brands, era of yi aevsral and for sale row f ; 1- OF ONE DOOR SOUTH ' PRINT-111- 0 " OFFICE. SUBSCRIBE gPEClMENof w--i m ann - i epy, i l cut-tin- gs Lost Stock. is i ? Jo!-non- Wonted RIPE FRUIT ibe ribs, B. F. have J. Persons hunting e: tt!t art reqnea. ted to obtcrvA and report, any stock oaring such brands, or bring them in. they shall recire pay for their J. E. trouble GRAIN WANTED!! Johnim.- - St George May the fOth ,68. Shoe IN Blacking, Wool Harding .i .k i Sfledta&l Wo'JiceJ :0 Geo, W, Juhnioe, HI. D, t at KEATS We want ttantlMi to bnsiasisto merit tha eonfidcaoa of THIS omss ON stmot SftltEI ' a MW i itii vaVle. Nona, Aug.lM. 181L I have new in sucefti1 .t operation at W, newA S H I NGTON, P .TEXT STRAUB'S ! under- - Inquire of the Edi'or. For .Sale Cans A towumaeasate sals. W Zaoaira at the Xiaa fc pAae: KOIILIL first-cla- Fishing trine about 2ft ards long Gan .VcmrFr nR, BY GSM with all the latest i improvements, aid am is artlcla of pvrparod to turn out a FOR SALE. A Washington Mill!! runner IMf AT At St. George drag r 1 Co., Dtas Mona, Offers his professiousl servieM to the paapla U Jub and Utah Countie. Wi SAT IEMtek9 ex-pv- et i aea-or- For sale Exohange for rlpo J. E. Josxiev. of grape. and pevchae, and fruit ;f St. George Utah, May 27 1868- to keep a aurply of th bat i, it in each In radon this proper grown hr the qnaiitlty or at retaiL ! yralt canned to order. aa!e. Canned fruit for Hiving reaed th first cbiss Girdtog. ' Chr.ica fruit purvhaaed.( Machine owned by Bro. E. Bbsw, I pro- Grain and dairy produce nrovablt. posv putting it up In Parowan, and ha ready 1 Buainea place St. Geo. Drnc Store. to wool sod deliver rolls by the life B J 3 Jhnaon. of ree.va St. GeoUtih. May. When the expected Wine UVl arriP I reapaetfnll solicit tha patronage of tf ve I shall ho prepared to w.ik up apple ha eUizans of Dixie and adjacent alia fj and crapes for those who desire I;. tents 12-- tf Gxobgi Oaumuw. .f Parowan 20 Apl. 1868, vr-Ivtie- j I From GOOD WHEAT. fLOUR exebeaged fet W H X Graia- I J T fe CUSTOM WOKK droniptlyattondod 0 i " Ml Ample Stengag) e. florow. ft I |