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Show SU.-I- . Pear. T. ' mm 55BeiHB6ui6i wine ins MuchSii its owes is Bie, unpaid hatsnd othenretf, gcnU detbing bore fivcr and Me of keeping qnabtU1 being too soon picked Our' under fctfriosiUei makes grapes very sweet, The pollectein ef ider-estfn- g r. fully. ripe ; care of 6angiovanui was quite and drew math sttennion. The. CnquosttonablF the beet toioed work aff the hind b:g melons tall corn, fine riee, sweet the World pofatcea, pea nuts and many other things good to eat, would convince th most ikepMcd that Dixie soil can be JfEWMOMHLY MAQAZl made useful. Critical fallen cf iU Pratt. Altogether the exhibition, tho far from being full or extensive,: was The most popular Monthly la the ffsw Fork Om arwr. really cheering to all who desire to see Wc must refer In terms of ecology ' lore good things. home products, or high tone and varied fzeellence of a with a journal aabi Msoaiiuk cirrnlatloa of about 170JKX1 cop., Small PoX, Itch, Miasxli. . tide, table linen, ehawls, vugtr ladies . IP. A. Jeffrey beat Fig Dwifccqp. ond best Figt beat Fomegran beat ate;johii IHklcy Apple,' Jsa Bird eeoond brat Applet D. Rogers third foi Apples, Jaa Meat best Strawberry (atwiad erop;W. E. Dodge best Almonds Jacob Hsmblin secotd host, W. E. Dodge best . qnince and best Rasta. Commi ts on.Greta end Vegetables. H. W. Miller, Jaa Me Lilian and Hath aeiel Ashby. C A. Terry best Wheat (white Too) L. Larson second bet Wheat, (Beaton) F. IS PUBLISHED, by Town send best Beet, L. Larson seeond best Beet. Thou Owen beet Squash ,(eeg-ItabST. GEORGE UTAH; marrow) J Oakley Vsi. Fspper Xeat second best Pspper, L Larson .best Veditsdaj September 15. 186i H'ps. J. Oskley best Muskmelon. C. A. Terry belt Water. Melon. J.E. Jobason n... TEUBlSs We offer to employ tome person rest J but Egg Vegetable caeqnd JOakley I 82.00 Months. 3 95.00 Ptr Year, H W. just recovering from one" er all df the Mouths - 3.00 Single copies, 25 J, E. Jshneon best Sweet Potatoes, Milto host bunch of Corn J. E? Johnson above diseases (if each there be in BMei of AdTcrtliinc; best apeoimen of Rico D. Rogers aeeehd ibis Territory) io ea! upon onr mb A "square 1 tbs spars that 10 lines of best,'. seribcMthat raise wheat, and coleoi type.thU "Ixe, will scenpf. Manufacture Domealio on Committe 5200 1 jViMorlwir oof Inintlooi breadstnffs So far we bavent aaen 1 00 Mo Collough. 0. D. W. J. H. insertion, Brunch, EsebiuHtcqnant a man bring us a bushel en suba Crosby, an I we must have it T. A. Jeffrey best Jeanea, T, A. Jef- seHp'inn; Republican Who eome first Me Lallan seeond Iks Radical party, sensible of their fry best Linsey, Our Snbscribere in Pine Valley deweakness and Irfirmlty, da.ed not mm. beet.Jas Mo Lellan best Shawl Jaa laate one of thir own number for tbs Chief Me Lallan best coverlet, and second best liver to Bm. Reese 150 fet lumber Magistracy, bat la hpe of adding to Jaa Mo Lellan beet Bl ket II. 'V, Miller each, if ths? pref-- r Cvaa let u tbefr aumben and popularity in the great second beat J. Mo Lellsh best Table bear from all delinquent aeon, unless cor. teat at tbs Ballot Bn, stlee4ed, with Glot'i, . Mo Lilian best Embroideiy J, would exnoae yncreelvea tn somesuch unanimity a'fanocrat r at least E. Johnson second beat. Jig Mo L.llsn yon mats best Carpet John Laraon best Straw thing wor than the Mountain iteb. o!.o who professed to bo suth Democrat for their great politic t! Braid, Jas Me Mian secoud best, Mrs, LOCAL ITEMS theif standard bearer in ibis Im Ivins bast Hearth Rug. Bro. Calkin It petting up. on Mein a'rtet porfirff AathpaglnThis grat shorn Ir Of on Committe Flowers. a tfe'y frame dwelllrg wl'h fall sis ba poliTla 1 tr!ekry. aid rhieansry, si iV V. and Blreh. E. The roof U now golig on J J. Cikley Didge their mate IVmocrftle Candltstofsr Th Brnthor Itweley's are each rt-la- g bow hestsndsnpoa Yhrotten p'nk J. E. Johnson beat col, of Flowers Flow-era. a dwelling, near, and east of onr Offi-- e of the rvten platform. of this dead and J, E John som second best col, of W. E. Dodge best Rosoi J E John- Thin quarter of tho CHv furiiha Wi:epirtt. (Illustrious dead) It I wonrare elev itiou for tasty sad dolightfrl Cotderful with of sound. thas son beat House Plant. tage residenrss. anre. oned h month and uttered the Committe an Dairy nd Ritchep. Snedaker J M Moedy Mrs reply the. only strand heard from that G A Terry Saow, baa qnle a number of WArkiuon. harrying up tha lnalde fiiish o wonderfal pair of lips. ( th t so gracefully Me :.ellsn, hold In fcwa ltaard foe ho outbids being consisted Mrs C Jackson best HonRt"J E John- his M fetle of months HarkI The dumb speaks! We notice that our fitirfing Mrs C Jackson Puperrisor " Gentlemen should yea elect me Frrsldo:i: s' n second best Honey Sau Is a to Her, making dsb open Wash best grape Jel y, of the D ied Stain, I will do so yoa may A lBrt-the 6u-- st prospective street on Mcebsniral work. D Rogers we have in the Ctv wsfvas yon shall dictate, X will be a Committe J Carpen'er, hast Broom II Pickott paative tool I hive ao slews of tay own, best Wuh B ard. Me era Squlra and Cowley are engaged friend ef mt SLdepnrsnt toots, Tkers were many other varietiee it in puttiig up qiite a dwelling This Is iho Moar of the reply of that fine Grapes such as Coneord, on their Muk. nt on Washington Arinu. very great mote and hero, of a great number of AT nr of onr Santa Clin, White Chs-IsCl Icons harealrssdv star, Vrtles. never fought cut os flat line. What Masatawney, ted and Isabella, betides several kinds northward, to time to make pleas admirable and profound wisdom, evolved ant riita with thair friends end fttr ap from the swollen, putrescent cimm, of a of seedlings not named. Also a aranec at Antum p Picsident defanet party and what astonishing sim- collection of fine Pesehee, altogether and com nan r starts plicity, and bow wcadsrtaMy unsoph!ei-cate- d the Fair waj quite a luccees. G un to worship esc a yoer Right, II Branch Scot, Yours, the Candid Is tha great ktai center If you would bars rain. of a set of politicians only known to be ah Ellialea. is tho name we have Gardeners Club barred by 11 civil asd people. Last Saturday th above association addsn'sd for onr HttV eonntrv rorat, three ard a half mile north gd a mil and a heM their annual f ir in their own half this aids f Washington, wkrs a 8C George Sept, 14th 1868. Hn1, which except pain ing wae well dwelling N nsw being erected, and a fair , Editor Bio Virgsn Times. finished. The en rios uroro mostly start f.nr orchard and vlntyard ha bssn Sir, the Gardener Club Aanual from this cit" and from mmbers ol planted. Fair came rffnn Sat, last at which th'rr Last Mwidar Brc Wm B Vaaw-1sc .was a large aolleiion of fral e vegetable the club. A few specimens of fruit compeined hy Mr. Sir and 1dr from HI baas nude goods foe., 1 send you the ro- and n nice assortment of home made arired. bringing small lot of Merchsndis per of the didersnt Awarding Commutes rom 8anta Clara, we believe were They made us a call yesterday, for publication if yon think best: 0 all. from onUide. ThermomeMral rings the last week hae Frsltf wtrs tbs following Commute tic B fine fruit waa The show of really bean, mtrnlng, 70to 76, noon 90 to 102 FtP db'ton, L,S. Hemetiw-- y and cheering: several specimens of la the shade. .l.X. Johnson, who made tbs fallowing T A Jeffrey best Lste Crawferd peaches had a girth of 1 1 inches and Wine Making. X Fsach. J,E. Johnson auoid bast, B F weighed plump 11 ounces Apples n Thre is often a grnt mistake Fendietm bestseaJl'og Poach, Jacob of targe file: Flams ri :h and varied. mu !e hv the uninitiated wine Plum, 3. F. Pcodletoa tee sad Figs thit weald eclipse, Itslim grown in making wine too soon When the soft .grape gets tweet end W. E. Dodge beet Black Kinbiu grspe in size; Specimens of almonds apparently ; . 1 . -- cgLai pi mm TIMES RIO : le Ji . , : ifeaknen. Js -- eheif-tain-f- e? eat. t-- In HARPERS whose paces are tq.be found some of choicest light and general reading if f this work as an day. W epeak Ameriean People; asd' dnc of tbsbaa Is merited red it sequ popularity 144 conUIn pages of fully Number d with good wood in asU r, lllustra the in itself racy mr and It oombiaes Sud the mure philosophical quarterly, ded with the best f aturea oj the day nal. It bat great power in the oisst literatures tionefa lev f -- Pr ' GaxiataJintrxcaa. Liter aXu,L can acceunt for la lurcesa oalyj ths simple fact that it mettf precisely popular taste, furnishing a v rietjr of ing end Instruetire reading for Zint IUaU, Boiten W SUB3CRIPTI0N8, 1868. The P'lblishei a have perfeetc! a wit of mailing by which they ean supply I tf acaSisk, w scklv, and BauapromptM these wlie prefer to receive their pernf Ictls directly frm tha Office of Publii lion. The postage on Hatrsa's MaoaxixiI 24 cents a year, which mutt bs paid t. ulcrI6sr post office. I'-m- TERMS: whs-armg- J nt Pr-aMo- n pr-ieitl- mi a, bl lrt Co-iferenc- s to-morr-ow Fair. 1 Iharaa'e MaoaZixb, one yesr..... $! Extra Copy of either he Hagai W.ekly or Baser will keoappModgrotw toary Cloft of rrva avcscaiaass at $4 oath remittance: or Six Copies $20 UO. dubscriptleas to Harper's Ifsgssias, Ws ly, asd Biur, to ouo adrtss for one yssr, j 00, or two i! H sapor's Periodicals, Is oaa dress for mis Tsar. 87 00. Bask naban ssa be supplied at any SubscHptioua sent fram British Ki Amvridita Ptovlnsss must be accompsnisd l( 20 seats additional to prepay Uu Ud postage. Address HARPER A BROTH ERU Fiankllb tiqutro New Yod For 1809 Trees, Vines, emummmssxici, ghrubs, Plant 1, i 8o, I Horn-.bU- bit :bst. ?owr, rip, far -tocond aodC.A.Terry hir. and hard shell: Pearc. each, over a 1 , many suppose they re tit mn9 Jos Kdt best. Mission grape, 8. F. Pcn pound weight: Bpeeimens of app'es or rgieine Not ro; but f r either use j thevohould hang no the vine, not only die ton second Jacob Gates third of user a pound weight and Hamburgh until have secreted a'l they J. R. Johnson best obit Malaga, boat aon MUidon grapes weighing near 2 will they of saccharine matter, bnt whits Mu'cat, best MescU HsmMirg beat lbs to the duster. should be allowed to evaporate a por. White Cbaislis, aud best Bimood Mux lion of the from J, S.JbneoB , cat Graps . Sister Craig beet .. W.E. foer 8km, Geo Jar-eb.bs- m Jarru seedling Dbip grape. boot Fltur tad moud water the berry lea The Editors fruit table included the inder rent richer; the) shouM ring spectmeu of 15 sorts of grapes. bet all wed. to shrive a li fie on the The speimenaof home manufacture yloo before gathering for wine or ral- Coverand cheering. weimUpnioo - boa Seeds, and Cutting of ohoiscest vari ties for sale or ei change for grain Enquire at th irnes Office. |