Show MONUMENT TO HONOR PIONEER IRON WORKERS A monument in ili honor of 0 the pioneer iron workers of this county Is to li dedicated monday morning at 11 10 in the paik at cedar city under tile the liwe filon of the trails slid and landmarks askon aaion and the chamber ot of commerce george albert president ent or of the association will be in charge charee of the program incident to the placing of this marker and other members of the association as well a lir ir howard it II driggs president of 0 th national Notion ol oregon trails awo tation lation will be A plaque on the monument will bear tile the following inscription THE OLD IRON FOUNDRY by direction OC 0 Brig harti young and associates in ISSI 2 one block north of 0 this monument produced the first arst iron manufactured west pest of tile the mississippi rarer thir tv iv flie men the founders of cedar city cil nit and operated oper alel the ala ast t furnard furn arc vare the firby mining camp in utah a few miles west of 0 here hen from which they procured the tha iron tyre ore tho the foundry was operated d for I 1 years at 1 cost of 0 ore used u oil in chii monument wai aj hauled here from tile the by pioneer work wor keis ets and the biz arnn bars bar in ili thit this structure nude mido by them ut ih pioneer trails and landmarks and the chamber of COMI commerce Derce of cedar city all who are interested are td cd to be pr sant tor for the occa occasion ilon pr p r |