Show r THE PAROWAN TIMES PUBLISHED WEEKLY by the rub PUB CO YV warner wainer klic neu lessee entered as aa second chael mall maiter mailer at the post poet office at parowan Ia rowan litan oct 27 1915 R RATES one year la advance sue six montet P 10 aurto 60 advertising RATES BATES display per inch 1 legal Notices per line ime lo 10 0 01 0 reading notices per line hue n luc MORRIS 67 MATHESON attorneys at taw law PAROWAN CEDAR CITY court house bank building wed sat dally daily W clair rowley local representative MUTUAL LIEF INSURANCE CO of new kew york PAROWAN UTAH HUNTERS y V f and dyers 74 7 ko rt mia cedar city cleaning pressing rr essing dyeing bring B ng or roalf malf us your cleaning clea ning i jobs joba prompt delivery ahsu assured red WHAT BANKING m hl I 1 HIT n hy by JOHN ii 11 rU ELICHER american canders cankers association in its long career has halt been 1 BANKING compelled to many serious shocks but it ran into the most perplexing en lang loment of Ks its whole history since the general breakdown n f values balu es in 1329 1929 the commer e rial I 1 a I 1 structure of 0 the entire world seemed to late bae been shaken from fro its foundations anil and A i the marvel is that the banker with everything break J ii i ruri ing S down all around him w was a s able to come through as he be has general business failures agricultural stagnation income losses capital losses inabilities to meet debts and therefore inabilities of bankers to pay back depositors when loans were acre not paid were the reasons in most instances tor for the bank failures N no 0 p profession r 0 f ess 1 0 n n no 0 department d e pa r t m e li t 0 of f I 1 life 1 fe Is without K lt h 0 ti t its i t s weaker vt e ak e r elements e 1 e m e n ti but b if t had proper consideration bee been n given to the relatively few instances in banking had exaggerated and startling headlines been kept in true proportion had hanking riot not been used as a target tor for political self and with vote seeking motives had unfounded rumors not been spread the peoples confidence might have been retained and financial losses for many bank failures were caused that need riot not have happened there were factors in our banking experience which every earnest banker deplores f factors actors which many had worked years to eliminate which it was anas tearfully fearfully recognized would aggravate any difficult days which might arise one of the worst of these was aas due to political regulation which chartered many banks that should never have been chartered that there have been incompetence and dishonesty in banking is admitted that the instances that did occur were used grossly to increase fear in the public mind we affirm we shall continue to strive tor for higher attainments in our profession and strive for laws that require competence arid and ability in management that wo we cannot legislate honesty and unselfishness into either a banker or a borrower must be conceded but dishonesty wherever found should be punished it Is as true in banking as elsewhere that no matter how good the tha law dishonest and incompetent men can call make it ineffective good laws are essential we must strive for ever better ones but their enforcement will come only as the public recognizes that it Is a mat ter not ot of laws or codes alone but of 0 the men who administer them the publics part fart our people must be brought to realize that the welfare 0 of our country cour itry depends upon its banking system that the strength of the banking system depends upon the publics faith and understanding and the vast majority ot of banks because of faithful service rendered even through the whole of 0 this general breakdown had bad the right to expect the trust and confidence ot of the people la in every great catastrophe no matter what its nature no matter what its cause someone must be crucified the banker was this time selected in the late SOs dos political agitation started a tirade against the railroads some railroads may have bare done reprehensible things but the agitation became so general and so violent as almost to destroy one of 0 the fundamental factors actors in the progress ot of a country today the same thing has been done t to 0 the banker lit in spite ot of all that has happened the fact act legains that even most moat of the banks which tailed failed are paying out infinitely better than are investments I 1 in almost anything else H na N 11 ce PARCELLS attorney at law and licensed abstractor affiliated with intermountain title guaranty co office at court house Paro carowan parowan wail EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED frames and lenses duplicated by DR F B PARKINSON PARKINS ON cedar city utah complete equipment for a thorough examination of your eyes special rates to school child children rela have their eyes examined before school starts styles and ild prices to suit all boffice office over avei fullers golden rule store DIXIE juliot UNIOR C 0 st george utah announces the f A k I 1 opening of the school year ji 1933 34 september 11 1933 dixie junior college torn offers a now low a part of the state school BY complete junior ji credited by utah college curriculum it is as ac aud and i ethek department of universities the utah state education junior C ollege college and th the american america association ot 0 jjr J jj WRITE FOR A CAI CATALOGUE |