Show intermountain intel mountain news briefly brieby told tor for busy readers acad ob STATE FUNDS PLAN WINTER WORK MANY PROJECTS LOOM CELEBRATE TOMATO DAY DAT WILL TRAIN OFFICERS BOISE IDA the state school fund has to disburse to the tha counties tor for educational purposes during the coming yea year r A larger sum burn Is ii expected to be available la in october OGDEN UT preparations are to be made by regional forest officials to carry out president roose belts plan for operating the C 0 C camps in the national forests during the winter months it Is announced by assistant regional ro forester rester C N woods the forest official believes that it will be possible to do some winter work on the dixie un national forest in southern utah and that roads may be built in winter along the salmon river in idaho idabo it Is sot not anticipated that a large quantity of work can be carried on in the national forests of region 4 owing to weather conditions SIT MT PLEASANT UT public work funds will be sought tor for the following projects city pipeline replacements approximately five miles of steel pipe replacing the old wooden pipe nt at a cost of new water storage tank holding gallons of water fire department needs miles of street surfacing and graveling swimming pool CO 60 by feet with wilh three to twelve feet depth dressing rooms and shower including 1000 for ground site the total is BURLEY IDA repairs and alterations te to the school buildings of burley independent district are being rushed to completion for the opening of the school term september fth HOOPER UT the city will hold a tomato day celebration in september slid SALT LAKE CITY TT approximately cammi commissioned officers of the third reserve corps area will undergo training of one week each at fort douglas during september area officials announced SALT LAKE CITY UT fifteen hundred rams including tile the principal breeds of the alie west have been consigned to salt lake for the annual ram sale sponsored by the national Wool growers association F r it marshall secretary reports the sale will be conducted september 12 to 14 inclusive at the stock yards IDA the government Is asking for bids on a project which covers miles on tho the ketchum clayton road in the chales national forest in custer county this will be an earth graded road in connection with concrete material grubbing and clearing for the tha highway the cost Is estimated at OGDEN UT U S road building plans include a project on the sevier summit road of miles located partly in the dixie national forest in kane county the work will include grading excavation and surfacing with crus crushed lied run of rock and oil mixture the engineers estimate of the cost of this project la is about OGDEN UT rate reductions in some cases amounting to 50 per cent have been announced recently by the southern pacific lines on carload grain shipments from northwestern utah points pints to salt lake and ogden CEDAR CITY UT A E jordan 49 a resident of pleasant grove died in the cedar city bo hospital spital of a fractured skull and a fractured pelvis suffered alien he was thrown from the top of a truck 30 feet to the bottom of 0 a ravine near here LOGAN UT D P murray hurray state 4 n club leader has announced that club contests and exhibits will be held at the utah state agricultural college september 18 19 and 2 20 0 because no do state fair will be held this year at which they are usually held mr murray said delegates from 25 of the 29 counties in the state would be present events to be held include judging contests in agriculture forestry and home economics style tire dress revue health contest and club demonstrations suitable prizes will be awarded to winners in the various contests and for the exhibits of work done by the boys and girls girla during the present club year SALT LAKE CITY UT th the american rambouillet sheep breed ers association will hold a meeting here september 12 FILLMORE UT A cloudburst dabag damaged ed this city a few days ugo ago MULLAN IDA mrs L P marlon leaped from tin an automobile near here traveling BO 50 miles nn an hour rolled CO feet down a boulder strewn and escaped with cuts culs and bruises savl SALT LAKE CITY U UT T due to a combination of ample snows last winter in the mountains of 0 utah and colorado and of razing lue due to smaller herds range conditions and forage crops in the two states are probably the best in 1 bearg ears |