Show un v OE FARM h DO I 1 ll 11 8 1 9 ag agricultural ri cultural college I 1 president I 1 says federal Fi fidram oram seeks I 1 to coordinate clordine te production with reduced E experts porta i the federal farm arm adjustment program gra in Is partly gul guided dulau b by y t the h bellat 1 le f that export of 0 agri agricultural e ra 1 e commodo 0 d 1 ties will not soon boon recover its volume I 1 ot of five or ten years ago in the opinion of 0 rd farrell president kansas 1 agricultural college Col leec writing in the august issue ot of the american bankers association journal nobody knows whether the farm adjustment program will viii succeed writes mr air farrell its sponsors describe it rankly frankly as an experiment it seeks to socialize agriculture at least to the extent that farmers in what is believed to he be the bublic bublic interest will restrain their production activities and that processors processor distributors and consumers contribute something toward paying farmers for or exercising this restraint the adjustment programs definitely are arc based on the fart fact that prices are determined primarily by supply and demand they aso also are based on the assumption that the export business in agricultural commodities will not soon return to its volume of live five or ten years ago D dependence pen dence on public support the plan orders wheat price insurance tor for 19 1333 3 33 1934 1914 and 1335 for or tho the domestically consumed portion of 0 the wheat crop the insured price Is to be sufficiently high to give the domestically consumed portion of 0 I 1 the he bleat crop prewar pre war purchasing power it the plan is as effective as its sponsors hope it will be the reduction ioa in supply may influence wheat prices so that the entire wheat crop will have prewar pre war purchasing power it the adjustment program S succeeds 1117 re its launching probably will wl mark k the end ot of an era 0 of extreme individualism in agriculture in the united states says mr farrell recent fundamental chanes led secretary wallace to say what we really have to do is to change chane the whole psychology ot of the people of 0 the united states this Is a large order it involves the hole program ot of farm adjustment as well as the larger national onal economic program ot of which farm adjustment is a part it if the people decline to participate in the program to the extent necessary to me give the experiment a fair trial vae e shall hall never know whether farm adjustment as now proposed would have succeeded or not it if it had been given a lair fair trial |