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Show DOUBLE MURMRER F. LSALSQ A SUICIDE H' SAN FRANCISCO. Jiin. 2C Joseph Jackson, a nesro, who has been crnpoyod as a laborer at Mnrn Island, thlu aftcr- noon shot ?nd killed Hhnda Gordon, a do- i,, mcnllc. and .fumes Grunt, a sailor. hoLh f,' colored, and then committed suicide to- . nlRht at a resort ut 520 Pacific street, thin TJie woman and Grant lived at Vnllejo. ,Jackuon hnd been puyinp attention to the ' v:oian. :ind, learning that they hod come to OiIh elty last night, he followed and T found them togctlicr at the rcuort on Pa- (,Uc street. Without a word of warning-, 1 Jackson emnshed the glass In the door wltli his revolver, and nhot the vornan H'i through the luonat na she confronted H- 'lIln- 1(0 lnon stepped ov'.'i her body and jv shot Grant as he Ia- In bed. Turnlmr the weapon on himself he Kout a bullet 1 ( through his heart, mul fell acrosa the Hr body of the woman. All three were dead when ii'.lenOantK of tho plnre arrived oh j. the Define. Jackson had vowed before he left Valk-Jo this morning that ho would Hi 010 naIr U found them together. H' .' B' i ' HI K |