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Show Nows of Eoxburg. Special to The Tribune. REXBUKG, Ida.. Jnn. 2G. A hospital is to he established in Hoxhurgr this spring. Dr. H. A. Anderson, a prominent physician physi-cian of Salt Lake, now located in Rcx-burgr, Rcx-burgr, will start a woll-cqulppcd hospital In the near futur". Tho projected hospital hos-pital will be a gerat advanlago to the people of this Hcction. as th-? lonp railroad rail-road trip to Salt Lake, when a patient Is seriously 111, sometimes puts a case beyond control of medical skill. The First ward will hold a blsr rcuplon of the mombere of the ward next Tuesday night in the Commercial club rooms. A sumptuous banquet will be aerW.l at 7 p. in., durlnp which local cirtipts will do humorour. HtuntR After the programnio there will Iks games and a general good time. Mr. Elmo Curtis and Mias IJva Dew-pniip, Dew-pniip, two popular young pcoplo of Hex-burgr, Hex-burgr, wc?ro married at Ixjuan this wcn.k. A religions class ronvnntion of tho Fremont, Fre-mont, Bingham and Teton stakes was held Hunday mornlnr; and afternoon in tho Ricks academy building. Members of tho general board were In attendance. Tho students of the Ricks academy held Ihfiir first ball since tho holidays Friday evening In tho Commercial club rooniH. They had a very enjoyable hull and aochil gathering. Company M. :N. G. I. of Rcxburg gave n military ball Friday evening. This company com-pany Is in splendid condition and stands high amoiig the guard companies of Idaho, |