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Show BETS $15,000 FOR THE DEATH OF HEB HUSBAND U. L. & R. Company, After Long Fight in Court, Must Pay J)amages. After nearly six years of strenuous litigation. 3lrs. l-miiy Spiking, whoso husband, Thomas W. Spiking, was run over and killed bv a street car nt Second Sec-ond South aud -Main streets, will receive re-ceive .f 15,000 from the Utah Light and Knilway company. The case has been tried three times. On the first trial, tho jury disagreed; on the second trial a verdict was returned re-turned in favor of Mrs. Spiking, which was set asido ly the court; on tho third trial, a verdict." was again returned in favor of the plaintiff for .1 fi.OOO and from the judgment tho Utah hight and Kailwaj- cumpniy appealed. There were niaiy assignments of error er-ror on the part of "the company and the opinion comprises twenty-nine typewritten type-written pages. Howovor, the judgment of the lower court is niTirmcd The opinion is written bv Justice l-'rick and Chief Juslieo -MeCarly and Justice Straup concur. |