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Show SEARCHING THE DACITE FORMATION AT TONOPAH Mark B. Tvcrr, consulting engineer for a number of properties In the camp, has boon Inspecting these proportion, and will be at the work for several days yel. Mr. Kerr Is engaged at the present time In the moct important work that was over known In the" camp, that of determining the extent of the daclte intrusion, which has been of ho much worry to tho camp, and to the stockholders outside of tho camp. In fact, the Eastern stockholders havo been more worried than the pooplo in the camp. Tho Important work Is going on In the lower levels of tho Midway and the Mon-tana-Tonopah, where In ench mine thorc lias beon encountered bolow tho daclte an ore body, and both bodle-s are very promising. "On tho Midway," said Mr. Kerr, "below the 800 level wo are following fol-lowing a contact on tho edge of one of these daclte tongues, and with greater depth it seems favorable that tho ore will improve in value. At tho first station, 100 feet below thn 800 level, tho adjoining adjoin-ing quartz body will b prospected, bilt this will not interfere with the continuous continu-ous sinking. At another 100 feet prospecting pros-pecting will bo again continued, and it is hoped to obtain higher values by this work. "The "Montana-Tonopah will soon resume re-sume prospecting at depth on their lowest low-est ore hody. tho character of which Is closely allied to this ore body in tho Midway." Mid-way." Tonopah Bonanza. |