Show Memorial Unveiled At Arizona Outpost A monument at Pipe Springs ArIzona Arizona Ari zona outpost where the states state's stat s first firs telegraph station was located was unveiled by officers of the Utah Pioneer Pioneer Pioneer Pio Pio- neer Trails Trails' and Landmarks association association atlon Saturday the first of four tour monuments monuments mon mon- they are dedicating In a trip tripo to o southern Utah and Arizona In the party are George Albert Alber Smith president of the association John fohn D D. Giles secretary Dr Howard R. R I. I Driggs president of at the Oregon Trail Tran Memorial association and Dr W. W M. M On Sunda Sunday they will dedicate a marker at Fredonia Ariz and a monument to Jacob Hamblin Indian envoy at Kanab A plaque will be dedicated at Cedar City marking the site Ite of the first smelter to produce pig Iron west of the Mississippi |