Show rr U Sell Rent Hire Swap Put Pint p Your Wants Into Action Now Was 1 FOR SALE 32 MEMBER Cars CarsTELL TELL THE THEIR Dvm wn S Story THESE AND MANY OThE RES t ThU Thel are beyond i I Y LUE ae expect you JOU CAR AT JUST USE USED CAR PRICES PRICE un 1932 FORD V 8 x r DE Dt paint COUPE like duty tires PUSi heavy rl spotlessly re new nn upholstery In motor extra lod goods clean clun etrA lie Lid ct this car ur shows wonderful outstanding out out- An cite standing r throughout buy bui at out out- SG 46 1831 JI CHEVROLET Special Coupe Coupe 39 24 2 fe 1521 lUO 1910 P FORE FR COACH PE-i PE 2 5 11 BUICK BUIC SEDAN 7 8 S De Dc Sedan 64 15 BUCK 6 wheel Coach 29 HUDSON i 29 HUDSN wheel I-wheel 1933 PLYMOUTH Coach STUDEBAKER Pres Pre 8 ml 1931 HUP HUPP 8 S Sedan 6 Sedan ESS un 1931 D P E VAUX Sport Sedan dani II 37 DURANT Dr Sport Roadster 13 r 1 12 un 1329 2 3 ERSKINE EKI DURN 6 Sedan 12 NASH 8 a Sedan 44 Wl tall 1911 1931 WILLYS 8 6 dan Sedan UA'S UTAH'S LARGEST I USED CAR CA STORI f r Ia lal 9 S DISTRIBUTORS t DE DE DB SOTO f M Ca w BO 50 2ND EAST ET WAS 5 25 12 SOUTH ST STATE ATE ATEi kp k i CHRYSLER PL PLYMOUTH f. f NEVER NEE A DISSATISFIED BUYER BUE 1928 PACKARD DE TH LUE i SERIES SEDAN SEAN but best bet of sit all allI al I sixes tine fine rb rubber r. r original point paint beautiful in- in motor tenor smooth quiet p luxurious throughout I lUI 1931 FORD rR m miles DE SEDAN SEAN 1931 un go CHEV COUPE b p i new p paint it rubber sent seat covers conn 1929 PONTIAC overhaul l ua CAB CA new paint pant 1932 1132 PLY L R. R lS' S' S S. S c COUPE UP fl C wire 12 wheels floating power US 1929 1832 condition OAKLAND OALAND SEDAN SEAN perfect bC CHRYSLER SEDAN D 26 1827 kotES kotE'S I real good U 1928 1918 DODGE fastest 4 1932 18 CHEV CHE COUPES COUPE CUPE almost alost new 1933 2125 BUICK LT 6 S COUPE CUPE 16 1 f 1927 1527 BUICK LT 6 SEDAN SEAN 12 COACH real good 95 1931 ESSEX coo EE 1929 DURANT SEDAN 12 DURA 1931 air FORD curtains COUPE new tics I W WATCH FOR CHASE it STEVENS S GOLD STAR LABELED S CAR Cb se S Stevens Inc 42 SO STATE T W. W 0 1445 I BUY NOW HOW NO BEFORE PRICES Bu ADVANCE f 1933 PLYMOUTHS ALL TYPES DISCOUNT 7 1930 PLYMOUTH De Be Sedan 1265 f t 1931 PLYMOUTH PYOU door 4 dor Sedan dan 1931 un FORD TOWN SEDAN f TW SEAN 1931 FORD TUDOR 1631 1831 13 FORD SPORT COUPE 1930 USO 13 FORD TUDOR COUP 1930 FORD TR COUPE m 1931 1831 FORD PICKUP TI TRUCK 1130 FORD f SPORT ROADSTER 1 19 f 13 1928 1826 FORD FR TUDOR 40 r 1932 13 CHEV CL DE DR COUPE US J I 1932 1933 CHEV SPORT COUPE air Ir wheels CHE 1837 1927 27 C CHEV S' S SEDAN ii MANY lOAN HA MORE TO CHOOSE CHOE FROM FY ICo 6 9 SO MAIN bAH W. W 1 a USED CARS at st wholesale prices r See us f D. D T. T 1 s SINGER g k So C Bt State it 1245 1929 NASH special a Victoria c twin I Ig Ignition It a LoJ good motor new e paint six ply 6 f tires Urn upholstery excellent Will Wi take snail lal car and cash Wilson Hy By R T L LATE mo 1930 Ford Frd CP or 1 1932 32 Ford CP HO io 32 E E. South 1130 RU HUPP sedan aedan motor finish perfect new ne Was Wag Wa rm TRUCKS T TRUCKS FOR SALE 33 I VerV beet an and d Yem tifa f-tifa Tier sT MJ l 10 ton I A Stude and Fageol school buses Fell Fel Anto Aoto Aut Parts PaL eu So State V Was WRITE WHITE fI truck c 2 aton 2 a ton good cond O Mack truck truck ton 3 o. o zo good coon cond DJ C SO SOm m So 8 State Stat nt St. St Was Wa 1922 1022 1911 CHEV H ton stake body mot A I cond 10 fly Hy 9 So 50 East Elt AUTO PARTS 36 eEl u frt fir Ic used put parti all 81 makes make cars can trucks will pay cash Inc for your old car ca truck r Felt Fet 11 Wreckage State W. W LOW Lw prices on parts cam cain for or cars cn Tourist Auto Aut Wr Wreckage hR Co C. C 1016 1018 State H II f STARTER TEETH t th without TAn 11 flywheel Guar Williamson Method Method E Welding So Stat State W W. l Motorcycles Mot Boats 40 4 1931 bargain 1931 Indian and Ind nd fours toun from to terms 25 50 BUDGET SYSTEM INC Motor Ave e BUE Was IC Hy 1681 t AUTOMOBILES wanted 41 S gP WE PA PAT RICHEST HIGHEST PRICES Fort FOR OARS CARS flOT BO AT MAIN WAS WAB fR SELL US YOUR CAR WILL WL PAY CASH CASH NO NO DELAY MOTOR so 50 DY MAIN MOTOR MAI WE lYE PAY MORE J e flute ih for your Jour car D. D T. T Singer SIDur 10 So W HJ PD Pay cash elb for lh light uses med cd car ur Service i Cab t Co CO- CO 44 fin So 80 S State nt CASH CA for tor good rood light closed ed auto Show It at 36 UnIversity I I h. h co St. St apt not 2 2 V ANT ANT Chevrolet truck 11 wheel whee base ble Mr Mr r. r Roberta aL lt t. t Hr Ity T fe WILL ILL bu buy buyas as 28 or 29 model light ear car must mud II be b tood lood z condition mode 1219 ave COAL WOOD 42 FOR SALEE SALE r u E nEST BEST COAL IN W CITY v DE 1875 nut CI domestic 1 1 furnace lump pea coat coa cal U o. o Hyland Coal Hy Hr 1 W liOl-W 1 SACKS SI 15 DEL COAL BY nv BYOR 0 SACK 11 DEL 1 OR TON DEI BECK'S BECKS S 'S f Hy I kindling 1 3 sacks cache pea roal coal 1 1 i CA 1115 IUS 3 1 lump II 13 Ry ny 04 CAReON I ON county dome domestic tc lump per I wn In ton tn lou 10 WM aU all new w wood wod White Pine Pin Co C. C Vas V R. 1010 CARSON CAON COUNTY Was Ac ce Fel COUNT f- f C. C 35 W. W V. V So B. B Tem f N RA ItA pIPE Machinery Iron Iren 43 O E ec al t 00 Ph r IRON R Went l aB Was CO I w used pipe fittings etc ete i lb HU SUPPLY no W t 8 Wu BUTCHERS BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES 44 4 l a fr Pars ER ud md In new choppers eqUIPment rubber Bar j lO W. W 2nd Sa 80 J MISCELLANEOUS Il 45 FOR SALE CAI P DAGAn BARGAINS S IN Iii Ii CAFE CAE EQUIPMENT CASH CASI REGIST S p ni Mr r bars ban counters counters dishes silverware ranges stools coffee coHee urns team tables tablea You con can save n money by i the e WESTERN FURNITURE W CO CAFE K DEPA DEPARTMENT WAS 15 SOUTH STATE ST ST. S. S LUMBER AND SCREEN SPECIALS LUMBE Extra heavy I 14 1 galvanized screen do doors v 2 1 1298 lumber ee s shin shin- h dine cling and roofing 1 foot fot or carload carlond Anchor Achor stokers stoker are arc best Anchor Lumber Lumber Lum- Lum ber Co 2250 So Main fly H. H ESTATE tux see UI will wi heat 7 feO 60 cost 1 1135 IP Ic size sIre floor r furnace 50 0 cost g beautiful l ff lle gas grate crate 35 cost automatic hot water heater henter 60 60 cost 80 30 All Al good Jod as a new J 7 street 20 F. 20 service bar ba end and back bar son S clear case 10 wall case casc complete Commercial Com Corn mercial Store Fixture GH No 2nd W. W Wn Wm J 20 RANGES RANGE some late models end and up Guaranteed 1117 11 East Enst list South BEER BER coolers cooler bars bar novelty boxes boxe beer bed dispensing equipment P meat counters walk walk-in ri- ri coolers store and Jn market a fix tures lures Commercial Store PL ture Co 64 N. N 2nd W. W Was J. 2028 CASH REGISTERS and addIng add Ing machines machine bought boucht sold lold exchanged rented repaired Stole st st. lt Groshell Love p L Dd Hide Bid Was Wa 2164 EM t. t 45 years ur BEER te I bar Soda Soda steam stean sua tables tables elec elle Easy Easa Eay terms Moser ft I Hartman Co 65 P O 0 Place Lacquer paint spray spra equipment au aUW all aU compressors sold 1 rented repaired A A. A C W 35 So 0 em State re Was CLARK CLRK JEWEL VEL I range J 1250 1050 E. E South Hy 66 MEAT MET counters counter storage boxes boxe Martin Martn Kraal Co 64 N Sd W. W W USED aSED sinks link brick 4 soil lol Pipe fittings fittings- ung wallboard cedar posts poets L. L O. O Bland Lumber Co Co 2360 1 So Main Hy 3 J KINO KING cream separator In fine Une condition Phone Phoe Murray Muru 53 HOTPOINT automatic electric ranee rne 65 Monarch electric range 43 both b finished f fin rg Jr In white all 11 porcelain cel J 2122 So Elt Hy Hi Y BEER BE fixtures dispensing units unis coil coll coi novelty boxes Ice or mechanical Brunswick Brunswick- Balke Collender Colender Balke-Colender Co Co 55 s W So Sn Temple GOOD GD used elec else washer 50 Call Mon Mon- f day dl Hy My B BARGAINS BARGAINS I a other makes s washers Los Gables Cables Gar Car s rear er So 3rd sp East JENSEN J SEN House Hou Moving ansi and nd Wrecking Co CoCash CoCash Cash for old houses will wi move mo one anywhere any ons where here work CU guar bonded 2790 2710 Main s sf st H fly Hy M. fly Hy J. 2529 KITCHEN CABINET CABIE ivory hory enamel 1050 E. E list South Hy 6 BEER and soft drink outfits Low prices sor Lw BER 30 yrs rn ep O. O Stenzel MfR Mfg 19 E. E 1 So TWO SHARES SHARE OF RUDY DUCK CLUB cabin boat bOIt and deco decoys cheap Call Cal Was Wa FOX FX hog hoc hos chicken wire new newt warden tools accessories orles So S. S E. E ON ONE small upright piano 40 dec clec wash wash- Inc Ine ns machine c ri 10 closed d car bed S Su t la cat Cal baby bed 2 n. 1335 1333 GUmer Gime dr fly Hy IY W w BE BEER counters m and r bar n walk walk-In a equip II coolers o novelty Y store boxes and l meat res re fixtures 32 Richards W W. V. V 4 i GLOBE OBE bookcases 4 sections in each beautiful fumed td fU oak finish h. h will wili 1 sacrifice 1050 E. E So S. S Hy Ha MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS 46 48 I WANTED WE bl Buildings b s t to wreck reck or anything In building materials material KETCHUM BUILDERS' BUILDERS SUPPLY CO 80 West South Phone Was Wa STOVES and nd ld ranges regardless of age ace and STOVE condition Highest prices Hy fly WILL buy large hardwood trees for winter lare lad od WIL moving Call Cal Perley A. A Hill Hl Hy fly R. R WANTED Used Used dr root b beer r- r outfit an and galvanized gal esl- VEU iron stands Write Rich E B lm Hays Kansas Kans 0 OLD LD GOLD WANTED 47 CASH PAID for old gold cold old Jewelry dental OAH crowns s cro PAI etc et W. W M M. McCONAHAY JEWELER LICENSED GOLD BUYER I sell sel LICESE to U. U S B. assay aslY office direct 64 SO MAIN MAI ST. ST S. S WASATCH 1821 OLD GOLD COLD PER CENT CASH PAID PAI L GOLD COLD PRODUCTS CO CC 12 W 2ND SO WANTED 48 CLOTHING EDDIE EDIE GREEN OnE pays PUS highest prices price for r nU 1 clothes clothe shoes suitcases suitcase Was WE bu buy all al kinds of men mens clothes Med nicks 58 E 2nd South Was WI Ju JUNK WANTED 49 HIGHEST T cash prices ranges heaters beaters run rugs fur fur bot bot cooks books hoks odds end etc W 67 LETS LET'S ET S SWAP 50 4 beautiful CALIFORNIA ocean view lots lot clear at famous moul Pismo B Beach ach Ca Cal fo for rood cht car or what Was Wa R. U. WLL WILL trade tude east es side aide city lot for redan zedan car cr or truck 86 W. W Pierpont WILL WIL trade or sell sand undo crave soil haul haul- Inc 2386 2366 So 60 Main fly Hy W FURNITURE FOR SALE 51 FURNITURE Good line lne of day beds du da single smile cots stoves and nOA nO at present low tour prices A WESTERN CO SOUTH STATE nOME IOME SOLD 10 ROOMS OF CHOICE FURNITURE FUR FUH MUST GO Many Mani unusual pieces gorgeous bile blk anuS and gold couch Berkey Derkey 5 or Gay Uta tablet tables l arid and chairs sC some rome c antiques Prices will wi Interest you ou Mrs Mr Oco Oeo L. L Wood GO 69 Hillside ave W. W GAS OA circulator 25 US Ic lg coal circulators circulator heat het S 5 rooms roms 50 med size sIz 2950 complete 8 PC p 8 walnut alnut dining suite for bedroom suite aule complete 15 25 maui many malY other bargains In 1 grade furniture furniture fur- fur at 27 2 Richards tt at It TRADE ERADE old turn furn for new a at wholesale prices price Reliable Furn Purn E H W PIECE 3 living r ran mu suite excellent con conol- conol l. l tion ton only 25 1050 E E. 21 t So Hy Ny FURNITURE RN ITU E WANTED WANTED 52 CASH FOR FR RANGES RANGE FURNITURE RUGS RUGS- WASH WASi AND SEW MACHINES MACINE W V PRIVATE PARTY MUST fUST HAVE FURNITURE OP 01 FURNITURE H HY I L. L W W. KELLY KLY pays paS cash cah for furniture rugs ranges etc ee Was Wu 1503 HIGHEST cash prices paid for furniture Junk lunk or what have hl e you ou Was Wa J. CALL CA US FIRST Forget the he rest rest HIGHEST HIGH HIGH- 1101 EST SPOT CASH PRICE S Save time and ET CAH trouble Call Cal Was RIGHT NOW C CALL Was s for b highest spot O cash prices rl for o Si furn all kinds t ru rugs stoves stores etc rt Appraisals given chen without obligation WE need your furniture Highest prices paid city Furniture Exchange Was Wu 2028 21 So West em Temple pie WE pay the best for tor used f furniture r Was s Holland J J Furniture n r e Co State tl St St. t tP P PRIVATE party will Ib buy household or odd Pieces I f turn rugs ranges n a aeRo eRo Was J 9 Jd DONT DON'T give else your our furniture away awu Call Cal Hy Ky get highest ca cash h price WE PAY spot cash prices for ranges rUI heaters heater and ml c. c furniture Was 1727 MUSICAL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 55 FOR SALE WILL PAY CASH FOR GRAND ORAND OR UPRIGHT UPRIGHT UP UP- WLL RIGHT PIANO WAS r. r WILL WIL pay par cash for Rood good used pianos Beesley Bees Bees- Dee ley Icy Music 61 11 8 B. Main Wn V WI rH TRADE D your piano for radio Utah Co E. E Broadway Was Wn RE RENT REa pianos a 2 mo 1 yrs S rent on purchase purchase pur pur- chase a alice f e eliJ Utah W Wf Music f Co o 01 e B 1 a f 80 so GOOD pr practice cUce piano 25 Radios U Sib 15 Paynes Daynes Dans 13 Motor ave ace MUSICAL MUSICAL NS INSTRUCTION 56 EXPERIENCED tel teachers her will 1 give lessons lea lea- sons eons at your home homo on wind wind string In In- c piano SOc SOe Oc H II 1 J J 2041 s STORE TORE OFFICE 57 EQUIPMENT FOR FOK SALE USED desks flies and oilier equipment a 13 a u t. USE pesE DeAk DeJ k Ex EL E. E fie 45 r. r W n Wa Was Wal ELECT American 60 Dayton Daton corn com c E t tc scale a 1750 W. W 50 At tS 27 R Richard Richord Ni at TYPEWRITERS FOR SALE 58 SERVICE SERVIE REPAIRS t U L O O. SMITH and aDd Corona Typewriter Inc Inc New and used typewriters Rentals 40 in West Went 2nd South Wa I M. M I. I D. D rebuilt typewriters ribbon servIce Guaranteed repairs Wo Was 1 TYPEWRITERS stationery t office Utah l Typewriter fJ r Ex Lx 20 E B. B t 1 I ISo Bo o W Vi FISH riSH FOR SALE SALE 59 a aM M UT M UT we catch them tor or you ou u. u 5 S. S mb food fod 8 8 In inlOe 1 Oc loll 1011 E. E E So 60 TRUCKING 63 1 SAND 5 GRA GRAVEL VEL SAND gravel I kiddies kiddies' I play J sand c trucking Was J. pOULTRY Baby Chicks 65 RHODE iSLAN REDS 3 months old at RES bargain Catherine Catheline s 31 St St. bet North West Veat Wet WHITE LEGHORNS 1 year rear Ter old laying well fJ Sell part or entire entre flock fok 1873 1872 Claybourne b eve or I WANT WAN LIVE poultry I will call for lor then ther II pay the top price Murray 30 POULTRY WANTED II MY IY HEALTHY 12 weeks 60 pullets JI old 1823 South West s Temple 1 FRIES FIE stewing hens heus each pullets for sale 1823 So West Went Temple RABBITS BABBITS FOR SALE SAIE 67 CHOICE Chinchillas also ome sore fIne tine whites nil elI RI sues 9 Lake L FOR POR OR SALE 69 2 20 HEAD of unbroken colts aces c 1 to 4 years at nt fair fir 75 GOOD GOOD t team horses hones 2800 Ibs Clyde Reynolds So 60 East 30 GOOD ewes and 2 ruins rams Utah Utan Silver Fox Farms LIVESTOCK WANTED 70 VILL CJ for for ana pa pay I for or deal cad or useless horses hone houel and cows COWl Phone collect nearest Durest factory Color Colorado o Animal Produces Bj C Co e Phone Enterprise e 30 39 for Salt Sai take Lake LokI O Olden Osden den Lotan Lun Utah Otah SPOT cash for mules horses hores colts colt feeder cattle yearlings Fred catte or calves Chand ler ice Cherlton ChArlton Iowa m Ill MONEY flONEY TO LOAN 71 AUTOMOBILES 1 ere a 3 IN INAo Ii IiA A Ao AG G 1 OVER OVEN OVE Of CP 01 RM Rn rIS COMPANY HAS RAS RF JE MOST MUST Oh Ol OJ ITS OLD OL CUSTOMERS PAIR KAIR TREATMENT PLUS LOW Wt L RATES MAKE CLIENTS WILLING WILLIO ft f COME BACK SACE BAC AUTOMOBILE LOANS REFINANCING Jo Jo 10 00 SO 80 MAIN MAI ST S WAS 1030 AUTO LOANS LOWEST EST RA RATES YES INVITE COMPARISON RISON mInute 6 loan service service- serice Quick and confidential BUDGET SYSTEM INC MOTOR AVE WAS AUTO AIJI LOANS I ANS Low Lw NORVILLE rates rte 15 MOTOR service CO SO MAIN AlAN WAS 31 SMALL NEW LOANS LOW LW RATES RTE ON OLD OiL OL 64 MODEL SO RO STATE CAllS CAriS CAl FROM ROM 10 up on autos or any persona property 0 Walker Hank Bank Ride MONEY M MONEY ONEY TO LOAN 71 a lii PERSONAL LOANS MA A LOAN FROM US WILL PAY YOUR SILLS BILLS I 2 Hundreds of oi local loal families famile are borrowing borrow |