Show U. U S. S May Go Wet but Whisky Wont Won't Last WASHINGTON Sept 2 Four 2 Four and anda a half million gallons to t slake a gallon thirst thirst that that roughly is the situation siua- siua situa months lion tion ton America will wt face if prohibition is repealed in i the next few month The Thc bonded warehouses now hold con considerably more mor than 18 gallons of whisky and the stock grows daily daly But there ther Is Isa isa i a law which says say distilled spirits must be aged age four fou years before they tey may be placed on the tho market In the te place warehouses are approximately gallons of whisky that has ha been aging since the war To be added to t that in figuring the supply for the first fIrt year after prohibition are gallons dL distilled four years ago under government permit peri f for r medicinal purposes But the te supply of prewar stock is I being beng consumed with wih a rapidity that threatens to t cut it quickly and substantially through the operation operation opera opera- tion of the cellar law Jaw enacted at the the- thelast last l congressional session which permits physicians to prescribe whisky in i any quantity Thus gauging gaug gaug- lug ing demand so s far fr as a is possible by the consumption of the last lat year before national prohibition glons gallons in 1917 the 1917 the supply supply supply sup sup- ply of or domestic liquor will prove only ony a I. I small al 5 fraction of the thc ex expected ex- ex consumption Imported liquors must mut pay a customs duty duly that virtually ly doubles doubles doubles dou dou- bles the price One solution for the te problem may be mixing whisky with wih pure grain gin alcohol a process used usel but mal no not generally known kow before pro pro- In prewar days it i was wa known know as blending During prohibition prohibition pro pro- notoriety they called cle it I cutting and it i achieved a wide degree of |