Show A Fortune to Share By v VASH ASH YOUNG One time 1 was working on a very large policy and had spent much time and money in preparation of at the case I had not then become prosperous ous but this thi case cae would have landed me meon meon on Easy street for a while The morning morning morn morn- ing came for me to close cloe the contract and I set out for the mans man's office This was such an important occasion for forme forme me mc that one the way I found a quiet place and stopped physically and mentally to be sure that I was wa not riding for tor a fall fal Will Wi I be downcast if I this man fans falls to come across asked and at first the answer wasn't quite quie clear cear whereupon I decided to ditch the whole venture rather than lose my battle bate with wih myself But this very ver decision decision de de- de won the for me roe so I was free to proceed according to plan SEES A SALE LOST The man saw me as soon as a I sent in my name We began to talk and he steered the conversation away from the insurance I saw then that the policy I had worked so hard to land lard apologetic war waS all al but lost lost The man became I feel miserable about this he said You had good reason to t think I would take out this thi insurance and you have spent much time and mane money trying to sell me but I cant can't go through trough with it i Now you forget all al about me I broke in I came here to do you a service and I see se I am making you unhappy Im I'm Im not worried over your refusal to buy insurance but I am worried because you are worrying I have had some good times talking with you and that's pay a plenty lets let's call cal it a day and dont don't give another another an In other thought to the subject I left his h office in higher spirits than I Had lad known kown on entering it Once a again ain I had proved my dominion over disappointment and as this thi was early earlyn ealy in n my new career that meant worlds tome o me It I was wa victory of the sweetest kInd The incident was of vast value in in my own regeneration A few ew weeks passed and then the a leter letter let let- ter er came C from this man asking me meto meto meto to call cal again which I did I still sti cannot canot take out that ins insurance rance r- r ance he said bu t been wondering wondering won won- dering if you could use ue letters letter of introduction introduction in in- to of the biggest men in New York You were so decent to me that hat I want to make it up to you Besides an insurance agent who does doc not put on o the tle pressure is so rare that Id Id I'd like some of or my friends to meet you ONE HUNDRED INTRODUCTIONS Could I use personal letters from rom a business busine leader to other busness business busi bus ness nes leaders Well Wel I certainly could and every everyone one of ot those letters was wa written by this thi man f for far r me mc They gave me mea a working program for an a entire entre year They resulted in many times more nore insurance written by me than I possibly could have written for this one prospect prospect and they proved prove all aU over again that this thi fortune I had inherited w was worth something in the world of business My dominion over disappointment was by now fairly well wel entrenched but I had not rot quite licked bad temper I III II I needed an adventure to prove my mj my dominion over that and it came alright al all al ri right ht A trivial thing it was but bu worth millions to me in We were living then away out ii In Inthe I the Bronx and one nI night ht I had remained re reo manned maine downtown in Manhattan until until un un- til ti a very late hour Subway trains train were running at infrequent intervals I was tired dog dog tred eager to be bc home homi and in bed I dived into a subway hole hoping to play in luck and get a train trail within a minute or two and there waa was wa wasa a train standing stand m in the station staton it its it doors wide open I bolted for tor a door but the guard slid it i shut in m my ver very verj face aee He saw sw me coming He knew there then would not be another anoter train for perhaps perhaps perhaps perhaps' per per- haps haps' 10 or 15 minutes and he could coul have admitted me just as easily as a h he excluded me inc His Hi act was unnecessarily unnecessarily unnecessarily rude and I felt fel a hot wave o of oC anger sweep over me In true New Nev NewYork NewYork York fashion I started to yell yel at him but then ten I stopped slopped Dont be a fool foH I said to myself Youve missed the toe train and nothIng nothIng noth noth- Ing you can do will wi enable you t to tomake tomake make it no now Youve You've got to wait until the next one comes come along Why bunup burn bun burnup burnup up what little energy you jou OU have left lef by getting geUin mad 1 ACTION IS NEEDED The reasoning was wa sound but reasoning rea is i never enough in my ray case It must be b followed by action anc and this thi night I was very conscious that thai my reasoning had not won a complete victory I still sti was hot under the co col collar lar so I began to wonder what 1 I could do to get rid of that miserable feeling Looking around I saw a woman woman weman wo wo- man with wih a baby bab and a suitcase She Shewa was wa just leaving the station staton May I help yo yoji yoi I asked I need help she replied but Irr Im Im afraid it would be an imposition on or you to come with me for tor I am going across acro s town to the Pennsylvania sta sta- sta tion Let me take you I urged and grabbing her suitcase we went back to the street where I hailed a cab cat and we drove over to her destination I waited there until her train wa was wa ready helped her aboard abard and agaIn agair started home two hours after aler I had missed mise that subway train But I was in high spirits spiris for tor I had put myself through a course of or discipline had conquered a s silly y fit of temper by bj doing something for somebody else My happy fatigue was wa gone and d I was very verj I hope you will wi believe beleve me when I say that these thee incidents are arc related in no self righteous sel or boastful spirit I tell tel them humbly to illustrate the manner in which I gained such dominion domin domino dominIon ion as I have over my own weakness There Is no other way in which I can car share my fortune except by a delineation tion ton o of each victory that I have been fortunate fortunat enough to win Man Many others have won similar vie tories torie and still others oters need to win them Only recently I saw a man ruin his hi day by e giving ing in m to an insane attack at at- tack lack of futile fute anger He had left hh his hi home to drive to a suburban station but just as a his car got sot to the road in front of his house it i stopped He jumped jumpe out looked at his w watch swore mightily and then b began gan jerking jerking jerk jerk- ing lag at various things thing under the hood hoo of that tat car OUT OF GAS Nothing he did had any effect upon the machine for the gasoline tank was empty as he soon discovered This infuriated a him still sti more and ad he called caled hotly hoty to his wife to know why she had used up all al the gas and not told him about it L His swearing became be b. b came very red re for he was wa about to tc miss his train and he had an engagement engagement engage engage- ment met in New York which he said was wa at 9 I doubt very much if i that tat was true for not many New NewYork NewYork NewYork York engagements are made for such an on early hour A buss came al ng and the irate commuter hopped into i it The bus bu moved slowly down dov the te street and ad the commuter sat there tense in ev every ry muscle mule his watch in his hand swearing under his breath There Ther was nothing in the world he could do that would make traffic open and so speed the bus to the station But he shoved hard on the seat scat ahead of him his face race became beame almost purple and he denounced denounce everything h he could think of at He made his train but he might as aswell aswell a well have remained at home for his hi day wel was ruined before it i had begun beg That Tat unwise unise man lacking utterly any control over his own emotions burned up enough energy within 20 minutes to have landed laded several big contracts for him Burned it I up to no purpose in the world world He W was eIther cither going to make that tha train or he was going Soing to miss mi it He might as a well wel have been pleasant about it it It and thus have saved himself a little stress ess and strain As I observed this incident I stain realized with a surge of shame shae that before I became beame tired tre of being a fool I was wa guilty of many such such explosions of ot intelligence Life Lie becomes almost alost automatic once you OU have tapped the sources of strength of love of happiness upon which life depends depend It I is silly sly for a apor poor por insignificant mortal such as a I Ia Iam Iam am a to buck the stream of at life le I sought south out its current and try to flow fow along with wih it That stream steam is i impelled by the nine qualities I l listed ted earlier in I this thi article and it i is the fortune these qualities have brought me that Id I'd Id like ike to share and feel obligated t to share with wIt all a others S Next Tuesday in Phantoms Phantom and Scarecrows ws vash Young will wi tell el yoU rou how he was yas prey to all al sorts of fears ears and how y he finally finaly conquered them Copyright 1933 by Vash Young Published by arrangement with wih I The Te Merrill Bobbs-Merrill Merm Bobbs-Merm company |