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Show - i DAILY COMMERCIAL: OGDEN ."! THK Mo5 MAMMMTa. f I taa. Salt of J i ( H berncb o r.ler a U. writes aa futVxn, eaa H. TWiic ll - dv. rW Jtti aa iaat .r m lb bead. KauTKratv-iaau- BWjtH N M that ha look rfthaCriiwm HiwMtk S.cw Janu ry Ut h Lm not left lb work. l he dtvoliMMllbiie Uwc rrv iatr tap-- iu lo Id's and Wi wrtur had at uptwo at $1.UJ. ad t rft. uUr and img iuc and murkmc" owing that pri.v. pur.haar Th bim waadearnUal then in Now a year iod ribzd inthis aiitwa ami wining. 8a it com $SUi,-.J- (IWWi .r l In m.i in Ouray count : .rf.r f the Moaeat laaat mm ruaid aut ba there i a burger mine in B. Ouray county, and that m- Mr. r Walter t W.lwa. the rweverav Ha who baa baea with the miae infatK-v- . He m mam woridag one ore from the bodv pr.jveii Hi depth 3V. preaant lower level to tbe aurfaoe, and eJWxTO feet Toe largest and moat secure Umljeraever put m a none in the .bstn. t are being put in the Belle. Bed tain Journal. aa NEWS tK THE WET. nurta and aoutb. W to W feet in taiekn , and un iag renr iadieatioB of oa it good behavior .ootinuit) to the dp.of Tb i uorknis Sunday. end tbr aouth were on tbe Uuiujbu! The switchmen's strike .s still paralyz-infeit kn by fV fert deep. It waa the N rtb-rworked rht ana-le- e theaurtVeof tlie outcrop, g U-l- o exiwBiutf J. i A al taiaaastasst a Tsa-faart- bustntea aloug A plot to release all the prisoner from the jail at Butte waa reowtly diacovered. A oountv official while taking in the aigl.lt-- of Helena lust aCuO out of his Bat-itk- feet of ore divided by two large slab or ehaft hones of lime. The working a snoot fr.nu the upR-- r levels and atopea down to tbw tunnel. We w.py from a $I,(U0 roll. ntt.-wars L. F. Freeland was sentenced to five "A ine extends J1 feet below tbe tun year iinpriuohureut for robbing the nel level, in. t of wliirh, and eaiwoially mails by the court at Helena. id ore. the lower part, appears to be in go Charles Thomas of Helena, and the Fair ore is exuueed, on the strike of the family rereutl) had a lode, from I'M feet south of the working members uf lua brick-batand revolvers. tunnel U lMfet north. The bresaU of merry time with No fatal it lea to U fx-- t v ide. lie pay ore are f row voiid where the north drift stops there While Court Officer Swansoil of Butte is nearly half a mile of unexploited was escorting n onartette of burglars to Sumto Kureka ruin,; rapidlv grou.-ithe countv jail, r rank Milles, leader of mit, along all of whieh the outcrop is the gang, escuied thr ugh an alley. If it contains Htnmg and The smlden disappearance of hidwin rk downward, and phi rock, it will nil In the surface it ih 1". Van ( rorder from Helena has (level from (he tunnel oped the fact that he ia an emlezler. troin l!'! to IfiW feet "Ten thousand to:s of ore from over b'.t to what extent is not yet fully known. and nar the tunnel have Iven solil anl who is Butte has a vouthflll desiS-rad.- i milled, nettling the owners $1,K; known as "Ed.he the Kid.". He is now mill 3106 to worked al the Wyoming languishing in the county jail on the e.m ..I yielded Hi.'J' vr Urn; ninety eight bin in i.nr t..Ilo va Iuiu ui in tivi ar,,r 't in win mI., imir.loi' iuilnr piii third class yielded ffia.'nl gold and ail ot (Miiimitting robliery. pise r ton. While 'up ver and l" eniier T. H. 'ollogg, under an indictment tain D.iy w:is at the mine Christmas, to . M the ear sample averaged upon the charge of robbing the 1'nitcd these test:- - uf States mails while st itioii auent at Silver !!7 gold an I siher. Montana Central, careful sampling it upMars that the in the employe of average value ..f tiie ore is not far from has entered a plea of not guilty. ton) a ton. smokestack in Work on the mammoth , .... r. ..1..11.. "While a good deal of ore has lieen re- i uu I rw yii W iwu y'ii viio lut'iiiinn Quasi moved from the mine, there is near is cioseo, tno at smellers Anaeon.ia enough stiil to la seen, and a) n owing to a siruce among tno iiricKiayers, (iiiality, to pav IflQjOQO per month in H per day, riic men have ben ilividends for three or fmir years. Tho but half a doen of receiving them rofusixl to go mine is, iadaad. eap:ille of produi ing to work al the old rates, demanding ?7 tl;JilO,ltK a year." day. jer so on W. EL B. ured an iwers option the prowrty when the option above Wisilom's Vudct ( ream spoken of ex pi ml. He iuthirod eertain Is the most exquisite preparation in Englishmen to join him, and an axtM sive OOpper reducing plant w as liegun. the world for softenini; and whitening After a time eompln ati ius arose. One the hands and face. It, is not o:iiv a of the principle operators died, or went substitute for, in every respect subroke we lielieve. At anv rate the svn perior to glvcenne, colli cream, vaseline dtoata broke up and the property largely and like preparations. Try it. revortod to its original ownership, O. K. T. nieuns Oregon kidney ten. nameh, Sam and Will Mclntvre and Bishop Cuiiningliain. Captain Day was TaKI it BXPOKX Brk.vkkast Dr. Henemployed for a time to run it. He ai succeeded by others, amongst the rest ley's English DaadeUoo Tooio, H. ( Kcno. hut auout a ear ago ( ai "Sohmer," the Queen of Pianos. tain Day again resumed charge. From that day to i Ins th mine has improved The Bazaar, corner Twenty fourth and 1 he more ore that is taken everyday. out tBe output is lirty tons a day the Gnat avenue, Art work Xetnilo and Hi terials. more there appears to Ik. It is thirteen fifteenths percent load and fifty ounces A Husband's Mistake. silver. Husbands too often permit wives, and The winze from tho north drift, 218 feet deep eleven years ag , has hen en parents their children, to suffer from larged to a working shaft and sunk to a headache, dizziness, neuralgia, sleeplessdepth of 'M root. X lie tWO foot level r ness, tits nervousness, when by the use this shaft has been driven about 1W0 of Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine such feet north, the last 110 feet being in an serious results could easily be prevented. ore shoot throe or four to sixteen feet Druggists everywhere say it gives uniwide. Tho lodge has not been crosscut versal satisfaction, and has an immense at this point, but is lielieved to bo 100 sale. Woodworth ft Co., of Fort Wayne. feet wide. The seventh level is within Ind.. Snow Jc Co.. of Syracuse, X. X., J. 180 feet of this tho eighth C. Wolf, Hillsdale, Mich,; and hundreds within 48(), the ninth within 780, and all of others say "it is the greatest seller baJag driven for it. On tho levels above they ever knew." It contains no opiates. the sixth it has also been cut, and be Trial bottles and tine lxok on nervous t there is still a thou diseases free at H. A. Walker's. yond this sand feet or more of unexploited ground After wojking this mine a decade or two SACRED HEART ACADEMY. more the chances are that its magnitude will begin to lie known. Undoubtedly Conducted hy the Sisters the Centennial-Eureka- , the Eureka Hill, Offden, I'tali, of the Holy Cross. and tho Bullion-Becare on the same Is a boarding and day school ore fissure, and as undoubtedly these locations do not monopolize it by any devoted to the education of young ladies and little girls. In addition to a means. thorough practical English course and Wisdom's Violet Cream will keep the Latin, classes iu type skin proof against the effects of severe writing and short-hanare conducted it. weather. Try after the latest approved methods. French and German are optional studios. ''Does your back ache?" Oregon Besides the elements of drawing which Tea will relieve you. Sold every- are taught in all the classes, private where. Try it. pupils- in the studio receive instruction in crayon, pastel, painting in oil and Are ysw troubled with gravel, diabetes, water on China silk, satin and or any dorangemont of the kidneys or velvet. colors, urinary organs? Oregon Kidney Tea is In the musical department lessons are a safe, sure and speedy remedy for all given in vocal music, and on piano, harp, such troubles. guitar, organ, violin, mandolin and zither. Special classes in art, music, "Sohmer," tho Queen of Pianos. fancy work, etc., have beon formed for C. E. Coulter, M. D., physician and ladies residing in the city. For further particulars apply to Sister surgoon, 2127 Washington avenue, over Hurrocks & Sons. Telephone 240. Superior, Ogden. Utah. . iri-h- Ki-n- - 1 appa-rentl- t)mui of daeaaa." Ha Mawmtwte aa n- - king is apnad by Out upon tbe raarkl and - Ann." a Uk-- ui Imk him u- laiTU fox mm ta C. P. Tittij rrL ufcr Btm vaUav all faeauufttl bar Is it to anna our waste a nay aay) bka TMa in (UI MH mar be awraty be oeae by the utr of Dr. Fterce'a Favonle Prescription, wtucfa u aimpiy aaalwal to '"rtof ihanan peculiar to fe-ror i mmvm. i.vgta of lime inert will be a bkckache, millaiaj km iin axd Ouaasnc tmM MkMCAt. UK ."7o 071 Vi't For ..nT SOW IS THE TIME TO BUY H QF3 1 P lV Li Hi 3"tli 500 ORKAJrl st uar s j1 ore-shoo- t, v t T7A : noticr. book-keepin- d Patronize the new Commkrcial book bindery, where you can get first-clas- s work at Omaha and Lincoln prices. Famous Woman And what she says of a famous article. A clear, concise, conscientious certificate: Mr. Wisdom Doas Sir: I heir to thank you for the delightful and refreshing "Robertine"you so kindly sent mo. I have used the toilet preparations of tho most celebrated manufacturers of Lon don and Paris, but consider your " their superior in point of purity and excellence. Wishing you the unbounded success you deserve, I remain Emma Abbott. faithfully yours. A "Rob-ertine- "Take it before breakfast." it the regulate bowels and ber-ana- will give you an appetite, cleanse tho system of all imDande lion Tonic. Sold everywhere. purities Dr. Henley's English Deed n EMORY fSSOS.SO Pnpctui A. a .N inti $i Iu .B i' , .t ii iiiiu..., ai.,,. it A Trust leed. C ItlfBT BLAXKN. Adminiatrator's Bond 1,'tirsof A Bond A A (lUardianehip M tnir. KuceiptR, Books of BO. Kent liceeipts. Hookf-n- f rj of A A C Denver, Chicago, C I A If yon will call on u we will show and c rince yon there ia money in bnyinrf now. REED fc BURG ITT. Health is Wealth! RAlts Omaha. . Nebvk and Hrmx Tkcat- RaanuitMd neeinc for Hysteria, Diizi- ness, ( 'ouvuImoiis, Fits, Nervous Neoralaia, Heaoaebe, Nervosa l'rostration caused hy the Dit. E. ('. Wi-.it'- s mm, of alcohol of tobaeao, wkutafalness, Mental DepTCasloa, Softeniaa W the Brain resulting in insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, l'remature Old Aue. Harrenuess, Liss of Power in either sex. Involuntary Losses and caused by over exertion of the Sp,'nnatorrhoia e Each box or brain, montJi's treatment. 11.00 a Ikix, coiCains one or six boxes for $5.U0, sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. WE (It'AHANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any case. With each order received tv us for six boxes, accompanied with $5. no, we will send the purchaser our written (warsntee to the money if the treatment doe not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by H. A. Walker. Druggist Sale Agt.. 371 Twenty-fourt- h St.. Oirden. I'tah. ii- -" Rio Grande Western Railway. THE The Secret of Success. H. A. Walker the druggist, believes that the secret of success is perseverance. Therefore he presists in keeping the finest line of perfumeries, toilet articles, cosmetics, drugs and chemicals on tho market He espiciallyjinvites all persons who have palpitation, short breath, weak or hungry spells, pain in side or shoulder, oppression, night mare, dry cough, smothering, dropsy or heart disease to try Dr. Miles' unequaled Xew Heart Cure, before it is too late. It has tho largest sale of any similar remedv. Fine book testimonials free. Dr. Miles' Restorative Xervino is unsurpassed for sleeplessness, headache, tits, etc., and it contains no opiates. Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills Act on anew principle -- regulating the liver, stomach and bowels through the nerves. A new discovery. Dr. Miles' Pills speedily cure billiousness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles, constipation. Unequaled for men, women, children. Smallest, mildest, surest! B0 doses, 25 cents. Samples free at H. A. Walker. OGDEN -f . idni. fiat pair . Mif Jr pa4 U . .1 1., IT CONFORMS TO SHAPE OF FOOT. If you want perfection In fit, with freedom from corns and all diHromfort you will al way v ear the Burt A Parkara fehoe. It Is acknowledged as the most comfortable, the beet wear nit and moat stylish centlemeiT shoe made in the world. i DON'T SPOIL TOUR FEET a BY WEARING CHEAP SB3E8. Packard MhixcohU no more Kurt than any other fine shoe, though none approach It In valne. All styles in Handmade, Hand-wel- t and Burt welt; also Boys' and Yonthe'. If not sold b) your dealer send his name and your address lo PACKARD & FIELD, 5SV! ton, Mims. Sold by The HEATER The Most Improved ami Economical Heater in the Market, WSJ ASHBYBROS.OGDEN. Skookum f?oot Haii Gitouuet. Grows Hair Rapidly. Eradicates Dandruff. IX ALL office. :l t. 2:)1 Washinslon Ave. Call and net prices. Is an Exquisite How to Prevent Rous-lmesof the Toilet Article. Skin. W. MILLER & CO. yy all from Is Free During cold, dry, windy weather this question agitates tho mind of every lady FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. coloring matter. in the land who prizes a smooth", soft ( Ttade mak registered.) skin. There is nothing more harmless Repref entins only the Uest and Leading I Contains no Mineral or Vegetable Poisons and effective than Wisdom's Violet including Cream for preventing and eradicating It is an honest and meritorious Tlie Xew York Underwriters Agency. the ill effects of severe weather. Try it. preparation. Tlie Tnimptest Company to Adjust and Pay The World Enriched. Losses on Record, Own Remedy. Nature's The facilities of the present day for the Assets production of everything that will conReserve. $3,726,320.39 1,372836.41 duce to the material welfare and comfort Root Hair Grower Go. Office of; The National Building Uao- of mankind are almost unlimited and Ogden O. O. I. F. Odd Fellows National ciation. NEW YORK. Association. K. of P, The Pythian when Syrup of Figs was first produced Benerolent 11 Ml ilUMI Ml IIMI. For Sala by all Druggists. the world was enriched with the only perfect laxative known, as it is the only ! unrUrtnk K to hrirflT IntrflifrrnlprraofiofritbtT remedy which is truly pleasing and rectn ht rtnM at onr JntW Ihi f work. rHl and writf. and whs ptdly and l.norablr, by thorn of work IndtiatrioutlT, her ari, nnm or ctd. and tn th'ir freshing to the taste and prompt and to s- s- Tnrrr hHss . own localitirs,whfrrcr thry Hra. Any tkflrowB lofaltiiw.whrrfTwr Tfrln BtV.1 thf will y furnish ilao fTectual to cleanse the system nf. rin rlo th ssrnrW M h can am that amount l.n tn Wrn alhHtionoremplormrnti gently in thNo mortar tim Wtfu W itart you. No rlak. To can darota for mmnlfu aneraafhl rarythinir. abt.rr. Kaallv anrl qatrkly he Spring time or, in fact, at any time your pan mommn, or ai! yoor timr to the work. Thia la I Jilra but tn worker Sroni rarh HatHl I rnimtv. ntiraly new If ad .and brin(f wondrrfol iucraw to enmy worker. tiara alraa- d- IMfM anti nrorfded wltb amplvmpt a larra and the better it ia known the more popBrpnneraare aarnina; from 9tS to t iO wrrk and ' Umbrr, who ar maklnr orrr (mo gMraaci It X EW and tnorr after a little eiparience. We can fnmieh yooapwarda, tha VI'1 l,W.,ilPt,.".llt!rli'',ll"r'F":- - AMmtttHM, and teach y n rKCK, No apace to etptaln her. FU ular it becomes. . C, A IM- "S, Uu. : 2' Maine. Uormalioa WKkX s I Uum west Kara m Tttf B A' O., IIOIUTA, M:48 p. nt l p. n UH!" p. m 11 p. in !l::vt p. in Ii;:Ki a. in 5::Ci a. in H::ifta. m 10STO a. m 2:50 a. in 1iHa.ni num. Mail eave Leave Arrive Leave Arrive Leave Arrive I Express. 700 p. SW a. Denver. Pueblo (iraml Junction (iraojj Junction . . Green River (ireen River Provo Leave Provo Arrive Salt Lake mj 12:15 p m 11 Kfi p. 4 :15 a. in 2 KKI p. 4:40 a m 2:30p 8: a. m 0:24 p. 8iM a. m 6:44 p. 2:50 p. m 12 !B8 a. 3:10 p. m 12:3H a. 1:50 I 4:45 p. m 2 00 a. Arrive Ogilen gJDpjgljflg LOCAL TRAINS. Hi ii: n in n m m m amm dtp. n Leave Salt Lake a m . OODEN AND SALT LAKE. Lenvo Ozden, Satt a. m.. m. Returning arrive Ogilen 3:00 a, m. BIXOHAM. m Leave Salt Lake. 8 :25 a. Salt Lake, 5 :30 p. m. FOEK, 3KH) 11 a. , p. m., 8:45 p. m., 6Kpm., returnii.ir, arrive PEOVO. SPBINliVILLE THISTLE. :30 p. m returning, Leave Salt Lake 4 Salt Lake 9 :25 a. m, D. ('. DODGE. Gen. Manager. J. AND arJive II . BENNETT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Utah Central Railway THE PANORAMIC LINE OF TIIE WEST. On and after October 2fi, lf0, passongcr and freight trains will run as follows: PASSENGER TRAINS. Leave Salt Lake Leave Park City Arrive at Park City Arrive at Salt Lake Sflft a. m 4 KX) 10:30 6S10 p. m am p. in FREIGHT TB.MFS. 7 KM a. m Leave Salt Lake Leave Park City ... r Arrive at Park City 12:50 p. m Arrive at Salt Lake m :):5 Twelve suburban trains daily between Salt Lake City and Mill Creek and Sugar House. All people going to Park City will find it t their interest to take this line. Offices and Depot: Corner 8th South and Main street. Salt Lake City. T. J. Mn. kintosli. (;. F. ami P. A. J. H. Vouii?, TraUic Manager. FOR MEN ONLY! MONEY . a (iraml Junrtion Grand Junction Pueblo Denver Grows Hair on Bald Heads. DOYLE k "HALVERSON, in 9:50 a m 11:20 p. m 11: III p. m 5!t) p. in 5:40 pt. m 9:3ft p. 11:59 p. ni 11:22 p. m XKI p. m Short Line to Park City. Is a Preventive of Baldness. ITM URANCHEH. CQflflfl5i SiH a. it Lake Provo (ireen River Hreen River Stops Falling Hair. Plumbing and Gas Bitting jfrj Kxprcss TRAINS, ProTO AMKRK'AN v-- ....... Blank lmnlra nf- ovorv .l.ic.r,,.) uwmhihiu to order at The nnmirmi. iv. Siill Arrive Leave Arrive Leave Arrive Leave Arrive Arrive I tah. alia UiiMt. Mail iWltV.fBURT) CO.. Sole Aseots, Ogden, Utah WATER UOVNO Leave Oiplen Arrive Salt I,Rke pure and free from all acnl, eTtracts. paint) or tlarnrtns. and are not dipped. I a heautitui and r feet cigar, not a cheap ciRarro or cheroot. Eo,ual to so UKentciirarin the United Suiea. tliat is aold reiriilar. HOT th.t .t irv Tb. Bt'KT A "Korract Shapa." Abolutly BOYNTON CURRENT TIME TAI5LE In KflVr? Novt mlH'r 15, la KIESEL GKx, STAND AED (iAl ! l.OnS. Cleur J0iltarl.1l 'I'nJi a t i n Cm P.J. FACTORY TRUNK 'nrrip tho host line of Trnnkp and Valises in All kimlof .1 In' city at Manufacturers' Prices. Repairing rtne. Call and see us before imrclias-- 1 KLINK A OPPMAN, ing elsewhere. No. T,0 Twenty-tlft- h St. ( Al-liK- jri- CHAIR CARS ON ALL TRAINS. GKO. W. VALLKRY, WE will fmf ih? nboro reward for any ra nf Uvtf Complaint. Dvtptptia, 8lek Hcadcho. Indlfrextion. Con- timiion or Cbt. veneris vc cinn- t c::po with. West's Vefre table I.ircr la, when tho ciiret'tlom arentridly romplif d wilh. Tbej are pWttf Vegetable, and never fail to trixo sntisfai-- i in. BugarCodad Lartr) boxe. mntalniiiff Itllt, SI Mil. Beware of romiterfeKs and imitation i. The rntlltN BMMltertand only Uj Xtt JOHN C. Vr:;i company. CUICAUU, ILL. Critr RECLINING concern! nc thii For tnrtber lotorm-tio- a line, ftpplr to any Ticket Agent, or addreM .10 Hold by A. H U FREE ATI a. HI! TO ALL THROUBB TAA1IU. ! $500 Reward St. Joseph, Our Famous Dining Cars We have lately opened the Central Carriage Works, 23d and Washington Avenue, and are prepared to do all kinds of Carriage and Wagon Building and Repairing. Are the only firm in the city prepared to Repair, Paint or Trim a Carriage or Buggy Complete. A. M. BUCK, Prop Vet, Wygal, Manager. X4 vicpnone Lincoln, KX). h abdirida. St. Louis, Kansas Cty. A Other Blanks constantly being added to the almve list Mart NOTICE TRAINS VESTIBULE SOLID BoOMBOl 100, git . ii in mrnr. it iir.i a M Ml i r .as. SsisUhiiiS SralTtklos. r.ASII.V, Hrtl.HILI k.n-- i. aaasas Ai: H I LAHf Hill " HIIM S ., KilllllMi, SAINI.'. i A.li.in th..i.. rim irlrr Up IWOii t between on Twenty-fourtiln:tm 1 Lincoln and Wall AreaMMkpW foot LotKon the Bench .Vixl:ti fei't eiclit lihickrMOb from Wasliimrtoii Avenue 11200 00 Two. aerelotsoiiThirietli.neartJiel'ark I...;- - in Nob Hill Addition Cheap. Iiiinr.ived iiroixrtv nuvinc j.iMii(r Cent net. IfaM'ii lor I r.irj ;. ,,. f,.,., .,wi..,.i(.ks(lll!1,,,ig,l:,,r I'iO IXi Lots in Mountain View Addition tlaB rod comer on Twenty-fourtWall vrime property below real value. 'Z'lt ;'rres nQr north Vaihinitoii will "U Ma R. . If .!er, Bsis t.n, h li . Ira, property overlMkinir tlie 10. lny mn.W bv . jtmmk f;uu4Mhi,i'..l Ht.ho .. W.k,lMl rNW) .H Mul MSI alf l'"W I. r.,M S. MSrh a IS l.v .1 .1.4 III city U a UT'IG I0CSES, F1HCST II Til VOtlA. itKDUINb f'JI Breakfast sISnoXri, auivr Mt Hfiasta, for d'.uuer. ARHLAKI Orsaoa. f'ir stir-psr- . A B Ordar Appoiatiac Haariac.. , Tostimonv of Sub Witnoaata i oitiniony of S09 i'MM!SSirNKK's 1X11 in Hl.vks. 47,' Suinmoua I7r. SherifTs Sale 70 Constable's Sale . MIM'Kl.UNKOl s HUNKS. 377 Official Ilon.l and Oath 7."i Chattel Mortgare i Marriage Cert ideate l'romisuorv Notes, Books of M and ore-shoo- k A A A A A .'nl Bonk p i- r '$ ' Mind " im on mtdini Tet:mitiu froBB aR f prwiT the Kioto. part Mnt "n ftpphcation t Vr f EE A, Nr- - Turk. S37 Kilt!. Fill, Itnitr, Ouit-'laii- oi y Warranfy lieed. rfiort form. . Warranty Dwi, long form.. . li't Ennrtany dsys' Kr ,,,,,. theec low pnri'iSim nere in Motion i.rmuri CsfMu at Itx Vvvvt I ths tfsutitui MoaaMsr FaUs. Castle Mi. l.sts sud the BSfBlfteaat seex--ril sl.tiyou Moouuiu.. ai! by day UftiL I'KOHATE snil WsIiiiujIoii Ave, lkxlra. 1't.ili sPV I has tsuirl.t Experience of the pat three yr-s-r an that all proert) houtrlit sell at lhi )(,ar wjU ,mI1(f at ,.at 5Ur cent, profit (..n.an sinter, fr .,,,. ,i. rnwuielioice Ge TM t. I.VVI.HM1M. :iJ-"- ,irn,k-;- : Wt. a,.T Traaa-Ta-- SAS FRANCISCO AND PORTUNP BKTWEEM Arsaur. Olrlaa. t'tak. llral KutateMort Ke.Mirtrrm t)ption Contract. :m Leaaa. ."' Ilond for lJeed. li"' I rittcliarKe of Mortfasre LOUIS M. SCHWOERCR, of the 8tomacli and Bowels. a v ial. by drunusta. UA J.VVlll CAAMKLO EL ONLY 36HOURS CO, 4"j :i7.' POI ND. 1 ici: I'srlii i 1 IIMING MOJITE.-- DEL Hi YosrxlM -- Tha Bif tars siid Ml rthsls IXAMK. H (Mm Candy Vegetable and Purely Haraaiieaa. t'nequaled at Perfretly u Liver Eaalent to Fill. Semii-LheHprat. Take One Tluy, Suaareoale4 PelDoae. f M k Hradarhe, let Billons Hraaaehe, ronsilpwllou, ludlaeatlon, Billons Attacks, and all 1 SB A tTlFVl. AY THB l Candles! 2d TU 50 CENT Proprietora. Buffalo, N. 7. T f J Dr.PIERCE'S PELLETS S luasha """ su rua saiji si J WasUuiatoa FROM deiuiia-emen- Tri it sod sat uf ' i uTVmLtSSZZ Kfn Christmas luZWS oaan. or will anve wtfiafacttoe in !llM-kl- Market. THE COMMERCIAL PMk Mtj ' .r Y.mne, OUUKN aad kindred aiKSttv It M tbe only medicine for women, aokl loKLil 'J frasoins bf tha wmmm i Laa4 ot tbe Fif.Ue Olive mmt theTiae. Hmmt uf Baat aaa, UUUrrie t alifaral 4rr Jaalpera tier I ai..s ef the far fair Beaarta wkere care aut u4 plraaare aever clot . LEGAL BLANKS 7 CLitlo. it ol -- f AlUl XVi Pnmitlj Attmdnl to. Orlrrs bj Mail nrsis u aaa TOILET ARTICLES CI G AllS. turns. If devjtt . I ui PmsT STurs ur nNEl'ERHMHRandTMlLtTARTlim 1 The Vaughn lease on the 0 round Hog hipped a car load of S3 tons of high This is the grade talc ore this week. largest car over shipped from the camp. The other leases on the property are looking well and the mine is in good shape for the winter campaign- .- Eagle County Times. If recent reports are true the stock of the Park Consolidated company will goon be on the boom. These reports are Art kin CO., : Times. PORTUUD AND THE NORTHWEST h Druggists cwut taw kaa - a knot aara. -- fcvar n Colorado Mines. Bed Mountain mining propert ies were never in greater demand than at the present time. Tho mining investing public is beginning to recognize tho fact that Reel Mountain investment's are safe. Hod Mountain Journal. B. C. Gray has commonced work in the Olsnooe tunnel, where he will devote his time this winter. This tunnel is already 120 feet in length, and it is probable that about 30 feet more will need to be added before the lead is cut. Tin Cup I-- L'li W. McNTTT '"ami i a ia prouiiBeni rir naarlv cruaeed Aaaaa wi ia s Cmr Lard. - i Srenic Route '. aad lie, totartwa cranita bjr ui ataman .iuartiite. rtKly. atnkin jl tbroiitfh a tunnel whirh feet tbe tmmm at osr Par GRAND DRUGGIST, Meat. Poultry ami Fish Wfarre f- uryU afaoa- to Hli a'. .. mm 1 -- tfUlwwa wJa--T r. K-- m Tiif bad tb Mtenaiie and if re auij.ll h1 maw-- J. but tb at tba time waa not auffictect ilfa lZl."!f Ihl Uti l- - BUTCHERS. reported aa BtHal .L.ler tf.r Dr o( Lad brrli tending. Tbe ulL feat of ore. of tbe Kuir now abow SO ommem of alver. Hr . aawd uTJ. lb Day cmm m frua. Tint tWr udtr t at fHe Lm --ritoio tti ami T Hibiad With H body Si MMi x Ur the kieotitt il tijr uu mm Ik RAILROADS .H.t.reenwell&Bros. F, B. IIUKLBUT, haw mt omt mt tmt i FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5. 183t. i or LUBl orrALLUlU HAJIHOOUI (HasralsndMERVOUS DEBILITY; W,ltrni.nl1IiJ..JH:.J W I. niJV..ln. rmi.i. la Ba -- .i u. SAMlona fan Btr KJMtKLORrnORdjIJ rHTS0r SoDI. MOr 1 EKATSIbST LVutkt. la s hololll anf.llli,. Kaa I1U? rrnai 0(1 STaiaaii' I aitra I'eunirlr. HHUtbaS t. trl.llr aiplaMllaasaS rair nsl',4 rwalaSl IWt, ERIE MEDICAi. CO., H. Y. ,m ii |